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Bring Goodness Through Focused Visualization

Bridgette Bray and Gillian Grannum

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ous to mention.

End war in the Middle East

Close the eyes to the outer and gaze deeply into your heart until you see Earth clearly within your visualization. Rotate this image of the Earth to the Middle East. Observe blotches on the surface exhibiting the characteristics of measles. Breathe the violet consuming flame into your heart and send it within, thru, and around each diseased spot. Continue visualizing this purifying flame until the blotches fade into a beautiful emanation of light.

Ask your "I AM" Presence to place within these now cleansed spots God's immaculate concept of perfection restored to this region. Finally, expand the light from each cleansed spot until the entire Middle East becomes a blazing glow of white light. Your visualization is complete when you perceive a cleansed, renewed, enlightened region pulsing harmony, peace, and joy to you in thankfulness for your visualization.

Cleanse Economic corridors with light

Visualize computerized networks linked together in a grid crisscrossing your Earth. Dominant centers of commerce may be perceived as organs in the body of a vast network interconnected via arteries and veins made up of optical light fibers. This network pulses continuously around your globe.

See black streamers billowing up from this network. These represent the corrupting influence of darkened minds feverishly manipulating strings of lack and limitation within this network. Replace these darkened minds with enlightened beings within this economic network. As these enlightened ones take hold see the black streamers disappear completely and the entire grid fill with the light of God's abundance. See this economic grid performing perfectly for the benefit of all mankind, with value flowing effortlessly toward the mass of humanity and those controlling this flow filled with heavenly light as they adjust financial conditions on the Earth.

Cleanse locales housing state, federal and international governments

Focus on locales of governance infesting your earth. Clearly visualize the accelerated removal from office of all entities aligned with ego-driven, power-lusting, destructive agendas. Observe hordes of darkened minds withdrawing from positions of power and being replaced by enlightened God-centered servers. Give thanks to God for the harmony prevailing around an earth blessed with the benevolent stewardship of light, honor, truth, trust, loyalty, steadfastness, and universal love.

Personalize visualization and generate light in matters important to you

Whenever prompted, close your eyes and visualize the earth holding within her energy fields the imprints of whatever you wish transformed that affects you personally and includes none without consent. As you alter yourself you alter the pictures of reality you inhabit. Therefore by concentrating on eliminating some perceived fault in yourself, or amplifying some good you would experience in your lifestream you change the world you inhabit.

Let go of blame, fear, anxiety, anger, frustration and replace these with acceptance, love, serenity, peace, and harmony. By so doing you create and experience heaven on earth.

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