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I Am My Brother's Keeper: I AM I AM I AM

Kathryn Mary

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rmony, lack of union and war. This causes weakness, ruin and misery. Profit is the motivating factor which has retarded the world’s spiritual growth, and is creating its downfall. Liberty is born of the soul not the ego. Evil and imperfection may best combated by the good and perfect. We must create spiritual balance, an open heart for the needs of the outer world, and inner fortitude with unfaltering endurance.

At this time, we must all seek to alleviate the distress that is very heavy upon our Mother of Life. This is the time and now is our glory. What can we do? First, we must come to know truth of holy wisdom. We must be fruitful, gain knowledge, and multiply our understanding. We must cast out all lowly ego desires and purify our hearts and minds and put soul in control. We must become the fruit off the Tree of Good/God.

Then and only then can the Christ Spirit enter into our temple house and direct us as it did our elder brother, Jesus, to cry out, ''Lo, I have come to do thy will, O God”. By their fruits of heart and mind you will know them. A man is only as good as his word. Our Father in Heaven is always good to his word. It is our Father’s nature to love and assist his created daughters and sons in obtaining freedom from self-created bondage and every distortion by the lords of hindrance and sinister strategies of the brothers of the shadow greed and power mongers.

We must ask. What we ask from the spirit of the higher Christ consciousness within our heart, mind and soul, we will receive. A Heavenly Host now surrounds our Mother of Life. Our space brothers in our Lord’s Divine government are here full force to help us, but we must ask and invite them to take an active part in assisting all mankind.

Therefore, this letter is really an invitation to help us. Please Divine Sisters and Brothers in the name of the Spirit of the Christ, and for the love of God, please come NOW and help us create a world court to expose all who have worked against the Universal laws of peace and brotherhood, all who have twisted truth into falsehood, all who hinder our spiritual growth to enhance their selfish and greedy ego desires, and all for the love of big money. With love and gratitude I thank you. May peace be with all, SOON. Love, your sister Kathryn Mary