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Quado Daily Portion - Your Future

Carrie Hart

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re making smaller choices within a larger choice that was made by you and for you before your birth.

In this way, you can enjoy the perfection of your life at all times, knowing that you are always within the embrace of the beauty and wonder intended for you. And if you will allow yourself to walk easily and gently through life, or even run freely, or better yet, soar with delight, you will find the most joyful path across your terrain.

Your exact future, however, is not known. For you and those around you are exercising your free will at all times and anything might happen in unexpected ways. But your intuitive self senses all of this, and moment to moment knows what the people important to you are thinking and feeling, knows the larger events that are sweeping across the world, and is giving you guidance, in your deep and quiet center, to position you for the greatest advantage, given what is likely to happen. And all of this happens within the larger scheme of your life and your circle of influence.

There are certain things you feel about yourself, areas in which you feel quite secure and unworried. These will normally be the areas where things have always gone well and you sense always will. This is the circle of your life, the talents that have graced your life, the sweet blessings that fall upon you. And if you continue to trust your heart and center in your choices, you are likely to continue in this blessed light. And when something threatens this area of your life, you will receive warnings and guidance, as the threat is recognized and communicated by your intuitive self.

And then there are other areas that are always troublesome to you. This is your life challenge and it can be met. But meeting it will require a new view of life, an end to struggling and a deep connection with the part of you that has been struggling in the past. This is the challenge of your life that will require faith, discipline, love and courage. Accept this, but not as a victim. As long as you continue to complain and put yourself in a victim mentality regarding this challenging part of your life, it will continue, patterns repeating endlessly. But if you will undertake a radical transformation of your view, accepting this challenge in your life with love and understanding, absorbing its lessons and giving it your dedication and love and yes, even your gratitude, then it will begin to transform from your weakness into your strength.

You will watch in amazement as this happens. You have seen this in people with physical disabilities, how rising to their challenge made them stronger than they would have been without the disability. Know that your psychological and emotional challenges are just the same, and courage, love and gratitude will help you to transform them into great gifts in your life.

And this, then, is the key to your future, this exercise of free will over your emotional and spiritual choices, to love yourself and your life as it has been given to you and as you have developed it along the way. Remember always that the future is just a heartbeat away from now, and it unfolds in the grace and beauty that you invest in this moment. And all of the love that you carry into that next moment, to color your future in ever brighter hues, begins with the great love you hold for yourself and your life, right now, just as you are, this moment. That love is the greatest choice that you can make.

Here is a little prayer for today

I open myself to the great, endlessly flowing love that is there for me, ever and always. I allow it to flow into me and fill me, completely.

I love myself exactly as I am. I love my life, exactly as it is. And as I move forward, step by step, day by day, I fill myself with love and courage, joy and gratitude, giving thanks always for the gifts and the challenges of my life, both of which work together to lift me ever higher into myself.

I am love and courage. I am grace and power. I am.