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Don’t Fire the Grid - It is Our Prison (with Audio of Reverse Speech)

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to fire the grid on July 17. I have never heard about the grid in my 5 years of reverse speaking research, but I have heard over and over about the net. This electro-magnetic field is our prison. It surrounds the Earth and is invisible to our 5 senses, but holds in astral bodies and is a trap for humanity when we leave our physical lives. It was constructed eons ago by an interdimensional reptilian race who have been abusing the Earth and humanity ever since.

The grid is the net, plain and simple.

Shelley Yates is a sincere person. But she is being seriously deceived. How do I know this? She says so in her reverse speaking. It doesn’t matter what any of us believe, we will tell the truth in reverse. She is trying to tell herself that her ET contacts are not what they appear to be.

Her contacts are not benevolent. They are not worried about the upliftment of the Earth. They want the net (aka grid) strengthened, because this keeps our higher consciousness shut down and they can do whatever they want to us and we are clueless.

She is gathering a great number of people to meditate to fire the grid, which she has been told is our connection to higher consciousness and for healing the Earth. What she says in reverse is very different.

You may have to listen a few times as it takes a little while for our ears to become accustomed to the cadence and pronunciations of reverse speaking.

In this first audio clip the reptilians are convincing Shelley that since she and others, helped her son, she can do the same thing with the Earth. They want to make sure that they are overseeing the “project” for their own agenda. You’ll notice that she uses the term “mass illusion.”

Forward she says:

“They said, well, you can do the same thing with the Earth.”


In reverse she tells us about their plan:

“Perfect, don’t get mass illusion till we oversee it.”


In forward speech Shelley is talking about how the effects won’t happen overnight and she says: “ When we fire the Earth grid, it’s a catalyst and it won’t happen overnight.”


In reverse she says, “Call, we net so bad.”


In this clip, Shelley is talking about those who are more spiritually aware will be more sensitive to the shift

She says in forward speech: “But people who are sensitive, people who are understanding and are deeply ingrained in this kind of stuff will feel…”


In that section she says in reverse: “A feast, they’re running a net.”


In her talk, she tells us that she met with Dr. Stephen Greer and hoped he would take over this project. He responds with “It’s not my project.”

This is what Shelley is explaining in forward speech:

“It’s not my project.”


In reverse she says: “Now hazardous, see a net.”


Her response to Stephen Greer is:

“What do you mean it’s not your project, you’re an ET guy?”


In reverse she says: “They are just eaters, did not free us.”


When she is talking about her contacts as:

“Spiritual Beings”


In reverse she says:

“Some evil tricks.”


She meets later with Stephen Greer’s assistant Annie who reveals that years before, she had been given a message about this same project. Shelley is telling what Annie had said to her in forward speech:

“Well, these beings had told me that this is what…”


In that clip in reverse, Shelley says:

“Both had that evil, this need, it’s evil.” My interpretation of this is that the reptilians had influenced both women unbeknownst to them.


Later she talks about hearing the beings while in the bathtub.

She says:

“They could speak to me when I …was in the bathtub”


In reverse she again reveals another aspect of their dark agenda:

“Run away with kids, to get.”


When she receives a CD of special tones from Annie to help her hear the project she says in forward:

“She sent me a CD.”


In reverse she says:

“The Beast say message.”


Although this is a small fraction of the reversals, I hope that it will convince Shelley and all others to not participate in this terrible deception.

This last is not a reversal at all. I believe that it is Shelley trying to tell herself not to participate in this evil project. It came about when Shelley stumbles on her words in forward speech, just before saying “you know”. When that clip is shortened, it is a very poignant phrase. Both of these are in forward speech:

… “Player next to the bathtub and I got into the bathtub and I said OK, what do you have to say, you know. And imbedded in the tonal frequency of the music, was all the instructions.”


“To save me, you know.”
