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Discourse On The Events Affecting Positive And Negative Energies On Earth.

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year) begun to develop (through friends) an awareness of spiritual energies, other dimensions and "alternative" approaches after a lifetime of scientific endeavour and non-spriritual (but moral - I hope) living.

For many years now, I have been studying a number of subjects that have gradually been revealed to be interconnected, and have led me to the understanding that I have a spiritual ability and spiritual path ahead of me, although (frustratingly) I have had no idea what that path was to be.

Now I believe I know.

I am here as a teacher and to help redress the imbalance of energies on the planet to facilitate the 3D-5D transition.

After several hours of healing and guidance last night, I experienced a clarity of thought and purpose I have not felt before, and knew I had to communicate it with this group, if for no better reason than it might help others understand and that I may be able to help in the forthcoming changes in some way.

It is with this in mind that I send you the following paper to use as you will. It is a summary of my thoughts in the hours of this morning and my understanding of the position as it stands. May it help you in your efforts and assist others to achieve the understanding I have (assuming it is in any way correct!). Use it as you will freely and without restriction.

I apologise for the length of the work, which was necessary to explain my thoughts.

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Discourse On The Events Affecting Positive And Negative Energies On Earth.

The situation The Earth needs to progress towards a 5D energy vibration, which is being (at least in part) delayed or stopped by negative energies in general and the overall balance of energies among the Earth peoples.

Various methods are used by the negative elements within our societies to ensure that the energy emanating from individual “average” citizens is more negative than positive.

These elements involve/control not only Governments Worldwide, but the entire planetary popular media and normal, everyday communication channels.

Through other means, such as control of the natural energy grid (ley lines), HAARP etc, these negative elements seek to disrupt the potential of Earth’s peoples to harness and produce positive energies, thus maintaining, and even increasing their control over those peoples.

The changes required by Earth are intended / expected to occur at or by 2012, as prophesied by the Mayan calendar and other sources.

All parties which are intended to be on Earth at the appropriate time are part of the battle to either assist or hinder the Earth from making its progression.

Ascended Masters All those present on earth at the moment (or a large proportion thereof, who are those intended to participate in the important events leading to 2012) are Ascended Masters (The indigo children).

These masters have agreed to incarnate on Earth at this time to help with the transition to 5D. This assumes that their help will be both needed and available.

Part of the agreement allowing this was that the Ascended Masters incarnating would do so without their previous memories of lessons and skills learned in previous incarnations. (It is assumed that those incarnating for the “negative forces” had to accept similar conditions).

The knowledge learned in those previous incarnations still exists in the higher self, the greater knowledge of the Universe and other sources (crystals etc).

Therefore, the group that more effectively and more rapidly regains its previous knowledge and skills will have an advantage over the other (assuming equal proportions of both). Let us now examine the two groups.

The “Positives” All mankind is naturally “good” and therefore prefers to seek to help, benefit and otherwise do positive deeds towards his fellow man.

He (equally she) is inherently spiritual, reverential and seeks guidance.

He does not seek to gain from the misfortune, inadequacy or other problems of his fellow men.

He inherently trusts and believes what he sees, hears and reads.

This group consists of the overwhelming majority of people on Earth at present.

“The Negatives”

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

As society has grown, advanced technologically and become more widespread and integrated, man has seen it necessary to create rules, laws and Governments with which to ensure equal safety and prosperity for all.

In the process of this, (with or without external influence) certain individuals have gained power over their fellow men (control, influence, military strength etc). These individuals have, naturally come to covet the power that they have and therefore pass it on to their progeny (naturally enough).

From this principle have been born all hereditary benefits (Monarchs, Dictators, feudal rights of all kinds etc).

The significant (even if forced) energies directed towards these individuals (and their collective groups) has enabled them to connect to their higher energies and previous wisdom earlier than their rivals.

In order to secure this advantage permanently, they have created secret societies, groups, ceremonies and rites to facilitate passing on this knowledge to their kin and others like them.

Such groups inevitably attract those of like mind who area attracted to power, wealth and influence.

They also actively seek to recruit those of exceptional awareness / intelligence with a view to either converting to “the cause” or preventing their availability to “the other side”, thus increasing the imbalance of power.

