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Earthwork Shift Report, Sept. 30, 2003 - Accelerated Energies

By Mark Stearn

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eal integration with the higher vibrations. It really is glorious.

Spirit are letting me know that we are in accelerated energies now all around the planet. This is very noticeable. I can feel the shifting happening now much quicker. My reawakening to the Ishtar energy was very significant as was my sharing of it. The planet has morphed to take on the vibration of the higher dimensional Ashram/temple. I am told that there is going to be more now that are going to make the shift. Before i received a percentage of 20%, now i am being told that as many as 28% will now make the shift. This still feels like a low number but this is a significant shift in the space of two earth days.

The grids are far easier to sense as are all the higher dimensional structures. I can feel a deep transforming of the planet's vibration as it merges with the higher dimensions. There is so much movement now it is quite surprising. It will continue to accelerate i am glad to be able to say. The processing is ongoing for the mass consciousness. On the whole the energy of the planet is far better than it has been. There is still much pent up energy within the Earth's surface but there is so much input from the higher dimensional energies that the releases are happening all the time and with relative ease.

I think the lift into a higher dimension could transpire at any time. The energy has gone this way. The vibration of the planet is most certainly freeing up. The mass consciousness energy is becoming freer also, this i can experience very readily. The planet feels to me as though over the past few days as though there has been huge work done on it. There really has. A host of new energy structures have come into play. A lot of them are to do with supporting the planet and all here for the higher energies.

If we could view from the level of our divine presence as to all that is happening we would be informed in an instant as to what is truly taking place. I can sense all these very high and powerful structures in place and in play so for me this is as good as actually seeing them with the physical or the spiritual eye. The vibration is really lifting now. I can sense the energy of the divine plan much easier now and i can sense the vibration of source directly in my awareness coming through my higher bodies letting me know in an energy sense how everything is getting on.

Things are good. They will continue this way. The energy on the planet really is opening now to the higher dimensions. There is strong integrating happening all the time. I feel this is happening for all in a way that is most comfortable for them. The energy is in fact changing so quickly now that as i type a sentence i can sense a shift that has taken place, i really feel things are happening this quickly now. Long may this continue.

Blessings, Mark.
