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Dariel: "Fight The Good Fight -- And Never Give Up"

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rrently throwing off M and X-Class Solar Flares. These monster flares are causing major weather disturbances, major earthquakes, and are wreaking havoc on our planet. Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain spoke to us in January 2003 about this situation. He told us that Heaven itself could not stop Mother Gaia once she made the decision to cleanse herself. She has obviously made that decision.

We need not fear these things, as we are highly protected. Think about this: out of all the earthquakes that our planet has experienced in your lifetime, how many people have you personally known that died or were injured by one of them? The closest for me was a friend who was in the big Anchorage quake back in the 60s, which was a huge quake that destroyed much of the city of Anchorage. He survived it, as did millions of others.

I remember reading a book back in the 60s called "We Are The Earthquake Generation". It talked about an interesting theory that the earth responded with earthquakes in direct proportion to the spiritual decline in peoples' consciousness in certain geographic areas. For example, Chatsworth, California has been hit several times with large quakes. Chatsworth is well known for producing most of the porn films. Interesting.

In Mr. Nidle's latest update, it is stated that the number of ships in our atmosphere has been increased to alter the energies coming into our planet. Could this be an effort to minimize the effects of these monster solar flares? Meanwhile, the Matrix appears to continue on as usual, in spite of the best efforts by the White Knights and Ascended Masters. We need to continue to focus on what we desire, not on what appears to be going on around us. Zion is certainly obtainable, but we must first know what we desire, then focus our sincerest intent on those desires. We see cracks and anomalies appearing in the Matrix with more frequency as time moves on.

What is Zion? To me, Zion is a state of being where we are totally unaffected by outside stimulus, or by artificial limits imposed by others. Zion is a blissful state that comes only through disciplined mastery of everything around us. When we can conquer the fear that the controllers of this illusion constantly put out, we are well on our way to reaching Mount Zion. It all exists only in our mind anyway, and we can transcend that fear, and transmute it into useful energy.

May 28th was an intense day for many people. It hit 99 degrees where we live, tempers were short, and many people had a very trying day. Some said that May 27th was a pivotal point in our evolution, and there was definitely some sort of shift felt here.

An old friend from the past, Cmdr. Hatonn, put out a message on May 27th telling us each to go within for the answers we seek. This certainly seems like good advice. My inner guidance is telling me that the Great Shift is well underway, that everything is proceeding according to a divine schedule, and that there is nothing to worry or fret about. Patience is becoming my best friend, and trust is a must to make it through these seemingly chaotic days. Many of us are now beginning to hear strange sounds, music, voices and are seeing strange objects and people during our waking hours. The veils are thinning and the illusions are fading. More and more people are witnessing spacecraft in our skies. The dreams are intense now, are they not?

As we gradually begin our ascent to Zion, we are slowly throwing off the chains of the prison world that has been created all around us ? the Matrix. Out of nowhere, there are magically appearing programs that can free us from the TIN man's 1040, the shackles of credit card debt, and now, there is even a program that can legally free us of our mortgage debt! Since the controllers create money out of thin air, the process can legally be reversed on them, the fraud is exposed, and the lender goes quietly away, leaving the mortgage debt canceled and the borrower with a good credit report.

Some people who learn of these wondrous programs have been prepared to accept them, and they openly embrace them. However, many are still programmed with fear of unknown things, and they say things like "this is an obvious scam", or "I'll go to jail", or "you are defrauding the system". No, my friends, the system has been defrauding us for many years. Do you not see how everything is twisted to make the controllers look like the good guys, and everyone else the bad guys? Take the Iraq slaughter for example. Saddam Hussein was the bad guy and we were the good guys? That justified us bombing the hell of them. Where are the WMD? Now they have their sights on Iran. They are lying to us again and telling us that the WMD are now located in Iran. Are we going to get fooled again by the same ploy?

What about NESARA? What's up with that? Every time a new date is projected, we get all excited and then it doesn't happen, and we become all depressed about it. Well, maybe we need to take a fresh look at NESARA. Let's see ? let's go back about 2 years in time. When the Dove of Oneness first started writing about NESARA she said that taxes would be nullified (they now legally can be), she said that mortgage rates would be around 5% (they are there right now - on average), she said that credit card debt would be eliminated (it now legally can be), and that there would be mortgage forgiveness (there legally can be as well). There is tremendous impetus to return to the gold standard and to issue real money. There are major movements to impeach the squatters in Washington. Now, some critical people call Dove a crazy woman, yet almost everything she said would be coming to pass, is now coming to pass!

We can now become those sovereign individuals that we each dream about, but we must each make the decision, we must each take the action, we must each face up to our responsibilities. Heaven is not going to rescue us ? get that silly thought out of your heads. Heaven is here because we cried out for help, and now they are here to assist us and level the playing field. This is our journey and we must each make our own ascent into Zion. What if NESARA is not real? Many people have brought this idea up to me, and my response is, "So what?" What if NESARA is just an idea? Well, wasn't the Constitution for the united states just an idea at one point? That inspired document (thank you, St. Germain) gave millions of colonists hope for a better life in a new world. NESARA does the same thing. St. Germain once told us that what really matters is that people do not need to support NESARA itself, but they definitely should be supporting the PRINCIPLES embodied within NESARA. Go back and get a copy of Handbook for the New Paradigm and read how it was projected that a document would appear one day espousing the principles of sovereignty, prosperity, and freedom. There would be tremendous debate over the document and people all over the world would discuss it and began to vote on it and enact portions of it. Is this not exactly what is happening right now?

Ask yourself this important question: "What actions am I personally performing to support the principles embodied within NESARA?" Be brutally honest with your answer. Most of the ones that I observe are doing absolutely nothing. They read all the Dove reports, then they bitch and moan when nothing happens. Some are getting involved in various activities and projects to promote peace. A few are actually courageously taking the steps to achieve individual sovereignty in their lives right now.

It takes courage to fight a battle. It takes guts to stand up for a bold idea like NESARA. The next time you think of being critical of Dove or Sheldan or Jennifer or any of the other messengers, ask yourself if you would have the courage to stick your neck out. It is no picnic to be out front supporting an idea like NESARA. Wake up, friends. There is only one way out of the Matrix. As long as fear continues to rule you, you will be trapped in it forever.

To those who are actually taking the necessary actions, I salute you. We are almost to the goal line! Let us redouble our efforts in getting our dreams into manifestation. It has been a long, hard, uphill battle for most, and most of us are weary, tired, and drained. The Good News is that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that Freedom Train has our names written on it.

Continue to fight the good fight, and never, never, never give up! Namaste, I AM Dariel.
