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Golden Age Of Prosperity

By Cara Lee McKennon

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What is your vision of the Golden Age of Prosperity?

Both Christ Michael and Sananda said, "When two or more in my name," miracles happen. So focus on the Golden Age of Prosperity. NESARA is just the beginning, not the end game. What do you want the world to be like in our Golden Age of Prosperity? We are a lot more than just two, we Lightworkers number in the hundreds, thousands, even hundreds of thousands. We can do this.

If you already have a vision of the Golden Age, share it, if not, write one up, then share it. Mine is below.

LOVE AROUND THE WORLD: The people of the world feel love for their fellow man, woman and child, which includes every nation, every race, every creed, every religion, every non religion, and animals, both wild and domestic, and know they are loved in return. We all know we are part of the One that is.

WORLD HEALTH: Every person on the face of the Earth, every animal, and the environment has perfect health. Each person never ages beyond the youthful appearance and vitality of someone around 25 to 30. Anyone who is injured can be instantly restored to perfect health.

WORLD PEACE: People of every nation, religion, relatives, spouses, significant others, siblings, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, children and their parents, peers in schools, co-workers, business rivals, and anyone else live in peace with all others

WORLD FREEDOM: Every nation in the world has true freedom. Their citizens feel and know they are truly sovereign citizens of their countries and know their government protects their rights and freedoms and provides them the best leadership possible with leaders who are honorable, have integrity and who have the best interests of the country and its people at heart during all their decision making and in carrying out those laws, policies and procedures.

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW WORLDWIDE. Every nation in the world functions under Constitutional Law. Their judicial system operates under this type of law.

WORLD HONOR, RESPECT AND INTEGRITY People around the world treat other people, nations, gender, religions, races, creeds, ethnic groups, animals and the environment with honor, respect and integrity.

WORLD FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: Every nation has freedom of the press, and knows that what they read in books, hear on TV, on radio, in newspapers, and read over the internet is the truth.

WORLD ENVIRONMENT PERFECTION: Our environment is a true vision of beauty with clean and clear beautiful lakes, rivers, streams, brooks, ponds. Our world’s oceans are abundant with life and are clean and clear. Our skies are so clear and blue we can almost see forever. Our soil is vibrant and fertile so that food, flowers, plants and trees flourish in health and vitality. Wild life, birds, fish live wild and free in their natural habitats.

PERFECT WORLDWIDE WEATHER: We have semi-tropical weather around the globe with gentle breezes and rains without the raging storms and natural disasters of yester year.

WORLD HARMONY: People around the world live in harmony with their families, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, peers, business associates, employees, bosses, teachers, students, leaders, fellow workers, other nations and others and are always willing to lend a helping hand whenever needed without being asked and do it with gladness in their heart to know they have done something worth while for someone else. And people know they will have willing assistance of gladness anytime it is needed.

WORLD BALANCE: Everything and everyone in the world lives in balance with everyone and everything else whether it is people, nations, groups, the environment, or animals.

WORLD PROSPERITY: Everyone in the world is independently wealthy so they use their time to learn and make the world a better place to live in. They now focus their time, talents and attention on things that truly interest them to help humanity and themselves become more enlightened.

WORLD ABUNDANCE: We have an abundance of food and the necessities of life. No want or lack. Every adult has a beautiful dwelling of their own using materials that harmonize with nature and the environment which are pleasing to the eye, and includes all the latest technology like replicators; energy free homes; organic computers that can think for themselves and do so with honor and integrity; cars and other vehicles that hover above the ground and can fly; plumbing that promotes health and water faucets that turn on and off automatically without turning it on and off with your hand.; state of the art kitchens and bathrooms; entertainment centers to please the senses that uses voice commands; the furnishings are environmentally safe to people, animals and the environment. With beautiful vibrant, healthy gardens of flowers, plants, trees and shrubs to each person’s liking and preference that can be changed as they please or the mood strikes them using their psychic ability to manifest whatever they want.

PSYCHIC ABILITY WORLD WIDE People around the world can do telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and are able to manifest whatever they wish for the betterment of mankind and themselves with mutual honor and respect for all.

WORLD MILITARY CONVERTED TO EXPLORATION. World militaries focus their attention on the unknown to seek out un-chartered areas of the world, oceans and space.

A CRIME FREE WORLD: People live with such love, abundance, prosperity, honor, respect, integrity, and caring for themselves and their fellow man, woman and child, nation, and others that the very idea of committing any kind of crime is completely foreign to them and is totally unheard of in our world.

WORLD WIDE POLICE FORCES CONVERTED TO SAFETY. Police forces are safety patrols and are used for public safety to help those in any kind of need like from accidents, fires or some other unknown reason.

WORLD WIDE ACCEPTANCE OF EXTRATERRESTIALS: People around the globe accept and now welcome our relatives, brothers and sisters from the stars and are willingly learning from their guidance, counsel and experience. And equally as important have extended all the above to our universal family and those who are and will make Earth their new home.

What is your vision?

Cara McKennon

