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May God Forgive Us For Unneccarily Going To Battle With Iraq

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ther terrorist groups.

But did Australia and the Defence Force really believe Iraq had WMD and would use them to support its national interests? Definitely. Were intelligence assessments of Iraq's WMD arsenal and its ability to mount military operations exaggerated and inaccurate? Certainly. But in the absence of any clear mitigation, there is no alternative to concluding that the March 2003 invasion was neither just nor necessary.

I am not saying the war failed to produce any positive outcomes - happily, Saddam Hussein has gone. Nor that it cannot be explained in constructive political terms - the shift to democracy in Baghdad is most welcome. My judgement is that the war cannot be reconciled with just war principles.

Is this of concern? Yes. The relationship of trust that needs to exist between the Government and the people for a healthy democracy to exist may have been damaged by what must be regarded as an unnecessary pre-emptive military strike.

As we ponder the war in Iraq, three observations can be made. First, there is a continuing need of better systems for arbitrating international disputes.

Second, there must be sombre recognition of the complexities associated with armed intervention. While the overthrow of a despotic regime may be achieved quickly, rebuilding countries with a poisoned political culture takes considerably longer.

The causes of disorder and violence are varied and profound, including the availability of guns and drugs, and the prevalence of racism and sexism together with the dissipation of the family.

The weapons of war are not bullets and bombs but humanitarian aid, and direct economic relief and assistance. Armed intervention is time-consuming and expensive if genuine political and economic progress is to be made. This must not be forgotten.

Third, attempts to rebuild civil society are impeded if the invading army or the occupying force fails to uphold certain standards of behaviour.

On March 18 last year - two days before the war began - I addressed students in the united faculty of theology at Melbourne University. Asked "is the proposed war against Iraq just, or just another war?" I said: "We are, as yet, unable to say with complete confidence. The final determination cannot be made until we are acquainted with the information now known by the Government, when we have seen the extent of the WMD that the 'coalition of the willing' alleges Iraq maintains, and when the full human cost of war has been calculated." I am now able to answer that question: it was just another war.

Looking back on the past 18 months, I continue to seek God's forgiveness for my complicity in creating a world in which this sort of action was ever considered by anyone to be necessary. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Dr Tom Frame is the Anglican bishop to the Australian Defence Force. This article first appeared in The Melbourne Anglican.
