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Divine Energy Structures Flow: Earthwork Shift Report, Nov. 22, 2003

By Mark Stearn

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eel this huge process underway all day and it is still transpiring.

I read the latest message from the group today and what is sticking in my mind is that there is no divine plan other than what we make of it. I dont fully buy this. There has to be some plan underway otherwise how would we know what to do from day to day. Being masters of the gameboard is in fact a great honour.

We are being given the oppurtunity by heaven to create the higher dimensions here on earth and throughout this universe. We want us to do it in that the we is the all that is. It is this simple and this unbelievable. It is our choices that shapes the realities as they are unfolding around the planet. Heaven wants us to do the job and our friends in the higher dimensions are giving us all the assistance that we need. This is why it is imperative to live and go by the guidance that comes from IAM presence. My work primarily lies in creating divine energy here in the dimensions we experience. This is what I feel I am primarily here for. The process is highly successful. Currently we are laying a higher vibrational reality over the one we are experiencing.

I can feel the gift being given to us by the creator. It is unbelievable. I usually work because i want to experience a better vibration on the planet than the one that is there. I think this goes with being plugged into the higher dimensions, I can feel things as they are and I want them to be like that here as well. This attitude is proving most successful as the vibration I can feel being translated from the higher dimensions into our experience. The amount of grids and divine energy structures manifesting all the time is so abundant. Heaven is so good to us.

We are going to unite and with this will come a full revolution of consciousness. I see the vibration being much higher on the planet first before any kind of full merging of consciousness occurs. I long for the bridge that takes us to the experience. It is this constant raising of vibration that will solve all the problems on the planet. I am very intrigued with the way heaven is being so abundant today. If this continues our experience is going to be very different very soon. It is this simple. The mass consciousness vibration is raising dramatically. It is all hands on deck now as far as i am concerned.

The uniting of consciousness with the higher dimensions could happen sooner than expected. We now have two major channelers confirming that we are proceeding much faster than expected. The group and the Nibiruan Council both concur that we are moving faster than was originally expected with events that were destined to happen years down the line now playing themselves out at this very time. We have the solar eclipse tomorrow. Another wonderful oppurtunity to bring the higher dimensions more and more into our experience. It really is this simple if challenging of course. Noone ever said it was going to be easy.

Blessings, Mark. Email:

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