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Ascended Earth Update

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Please continue to sweep the Atlantic and eastern Pacific with the Giant Green Broom , moving all potential tropical disturbances into the Green Vortex Storm Drain before they can develop. 1 oz of prevention is better than 1 lb. of cure.

More Truth is coming out from our Violet Broom Sweeping as well.

It has been revealed that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice did receive a CIA briefing about terror threats just about two months before the Sept. 11 attacks but ignored the intelligence.

Of course we know that the illuminati puppet regime created the 911 false flag event so naturally they would ignore intelligence that could prevent it. But to have this information coming out in national media shows that dark truths cannot remain hidden much longer.

And tomorrow, October 5, is the massive nationwide protest march!

Please keep the Giant Violet Broom sweeping Washington DC, London, and the entire Middle East, sweeping all fear based energies into the Enormous Violet Vortexes , to be converted into Pure Unconditional Love.

Last but not least, Please continue to flow the Golden Light from your Higher Self all over the Earth, dear Lightworkers. You can also use the Golden Wand to bless the Middle East , Washington DC. London and other focal points .

Heaven appreciates our Light Works. Thanks for all that you are doing, dear friends.

Please send this to all your friends and get them to participate with us. The more, the merrier. I have set up this web page for new members to get started:

Blessings of Love and Light to All,

Wisdom Paradise

The Heavenly Light Emporium

Offering Spiritual & Financial Well Being

Become a Blessing to all life!