By gaining control of the various means of Government, physical control (military and police functions), education, health, entertainment and information distribution, these groups have come to control every aspect of the life of “The Positives”, without ever being exposed for what they are or their agenda.

By continually pitting one group of “positives” against another by creating wars, social injustices, racial tensions, discrimination, hatred, political extremes, “natural disasters” and “terrorist events” (amongst others) and/or the perception of such events, this group continually distracts the masses from the actual injustices, barbaric acts and true agenda of its members.

Due to its overwhelming minority status, this group seeks to control all means by which the “positives” may seek to access their own inherent ancient knowledge and skills, therefore preventing any organised resistance to their plans.

When such organised resistance does occur, it is quickly labelled with a negative epithet and dealt with either by suppression, ridicule or force.

In order to address this issue, the balance of energies must be changed to a positive one, which will have exponential effects on all of mankind.

Current Status Some of “the Positives” have, however, by whatever means, achieved awareness of their previous knowledge, skills and incarnations. They have also seen the “negatives” for what they are, and understand the agenda and timescales.

Through various means, these people now seek to enable / facilitate the advance of the remaining Ascended Masters to their previous knowledge and wisdom in order to ensure the safe transition of Earth from 3D to 5D.

This program is proving somewhat successful, and increasing numbers of people are “awaking” from their forced ignorance and recovering their abilities, wisdom and natural positivity.

As more and more people join this group, the balance of power shifts gradually from one of negativity towards positivity causing two things to happen.

First, as positivity increases, it becomes easier and faster for additional people to “awake”.

Second, this forces the “negative” elements to take ever more dangerous and drastic actions to increase negativity in an effort to retain control and power.

The problem Create enough “positive” energy in the World to raise the MEAN vibrational energy enough to : 1. Demonstrate the existence of other dimensions to the masses (in a controlled and unalarming fashion) 2. Enable those previously unable to “tune in” to external energies, to do so 3. Overpower any “negative” energies limiting public awareness and ability

Assumptions 1. The total energy available in this dimension for “access” by all persons varies directly in relation to the sum of the energies available from the Earth (Ee), the Universe (Eu) and the “Love of man” emanating from humankind (Em). 2. Assuming (for all practical purposes and from a point of view of non-interference from external sources) that Ee and Eu are constant, this means that total energy varies directly in relation to the Energy focussed by man 3. This energy has two variable components, the number of people involved in focussing the energy (man = M) and the strength of their feeling (love, or conviction = C) 4. Conviction and love are stronger and more influential on the overall energy than the number of people involved

This situation could then be represented (loosely) as the following equation: Available Energy = number of people meditating x [mean conviction strength]2


E = MC2

Perhaps Einstein was trying to tell us something fundamental after all!

It would therefore follow that the total available energy could be raised either by increasing the numbers of people involved (at any one time), by increasing the “strength” of their meditation, or both.

By Increasing both at once via a coordinated campaign to meditate and focus on “positive energies” at a specific time, a massive boost to positive earth energies could be achieved. (Of course, the existing authorities would try to stop this, but that is another matter).

Steps to “Awakening” 1. We must realise that we have past incarnations, in which we have learned many things that would be of help to us today 2. We must learn to access our past wisdom for the benefit of all 3. We should use our ancient wisdom to help “awaken” others 4. This would steadily raise the vibration of Earth towards 5D 5. The most effective way to do this en masse would be to use the popular media (albeit “alternative” broadcasters, print media etc) a. Produce a (at least 1) movie demonstrating “Awakening” and its dramatic transformatory effects from suppression to truth. b. Launch a program to create a MASSIVE, coordinated World-wide event of synchronised meditation. This would involve pre-education etc (? Movie) and would embrace ALL existing religious grous (“The Big ‘Om’”) c. Other “popular” style events d. Education 6. Any efforts available to limit the actions of the “negatives” at such times would prove massively beneficial as it would allow large changes to be made in the balance without interference.

These suggestions are not exhaustive, nor presumed entirely correct or mathematically accurate, they are merely an expression of a current level of understanding and awareness of an individual who wishes to contribute actively to the “awakening” process, and has finally recognised his potential part in doing so.

Please feel free to reproduce this document in any form.

Discourse ends.

I trust that you receive this messagein the spirit in which it was intended. If I can be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Brian Adamson

Natural Health Information Centre
