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America, You Don't Know Me But...

By Sage Garland

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rt of America, I saw that nobody cared about us. You knew that I was hungry because you saw me picking through your trash cans - at four years of age. You looked out of your beautifully draped windows and watched me piling up newspapers and dirty rags inside a broken down baby carriage. You watched me and my sister struggle up the hill to the redemption center to exchange our haul for money. You saw us when we gleefully ran to the market for bread and cheese and run all the way home to my starving mother and siblings. You knew we were thirsty because sometimes I had to borrow buckets of water from you. You knew my father couldn't find work and my sweet, sweet, beautiful mother was having mental breakdowns and babies every year. Sometimes there was no heat nor electricity or gas. I could tell from a very young age that nobody cared about us because nobody came to see about us and to help us.

I was able to go to classes with the children from a society that was closed to me. Because I was black, dirty and smelling unwashed, nobody wanted to sit next to me or play with me. However, when it became apparent that I was always the top student, the rich guys would bribe those who were forced to sit near me so that they could be in a position to steal my answers at test time. I got no money but I didn't care. It made me feel like a big deal. Imagine how I felt when I learned that these same guys became pillars of your society while I became a high-school dropout. I was hurt and angry. I felt used and taken advantage of. I decided to do something about it. I earned my high school diploma and went to college. After graduating magna cum laude, I went on to continue serving in the development of the Head Start program. I have had many startling revelations in my life, but none so startling as my discovery that our children are incredibly brilliant. They are being intentionally and systematically dummed down in an attempt to turn them into toys for your use in your shenanigans.

Before the advent of the Columbine era, I exposed your system very publicly in 1991. At that time I warned you that no attempts to save it would be successful. It must be totally dismantled. Our children are bright enough to be able to go directly into their particular chosen fields of endeavor upon graduation from high school. As is customary, they are still being conditioned to fail. I warned the world that "Like one tediously and tenderly examining the innards of an oyster, we must be searching for the many pearls that are lodged in the bowel of our civilization. It is my educated opinion that they will either lead us to our total destruction or to a magnificent renaissance. It all depends upon how they are treated." I also warned you that "...the storms are raging and the flood waters are rising"and that "If anyone loses, all will lose." My last words to you were that time is of the essence and that the clock is ticking. As is usual, nobody listens to me and so here we are today.

I must go now, but there is so much, much more I need to say.


