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Glorious News! - Era Of Peace Latest Update

By Patricia Diane Cotao-Robles

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people all over the world are awakening and adding their Light to Earth's Ascension process.

It is very important that Lightworkers take the focus of our attention off of the negative patterns of Humanity's miscreations that are now surfacing to be healed and transmuted. Instead, we must empower the miracles occurring during this unique moment by putting our thoughts and energy into the Truth of the Divine Plan that is now unfolding. I would like to share a little of the background that has brought us to this point, so we will all be able to comprehend the magnitude of the glorious events that are now occurring on Earth.

The Earth and all life evolving upon her are going through a critical time of intense preparation. From the Lunar Eclipse on May 15, 2003, and the Solar Eclipse on May 31, 2003, until the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003, and the Solar Eclipse on November 23, 2003, Humanity is experiencing a quantum acceleration of energy, vibration and consciousness.

In perfect synchronicity with this Cosmic Moment, Mars is passing closer to the Earth than it has in tens of thousands of years. Contrary to all of the hype and misinformation, Mars is not a masculine planet of war, anger, aggression and dysfunctional relationships between men and women. Mars is a planet that bathes the Solar System with the Divine Love of our Mother God-the Sacred Fire Breath of the Holy Spirit.

After Humanity's fall from grace, Mars was named for the Roman God of War. That name was chosen because of the chaos fallen Humanity experienced in the wake of Mars each time it passed the Earth. Mars is probably the most misunderstood and the most inaccurately perceived planet in our Solar System.

As Mars sojourns through the Universe radiating the Divine Love of our Mother God, everything that conflicts with that Love is pushed to the surface to be transmuted. Consequently, in the wake of Mars' passing, we experience what appears to be an increase in the masculine abuse of power, aggression, domination, anger, war, hatred and everything else that conflicts with our Mother's Divine Love and reverence for life.

In ancient times, the astrologers witnessed the patterns of negativity Mars brought to the surface, but they were not able to comprehend the Divine Love pushing up those patterns of imperfection to be healed. They misinterpreted what they were seeing and erroneously believed that the intent of Mars was to bring these patterns of aggression to Earth.

In order to fully understand the miracle that Mars is bringing to Humanity now, we need to grasp the Truth about the necessary balance of our Father-Mother God.

The Polarities of God

The polarities of our Father-Mother God are NOT good and evil or negative and positive or Light and darkness, as we have often misperceived. The polarities of God are the masculine polarity of Divine Will, Authority and Power-the outbreath, radiation and activity of our Father God-and the feminine polarity of Divine Love, Adoration and Reverence for Life-the inbreath, magnetization and cohesive stillness of our Mother God.

In order for a Human Being to abide in a physical reality, both polarities of God must be present. In order for that Human Being to reach his or her Divine Potential, both polarities must be equally balanced. The polarities of our Father-Mother God are Power and Love, Will and Adoration, Outbreath and Inbreath, Radiation and Magnetization, Activity and Stillness.

Prior to the fall, these polarities were perfectly balanced within each of us. The masculine polarity of our Father God activated our left-brain hemisphere: our rational, logical mind and radiated out through the power center in our Throat Chakra. The feminine polarity of our Mother God activated our right-brain hemisphere: our intuitive, creative mind and radiated out through the love center in our Heart Chakra.

When our right- and left-brain hemispheres are equally balanced, our spiritual brain centers: our pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of the brain are activated. When these centers function at full capacity, our center of enlightenment, our Crown Chakra, is open to full breadth, which connects us with all of the various aspects of our multidimensional God Self. In this balanced state, our power is always embraced with love and reverence for life, and our gift of free will is used as God intended it to be used.

After the fall, everything changed. We started misusing our free will to distort our gift of life into negative thoughts and feelings, thus creating pain and suffering for the very first time. Tragically, our reflex response was to close our Heart Chakra, so the negative experiences we were creating wouldn't hurt so much. When we closed our heart, we blocked the portal through which the Divine Love of our Mother God entered the physical plane. That horrific event forced our Mother God to withdraw from the Earth causing Her Love to diminish to a mere fraction of its potential. The trickle of Light that remained from our Mother God was barely enough to sustain brain consciousness.

Without the full power of our Mother God's Love, our right brain became almost dormant, which, in turn, caused our spiritual brain centers to atrophy and our Crown Chakra to close. This short-circuited our ability to communicate with our God Self. Without the guidance of our God Self, we became consumed with fear and eventually manifested the fragmented aspect of our personality we now know as our human ego.

Through the distorted perception of our ego, we decided that the physical plane of Earth must be the only reality that exists. Our ego mistakenly decided that our physical body must be all that we are, so our purpose and reason for being must be to gratify our physical senses. With that perverted notion, we were catapulted into a quagmire of compulsive, obsessive greed and excesses that exists to this very day.

When our Mother God withdrew, we began using the power of our Throat Chakra without the love of our Heart Chakra or the enlightenment of our Crown Chakra. Without enlightenment and love, we started grossly abusing and misusing our power. When we embodied as males, we abused our power by becoming aggressive, violent and domineering. When we embodied as females, we abused our power by being passive, subservient and allowing ourselves to be dominated and abused. Every malady existing on Earth today can be traced back to this lack of reverence for life and the abuse of power that was created when we closed our hearts, and our Mother God withdrew Her Love.

Now we are standing on the threshold of the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted in the whole of Creation. In order for everyone to awaken in time to succeed in this wondrous endeavor, Humanity en masse must open our hearts, and our Mother God must return to Earth. The assistance Mars is giving to Earth during this rare passage is a major factor in accomplishing this goal.

