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Independence Day Wake Up Call

By Nancy Tate

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re all asleep at the wheel and being driven into an abyss from which there is no escape.

Then I look around me, and I look at the faces of the people on the TV screen, and I see in their eyes that their idea of freedom and an America that they grew up with is still alive and still their reality. They have not forgotten what this country stands for, and what they learned of it s origins. They remember what this country was born from, and they remember how it feels to be part of the creation of a country born in freedom and fulfilled by the idea that we are brother and sister, and that we are a family that is invincible.

How can we take that idea out of the eyes and hearts of the people of America? Even with all that is taking place across the waters that would say that it is all a travesty, that we are a nation of barbarians, there is still the truth that lives within the hearts of the people who live here. As long as that idea lives, then on some level it is true.

Would you swap your idea of a free America for the lies that are told in various places over the globe? Would you trade your idea of a free America for the stories that some of the newspapers and TV shows broadcast? I would not, for I know that as long as the idea that I was born into in this life is that we are a caring and free nation lives, then there is hope for that to be so in the truest sense of the word.

Oh, I m not saying that I am burying my head in the desert sands and turning a blind eye to what is taking place in the byways and alleys of this country. I am saying that I will not give it any more focus than a neutral observation, and then I will go on and live my life according to what my heart tells me is the truth. When the truth says that there is tyranny in this country, then I will bring a free idea to someone. When someone says that we are in the midst of being terrorized by people from across the sea, I will turn to my neighbor and invite them for a cup of tea. When I see that it takes me 3 hours to board a plane, I will smile and enjoy the people around me and the book I brought to read.

I did not sit down to my computer tonight to lay it on the line about what it takes to make this country the way it was once before. I did not want to even bring out any of the information that has been being revealed about what is taking place in this country and the world. What I wanted to do was to express what was bulging at the barriers of my heart and what I could not keep confined to the restrictions that kept my voice silent.

What I wanted to do was to express to you that no matter how anything looks on the outside, you d better know that as long as what you are feeling on the inside that tells you that you love the country that is your birthplace, then you d better hold on to that and know that in doing so it can be that way again. It can be the place where dreams are born and lived. It can be that place where you can roam free and safe. It can be that place where there is truth in every paper and on every screen that brings forth the news about what is taking place in this land that we call home. It can be that place where everyone has an equal chance at a quality life full of promise and joy.

Do I sound like I am living in a dream world? Well come and join me, I d rather live in a dream where I know dreams can come true, than live a nightmare every moment and know that this is all there is.

Dreams do come true, my dear friends. And even if the dream is a bit tarnished and desperately needs revision, there is hope for that as long as we keep that dream solid and sure in our hearts and in our knowing. From that knowing we can rebuild the dream that takes us into the new age of freedom and prosperity for all people in the world. We can create our dream to encompass all who live on and in this glorious planet earth. And we can honor and salute in appreciation all the diverse cultures of the world and recognize that we are all one family individually expressing our love for everyone.

Let s take our country back and know that what lives in our hearts is the same as what we see and experience out there in our physicality. The more we see that for what we know it is in our hearts, then the sooner we can bring about that which we intend for our lives. Bring the energy of manifestation forward in the way of freedom and justice for all to see. It begins at home, my friends, and that is in each and every heart that sings forth the truth of their being and the song that rings through for all of mankind.

I sit here now and listen to the neighborhood sending their celebration out into the night sky, and I sing in my heart with them, for without that dream, there is no sense to being here in our homes and giving the idea verification. Tomorrow I will pick up and take my stand again to broadcast what we can do with our Spiritual know how to spread the energy of love and compassion throughout the world. Tonight I am sitting here and asking you all to see what I see when you look out on the scene outside your own home. See the America you love, and go out there and do what inspires you to make sure that you never wake up from the dream in your heart to the nightmare that waits at your door.

This is a time for changing, and the change involves putting your ideas and your trust in your own power to the test. When you gaze over the scene of fireworks lighting up the night sky over Washington DC and New York City, know in your heart of hearts that it is the truest light that can represent the reality that lives forever and ever Amen, and Namaste.

Happy July 4th to all of you.

I love you all,

Nancy Tate
