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Living In The Moment

By Almine Barton

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e where masters live.

In relation to the human body, this crossing point of the Zuvuya is located directly behind the navel where the life force center exists in the form of a ball of white light about the size of a grapefruit. In living in the present, we are therefore living in the place of power continually renewed and replenished by life-force - our positive and negative poles in perfect balance.

The body now becomes a self-regenerative system and we cease to age. Living in the future or past disturbs our polar balance and we drain energy out of one pole or another…losing our life-force and becoming subject to aging and the purification rite of death.

Thoughts arise as a reaction against life. We try to control the seeming unpredictability of the flow of events by relating to or anticipating life. We encumber ourselves with the weight of self- reflection, rather than innocently and without expectations, experiencing the present. Thoughts pull us out of the present into the immediate past or future and we lose our link in the moment.

Instead of trying to control life by anticipating the future, our only responsibility each day is to align ourselves with the river of life as it moves through our day. There is no important work, but rather, only a series of moments to demonstrate our mastery, and behave impeccably. We do not oppose the rock in the river…knowing that we strengthen that which we oppose, but flow effortlessly around it. We do not look back, but become new each second like the river, replenished by the flow of new life-force. We do not permit the obstruction of old habits and belief systems to dam up our flow, since the journey of the past cannot hope to prepare us for the glorious adventure ahead. As we plunge over the cliff in a leap of faith to surrender ourselves to the embrace of the ocean, ascending into the clouds above and raining down to give life to all.

The multitudes spend their lives fearing or planning the future. But the future is created by the thoughts of today. If we then do not live in the moment, where will tomorrow come from? It is necessary for us to create a mold for the universe to fill by visualizing the future we want. In fact, most ask for too little, not realizing they are heirs to the whole kingdom, not servants at the gate. And we should be like the thirsty jogger who holds a cup up to heaven as he jogs. He concentrates on his steps and simply knows that at some point God will fill his cup with rain.

The ability to experience the moment with the innocence of the master requires trust that the universe is a safe place, surrender to the awe-inspiring grandeur of the cosmos and a firm knowledge that in our true identity as a consciousness super-imposed over all that is, we are indestructible. We are not the atom, we are the whole and with our destruction the universe would fall. We can therefore lie back in the arms of Spirit and enjoy this game we have constructed that pretends there are places where God is not. These realizations bring surrender and peace as we enter the inner sanctum of a stillness where all knowledge and power are ours.

Cease to strive. Many light seekers strive to overcome the past or their fears - using various tools at their disposal to correct the impure vision that causes these obstructions to the only true goal of human life - God-realization. By all means, walk this path that initiates tread. And you will enter your mastery when you focus on the butterfly fluttering by and the touch of the wind upon your face - as all past moments fall away. Neither do you fear the future, for to believe that you could fall victim to anything is to deny your mastery in creating your human experience. Instead, your life becomes one of intention and expanded attention as all parts of the experience equalize in significance. Every moment becomes equally important.

Let us therefore enter into this state of aliveness where meditation and experience meet. Where time stands still and allows us to reach out and touch eternity. Let us feel our sorrows, cry our fears, enjoy our laughter, and underneath it all, in the depths of our being, be still and know we are gods.
