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Spiritual Principles

By Jeremiah Greenwood

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The four pillars represent four aspects of our lives which when fully functioning will create a balanced life (Circle). When one or more is out of balance we suffer problems. These are also the basis through which the principles are applied and lived.

1st SPIRITUAL PILLAR: This Pillar deals with our spiritual relationship to God and/or Father/Mother Creator, knowing the fullness of their relationship with their children. It incorporates the Spiritual Body of mankind. This pillar combined with the grounding pillar symbolize the vertical member of the cross, representing the strength of our vertical relationship or communication with the divine. It is associated with the upper chakras of our body.

2nd POLITICAL PILLAR: This pillar deals with the individuals Grounding with Mother Earth, which is the basis of the firm stability within our walk upon our earth mother. How we take care of nature and become wise stewards of this planet. It incorporates the Physical Body of mankind. It is associated with the lower chakras of our body.

3rd SOCIAL PILLAR: This pillar deals with social relationships between the individual and others, and gives guidelines for those social interactions to be appropriate. It incorporates the Emotional Body of mankind. This pillar combined with the Temporal pillar symbolize the horizontal member of the cross, representing the strength of our relationships with others in and without the community. It is associated with the chakras of our body from the throat to the stomach.

4th TEMPORAL PILLAR: This pillar deals with our temporal affairs and how we bring forth our talents and our creative powers upon the earth in the creation of our stewardships. It incorporates the Mental Body of mankind. It deals with all the ways we manifest our gift and talents and share them with others. It is associated with the lowest two chakras of our body.


The Principles support the four pillars or aspects of our earthly experience. They do support an individual working toward self mastery, and help balance the individual aspiring to bring forth their own enlightenment as they walk the path to understanding. These higher principles known, simply as ³The Principles² are universal, which when lived will bring about the Peace and Harmony of the people who do gather into Oneness. The Principles have application in all social settings and are designed to protect an individual from group domination and to protect the group from individual aspirations of control. It helps prevent those with personal agendas from dominating the group mind; it is a Constitution with checks and balances with help resolve problems associated with group issues. Personal uniqueness and growth is the basis upon which the Oneness is achieved, and Peace is brought forth upon the earth. This is not an attempt to create structure but to develop a personıs ability to bring discipline to our behavior and to bring order to group gatherings. This brief overview is an introduction to a life long study of Universal Principles pertaining to manıs behavior. I know that you serve the light. I know that you have choice and it is not always easy and I honor that which you choose to live according to principle. They are to be lived but not used to judge another. Look inside and see where you may need to make self improvement, but they should never be used as a means to judge another who may be living them or not. The principles are a tool for our own self governance and learning to control our own behavior.

THE PRINCIPLE OF COMMUNICATION: The Creator Godıs have not left us alone. The ³Principle of Communication² gives us the knowledge and understanding of their desire to communicate with their children on earth. Each individual has the right to receive communications from Divine Source for them self, personally. The initial communications we receive are but baby steps to what we can obtain when our communication skills are fully developed. The Gods want all of their children to know how much they are loved, and how precious they are in their sight. We will come to a full understanding of Their Love and the process which has been set up, that our communications may reach the sure place, that we might know the Creators divine mind and will concerning the various aspects of our lives, and to eventually come to know speak to them face to face. Also there must be clear and precise communication between individuals in the group to avoid misunderstandings to develop. Steps must be taken to ensure proper communications between everyone at all times so to keep Oneness and Unity in place. We should be more conscious of what we say and think, and to begin honoring the things we say we will do. For our word should be our bond. Clear and precise communications will stop much of our misunderstandings and give us clear understand of what others think and desire for the community to become One in all things.

