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Soulsong #461 – How Do I Deal with Failure? (With Audio)

Karen Williams

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immediate action to validate myself. I might frantically try to find a new job or partner, work longer hours, call in new experts, simply TRY HARDER.

But until I begin thinking in new ways, I’ll likely rush headlong into more – you guessed it – failure.

Every person and every circumstance responds to me according to my vibration, which is simply an accumulation of my thoughts. My first order of business, then, is to soothe myself and shrug off a sense of inadequacy. I can start by acknowledging that the only people who never fail are those who never try. I can read inspiring articles and books about people who rebuilt their lives after problems and mistakes.

Then I can spend time each day envisioning myself as I want to be – successful, fulfilled, relaxed, competent, appreciated, sought-after. I imagine myself feeling this way in a variety of circumstances, and I keep at it until this sort of picture of myself begins to feel natural.

As my self-image changes, my circumstances will change accordingly. People will respond to me differently, and opportunities will manifest. I’ll exude wisdom, accuracy, and efficiency. I’ll get far greater results with less effort, for I’ve set countless good things in motion with my thoughts.

Failure can wondrously jumpstart me into new patterns of mental focus - happy patterns, positive patterns - that gradually unfold a no-limits life.