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Can You Feel the Vibration?

By Rock of Gibraltar

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erienced a hurricane or any other kind of natural disaster. The closet I came to seeing an actual disaster was hurricane Hugo in South Carolina. The time was 1990 and I worked for the U.S. Forest Service as a wildland firefighter on the Idaho National Panhandle Forest. In May of that year I was called backed to work earlier than expected. I and two other firefighters were deployed as an engine crew to Charleston South Carolina to help in the clean-up of the devastated area. Our duties were to clean up the national parks of downed debris and to patrol the Marion-Francis National Forest.

I saw a lot of destruction to the landscape such as big old oak trees pulled out of the ground. There were many homes destroyed with lots and lots of debris scattered everywhere. The most devastating site that I saw was to the National Forest itself. A good majority of the trees in the forest landscape were broken in half. This is only a tiny experience of destruction I witnessed and really does not compare to what is happening in the gulf coast region now.

I know that the people of Earth-Shan were watching striking events of chaos, control, and the demoralization of human beings. Everyone was glued to their televisions probably wondering when the cavalry was going to arrive. I can tell you folks that I felt totally helpless knowing that all I could do is pray and hope that the cavalry did come to the people. What the people of Earth-Shan witnessed that first week after Hurricane Katrina was an unprecedented usurpation of innocent victims becoming the elite controller’s toys, in a game of death.

So let’s go back just as Hurricane Katrina swept through the gulf coast region. I know many people world wide have been keeping up with the reports on the internet. Over the years there have been many reports about how the weather can be controlled. Yes indeed this has been one of the elite controllers tools to control the environment. Over the years the Lighted Realms along with the petitions and prayers of the people have withered away much of that technology. Of course the dark-side never quits with their antics, so Hurricane Katrina is a last ditch play to take their plans a step further to reach world domination. You see Hurricane Katrina was to be a natural occurrence planned by Earth-Shan. Its objective was to do a cleansing of the gulf coast region, but with minimal damage. I have personally never visited this area, but through the eyes of others this part of the country surely needed a good cleansing of what you could say is Sodom and Gomorrah. The dark-side decided this was an opportunity to eliminate a lot of goyim (useless eaters). So as Hurricane Katrina came ashore, the dark-side intensified the severity of the winds pushing the high wall of sea water further inland.

The controllers were counting on the destructive path to eliminate much of the population and if any were left alive they were to be used to excel their plans for world domination. You must remember folks that the dark-side is nothing but a parasite riding on the backs of the unsuspecting victim, which is your free-will. You must at every interval of time make sure to clear out the dark minions that are constantly feeding off your emotions. So let me focus on the main reason for this short writing. In the first week of the hurricane destruction, I was personally agonizing over the fact that there was not a lot that I could do to help elevate the situation in the gulf coast region. My first reaction was to pack up my vehicle with what ever I could haul, round up as much money as I could and start driving. Unfortunately I was not the only one that had this thought. There were others that contemplated this option, but came to the realization that we did not have the funds to make such a challenging trip.

In view of my frustration I turned to others for their opinion. Surely when you start conversing with people of like mind and who are also truth-bringers ideas would surface. In the end scale of gnashing teeth and sleepless nights, the conclusion was to pray. So as the days passed and the torment of the survivors of Hurricane Katrina marched on it would seem there was no light at the end of the tunnel. In the days while the world watched helplessly there was a miracle taking place on Earth-Shan. A wonderful enlightenment was occurring and no one was the wiser.

The internet is a fantastic way to spread enormous amounts of information to a world that is hungry for just about anything. With the group of truth-bringers that I have worked with for the past several years, it has been a beneficial tool in getting truth to the people of the world. This technology has launched a way for both the spiritual perspective of higher learning and new age religion to flourish. So with all that has been said I want you the reader to be discerning in all the information that you consume. That means that what I’m about to tell you is of my own perception of a conversation that I had with Esu Immanuel Sananda. I do not claim to be one who channels like so many on the internet. When I converse with the higher realms it is for my own learning and soul growth to connect with my I Am Presence which puts me closer to the omnipresence of the one source Creator.

I had a very interesting conversation with Esu Immanuel Sananda and Christ Michael. The construction of this writing and title is the result of that conversation. When many of us learned of the stand down notice to all the rescue workers to halt all rescue activities in the gulf coast region, this set off a chain reaction resonating world wide. There had to be something done now at that time to overcome the dark-side antics of mayhem and destruction. Can you explain why all of a sudden the flood gates of help opened up to the gulf coast region? The dark-side were not about to relent their control. The world must understand that with the cries and out pouring of their broken hearts for their neighbor a resonating vibration went out to the etheretic realms as an SOS. This resonating beam of sound was deflected off the lighted realms shields and reflected back to the controllers in the gulf coast region.

Can you feel the vibration? Have you felt the vibration? The dark-side can feel that vibration and it is not one to their liking. This resonating vibration is intended for the dark-side and all the low frequency energy minions. Many of you know a devise in our society used on animals; the tone from this devise can only be heard by animals, so guess what folks it’s the same concept being used on the dark-side. Let me explain further. When the people of the gulf coast region were not getting the help that they needed the world came together with their prayers, petitions, cries and a big SOS to the higher realms. The call was so great in intensity that the result was an excruciating high pitch frequency tone pointed directly in the gulf coast region. Can you imagine thousands upon thousands of people screaming and crying in your ear? This horrible sound would be enough to drive many insane or better yet, know when to stop their antics.

Try to understand folks you have the power! Creator God is there and he never leaves, truly understand that. The people of the world as a whole came together for the needs of others, why can’t we do that for all the other incidences connected to our world situations. Think about it. We created a miracle. We can change our direction, our course for the future here on Earth-Shan. Can you feel the Love? Can you see the future with your eyes wide open? Let’s continue the out pouring of Love because it’s time to get the job done. Let us be the true care takers of this beautiful planet. Can you feel a fantastic vibration flowing through you? If you can’t it is time to get connected with your Mighty I Am Presence.
