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The Planification Report

Micahel David

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Old to mid-Middle Empire period, Atlantis was overtaken by renegade Anunnaki who were intent on reducing both the population at large and the consciousness’ of those who remained. At one time they utilized specially-built spaceships with high-powered tractor beams and particle beam weapons to pull one of Earth’s two moons out of orbit and down upon the continent of Lemuria. When the moon reached it’s LaGrange point it was disintegrated and rained down huge fragments upon Lemuria. These massive fragments sunk Lemuria virtually overnight, releasing trapped gases and causing an eruption very similar to what modern geophysicists call a supervolcano, except that in this case the ‘caldera’ encompasses the entire Lemurian continent. This eruption released a staggering amount of greenhouse gases and very fine ash into the atmosphere that blocked out the sun, causing a ‘nuclear winter’ and altered the atmosphere for hundreds of millennia to come. During this period and into the days of the New or Final Empire, the human population of the planet was reduced to just below 1 million by a series of vociferous wars. By the time of it’s New Empire, Atlantean geneticists had been engaged in their clandestine experiments for nearly 87,000 years. Most of the remaining twelve-stranded, fully-conscious humans migrated or fled to the Inner Earth or Kingdom of Agartha. The remaining surface population was primarily comprised of two-stranded, limited consciousness humans with a genetically-engineered need for a “god king” or some form of “divine right” ruler.

Mother Earth was not created to sit lopsided on her axis, nor did she come with polar icecaps and an ozone layer. All of these things are a byproduct of the moon-strike upon Lemuria some 100,000 years ago, the Great Flood some 15,000 years ago that was caused by the sudden melting and subsequent falling of the planet’s two firmaments or ice sheets, and the sudden sinking of two continents. Currently, Mother Earth or Gaia, is engaged in restoring herself to her former pristine state in which her atmosphere is semi-tropical from pole to pole, her firmaments restored, the continents of Lemuria and Atlantis as dry land, the ratio of land and water restored to 1:1 (50% land, 50% water) and with her north pole covering the entire surface while her south pole encompasses her inner core.

When the secret genetic experiments were conducted during the Middle and New Empires of Atlantis, their goal was to create two classes or types of human being. One was to be the ruling elite with their twelve-strands of RNA/DNA intact, the other a slave race with a limited consciousness/limited spiritual and psychic ability. When the RNA/DNA was downgraded from twelve strands to two, the Merkabah or Lightbody was dissipated to such a large degree that it fragmented into that which we call the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the Higher Self. The triune does not refer to some “God” or external force; it is what we are. As we are slowly mutated and transformed back into a state of full consciousness, the Merkabah begins a process of restoration. In the beginning, this can manifest as a sudden increase in psychic ability. When my own Merkabah first came ‘on-line’ I began to see what looked like sheets and waves of multi-colored energy. Against a white wall I would ‘see’ and ‘sense’ constantly morphing images or projections. My activation was quite sudden and came about as a result of consciously choosing the accelerated RRA process. One night as I was preparing for bed I suddenly began hearing ringing in my ears while simultaneously feeling some kind of energy building inside me. The ringing began at a relatively low level, but within twenty minutes I was on the phone to my physician. When his answering service failed to respond I felt that I had no choice but to call an ambulance. As I was waiting for the ambulance I noticed several ‘orbs’ surrounding me. En route to the hospital I asked the paramedic if she could see any ‘orbs’ or balls of light. Her expression told me that it was probably best if I kept my mouth shut. All the while, the ringing in my ears was increasing, as was the sensation of massive amounts of energy flowing through me and I became very nauseous. As I lay on a gurney in a dark room these ‘orbs’ were illuminating the entire room and I heard a female voice tell me that my Merkabah was being activated. That was in May 2001.