Because of the myriad activities of Light that Lightworkers all over the world have successfully accomplished since the first Harmonic Convergence in August 1987, Mars is now able to bathe the Earth with more intensified frequencies of our Mother God's Love than we have experienced in millions and millions of years. This is giving Humanity the opportunity to transmute the thoughtforms and archetypes of our abuse of power all the way back to the initial impulse of the fall.

The energetic imprints and etheric records of millions of years of abuse, which reflect our aggressive, warlike, fear-based, violent, hateful behavior patterns, are now being purged and pushed to the surface, so they can be healed once and for all. Needless to say, this is creating very intense situations in the lives of people all over the world, but the end result of this unprecedented cleansing will be well worth whatever we have volunteered to experience. Wounds must be cleansed before they can be healed.

We cannot control all of the things that are manifesting on the screen of life, but we have absolute control over how we respond to each event and how we allow the surfacing challenges to affect us. Remember, where your attention is there YOU are. Focus on the wonder of the unfolding Divine Plan, and energize your thought patterns of Heaven on Earth with every breath you take. You are the Heart, Head and Hands of God in the physical world of form. Be the Loving, Peace Commanding Presence you have been trained over aeons of time to be.

I would like to share with you now some of the incredible events that were God Victoriously accomplished over the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence at the Seventeenth Annual World Congress On Illumination.

Lightworkers from seventeen countries responded to their heart's call and gathered within the portal of Healing through Limitless Transmutation and Transfiguring Divine Love in Tucson, Arizona, to serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity. There were Lightworkers from Australia, Bolivia, Bosnia, Canada, Dominican Republic, England, France, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, Namibia, Netherlands, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland and throughout the United States of America.

The World Congress was held August 16-21, 2003. On August 14, 2003, the United States and Canada experienced the largest electrical blackout in history. It covered large portions of Canada and much of the Northeast region of the USA. As I have shared with you many times before, outer-world events that focus the collective consciousness of millions of people can be used by the Company of Heaven to assist the unfolding Divine Plan on Earth. The Cup of Humanity's collective consciousness is the Open Door for the Light of God. Often outer-world events serve as metaphors for the facet of the Divine Plan that is being implemented at the time.

In this case, our Divine Mission at the World Congress was to serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity, so that we could assist every man, woman and child on Earth to transcend and transmute the massive negativity surfacing all over the world. This negativity involves the darkest, most destructive patterns of energy Humanity has ever created. These are the mutated patterns of hate and abuse of power that were destined to be left behind on the old Earth. That was before the miracle of the merging of the old Earth and the new Earth took place last year. Now, ALL life is Ascending into the 5th Dimension, and these energies must be transmuted and returned to the Light.

The Company of Heaven advised us that our mission would be accomplished through the unified efforts of both Heaven and Earth. They said that the Lightworkers in physical attendance at the World Congress and the God Selves of all Humanity would participate at inner levels with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity.

To succeed in our mission, Humanity had to first be lifted into more rarefied frequencies of the 5th Dimension. Then through the collective Cup of our unified consciousness and the Divine Intervention of the Company of Heaven, we would be able to create the sacred space for the return of our Mother God. We were told by our Father-Mother God that through the victory of that miracle, the 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakra of every evolving soul on Earth would be opened to full breadth.

The blackout served as a powerful catalyst to prepare Humanity for the activities of Light that were scheduled to take place at the World Congress. I do not know of a more effective way to get hundreds of millions of people all over the world to simultaneously focus on returning the Light to Earth than for over 50,000,000 people to be instantly cast into darkness.

This incredible event also turned the attention of the millions of people involved toward the Heavens. It was reported that in Toronto, New York, Detroit, Cleveland and many other large cities, people were able to see the stars for the first time in decades. They were also able to experience the rare beauty of the approaching Planet Mars.

The various news reports about the blackout were both interesting and supportive of the unfolding Divine Plan.

When we are going through a purging or cleansing, our God Self projects our lifeforce through our Chakras and meridians in a counterclockwise direction. On the news, it was reported that the electricity normally flows through the grid in a clockwise motion, but for some unknown reason, the blackout cascaded through the grid in a counterclockwise motion.

In order for Humanity's hearts to be opened to full breadth, the first frequencies of the 5th Dimension had to be expanded within every Heart Flame. It was reported that the experts think the blackout began in Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio is considered the Heart of America and even has "In the Heart of it all" written on the state's vehicle license plates. The company that the experts think may be the beginning point for the blackout is called First Energy. How is that for an outer-world metaphor?

The night of the blackout, we had a rain storm in Tucson, Arizona, and the meteorologists recorded over 1,000 lightning strikes. They said that for a storm that size the norm is 80 to 100 strikes. That same night, over 5,000 lightning strikes were recorded throughout Arizona. The Beings of Light said the portal of Healing through Limitless Transmutation and Transfiguring Divine Love in Tucson was being prepared to withstand the most intensified frequencies of our Mother God's Love the Earth had ever experienced.

On August 15, 2003, Mother Mary's Ascension Day, all of the aspects of our Mother God throughout Infinity projected through the portal of Light in Tucson, Arizona, the highest frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love the Earth had ever experienced. This gift from our Mother God bathed all life and was assimilated into the atomic and subatomic particles of the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of every person evolving on Earth.

As the Earth and all her life basked in the radiance of our Mother's Love, Idi Amin, one of the world's most brutal and notorious dictators, left the physical plane of Earth. In his lifetime, Idi Amin modeled the epitome of human depravity and abuse of power. He clearly reflected the depths Humanity fell to when we closed our hearts, causing our Mother God to withdraw from Earth.

Through his brutality and hatred, Idi Amin connected to the darkest energies Humanity had ever created. When he left the physical plane, he was embraced in our Mother's Love and escorted by Archangel Michael into the inner schools of learning. There he will experience the results of his actions and learn the lessons of reverence for all life.