The Merkabah is recreated as a result of the recoding, reconnection and activation (RRA) of the RNA/DNA. Each strand is recoded as the corresponding area of life is cleared of negative energies and new patterns of behavior and coping emerge. The RNA/DNA mutates and the Merkabah comes on-line as a direct result of recoding, reconnection and activation, again RRA. The RRA process comes about as a result of recognizing outmoded and outdated ways of being and doing. Everything; every thought, every emotion, every perception and every behavior begin to shape and mold the way that we live life and the more balanced our approach, the faster the RRA process unfolds. And, the faster this RRA process unfolds, the faster our Merkabah comes on-line.

Just what is the Merkabah? ‘Mer’ means: physical vessel; ‘ka’ means: soul essence; ‘ba’ means: divine life path. As the Merkabah develops, you begin to perceive life, energy, patterns of behavior, money, relationships, etc. in greater and deeper ways. You begin to feel emotions much more deeply, profoundly and powerfully. In such an environment, anything that is even the slightest bit out of balance, dissonant or inharmonious becomes glaringly obvious. In galactic human society it is this higher form of perception and it’s inherent expression that replaces the need for large governments, laws and rules. Of course, this takes time, but as the levels of energy (including money, which is simply a form of energy), emotion and perception increase, there is a corresponding increase in the degree of unity, harmony and balance, and a corresponding decrease in the amount and nature of disunity, disharmony and fundamentalism or fanaticism. This morphing or mutating of our inner perception has a very direct impact on the outward manifestation of this perception as the physical material world that we create. Political and ‘holy’ wars, poverty, terrorism, pollution, the decimation of our home, Mother Earth, and her infinite variety of species and lifeforms and her environment, whether it be air, ground or water, are presently at an all-time high. Some are misled to believe that this increase in chaos is the result of growing evil and that it must be ‘stamped out’ or ‘wiped out’. Such people do not understand that what you resist, persists. They do not understand the inherent and very simple Four Societal Laws. Galactic human society, which is undoubtedly where this planet is headed, is predicated upon these four simple Laws; they are listed below. Chaos is at an all-time high right now because humanity is mutating and morphing into an entirely new existence and state of being. The chaos of the world or collective chaos is merely an outward manifestation of our collective consciousness and the chaos of our personal lives is merely an outward manifestation of our individual consciousness. As our RNA/DNA mutates it is recoded, reconnected and activated and as our RNA/DNA undergoes this RRA process, our Merkabah re-forms or is reborn. My own personal Merkabah experience is very similar to quite literally being reborn into a new life without leaving my physical body behind and this is the very essence, the epitome of Planification. As more and more individuals mutate and more and more Merkabahs come on-line, the impact upon the collective consciousness is nothing short of incendiary. Imagine Kali become Sophia . . . here comes the future, full bore!

The Merkabah makes the fulfillment of even your wildest dreams seem simple; it is merely a matter of time. Imagine an eyeball that sees not simply forward but omnidirectionally on all axes simultaneously. The Merkabah is omnivision incarnate . . . like eyes in the back of your head, except that these eyes/this eye is YOU. Image in your mind's eye the merging of two very different ways of perceiving physicality around us. One way is logical, mental and driven by fear; the other way is intuitive, omniscient, infinite and driven by unconditional love. I know this isn’t what you want to hear but your mission, your life purpose is to merge these two very diverse and different ways of being.

The perfect way knows no difficulties, except that it refuses to make preferences;

Only when freed from the extremes of hate and love does it reveal itself fully and without disguise;

A tenth of an inch’s difference and Heaven and Earth are set apart.

If you wish to see it before your own eyes, have no fixed thoughts either for or against it.

To set up what you like against what you dislike – that is the disease of the mind.

The way is perfect like unto vast space, with nothing wanting, nothing superfluous.

It is due to making choices that it’s suchness is lost sight of.

The One is none other than the All, and All none other than the One.

Take your stand on this, and the rest will follow of its own accord.

I have spoken, but in vain, for what can words tell of things

that have no yesterday, tomorrow, or today?

~ Seng T’san ~ From the Mundaka Upanishads of Hindu scripture

In Loving Service,


Your Brother and servant.