THE PRINCIPLE OF SHARING: A Guideline for the sharing of ideas, concepts, knowledge, enlightenment, faith, love, light, time, talents, increase, resources, and or council and advice to another according to the desire of their heart, the level of their understanding, and the demonstrated ability to perform or act appropriately with that which is to be shared. Thereıs Enough. Thereıs enough of everything you think you need to be happy. Thereıs enough time, thereıs enough money, thereıs enough food, thereıs enough love...all you have to do is share it. Thereıs enough for all of you. When you live this truth, when you make it a functional part of your reality, there is nothing you are unwilling to share, nothing you seek to hoard and certainly not love, or food, or money. Applied appropriately the principle of sharing will assist a person to follow the spirit in all things, in helping to bring an awareness of Christ Consciousness to those who desire to know this Christ Being in everyone. Sharing when done with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to insure that too much is not given out too fast. Remembering that over watering of the plant, or too much sunlight will cause the plant to wither and die. Caution is appropriate when discussing things with new members of the group, first it is wise to see what they understand so as not to share too much to fast which would only create fear and misunderstanding to take an individual away who could be brought forth at their own pace and understanding. This principle also deals with the proper role of sharing of talents and gifts with others in the community.

THE PRINCIPLE OF RANDOM PRESIDING: Each person presides over the Stewardship of their own soul and has full responsibility to come unto their Creator upon their own path. The effectiveness of their learning to receive and manifest their spiritual gifts is in the maturing of their spirit as they move along the path towards Enlightenment. As a member of a gathering of like-minded people in a community, a person may be called to preside over meetings, or responsibilities in an administrative function of temporal nature, therefore to avoid over domination of the presiding individual, each member takes their turns in presiding for a period of time. Individuals may be called to preside over various administrative and/or spiritual callings. This is done by stewardship responsibility. Random Presiding prevents an individual in these positions from becoming a guru or prophet unto the group. A governing council is formed to make decisions and to hear from all individuals who have questions or desires to make their thoughts and desires known. This council operates on the principle of Random Presiding. Members of the Council are given an opportunity to serve in a rotation fashion. To avoid lifetime commitments which will lead to the corruption of the council members. Random presiding gives opportunity for everyone to make their contribution to government and political administrative life. But protects the group from domination of any party or individual who is ambitious enough to try to take control of community affairs.

THE PRINCIPLE OF UNANIMOUS DECISIONS: Because there is Oneness in all of the higher dimensional worlds the principle of ³Unanimous Decisions² is how decisions are made, for when any decision is to be made by a group or by the council the only fair and just way is to be sure there is unanimity on all decisions that is to be made. The Principle of Unanimous Decisions is therefore, the working towards the state of Oneness and Unity that must occur before any individual enters into Higher Dimensions. The practice of Unanimous Decision making, means that when differences occur on any and all issues, the receiving of the individual(s), is not brought into question but rather, additional inquiry is to be made for further light and knowledge, that the fullness of the Creators will; might be made known. There will be an agreement reached by the parties before further action is taken. All issues are discussed and no voice is silenced, but the presiding council must be unanimous before any issue is made that affects the whole group. It is important not to lift anyone above another, becoming one and showing love. Unanimous Decisions enables a group who are combining to practice a principle which is practiced in the heavens. For all governing councils of the higher dimensions operate upon this principle. For all things are encompassed in the principle of the Law of Love, and the Law of One, these are the only laws on the Tree of Life for Love is all there is.

THE PRINCIPLE OF GIFTS AND TALENTS: Each person that makes their covenant with the Community, enters the work with spiritual gift(s). To one is given one gift, to another is given another gift, and to another, still a different gift. There exist many different ways of communication with the divine. Your own way of receiving revelations or communications from the heavens reflects your own special uniqueness and spiritual gift(s). Within the wisdom of the Creator lies the reason for the gift(s) and or talent(s) you receive and the way(s) you will receive communications from higher sources. Your responsibility is to seek to know your own special gift(s) and Talent(s) to begin to cultivate your own way of receiving that you might know the mind and will of the Creator for yourself. Each person can make three commitments First: I am going to seek my higher self, which is beyond my ego, through spiritual practice. Second: I am going to discover my unique talents, and finding my unique talents, I am going to enjoy myself, because the process of enjoyment occurs when I go into timeless awareness. Third: I am going to ask myself how I am best suited to serve humanity. I am going to answer that question and then put it into practice. I am going to use my unique talents and gifts to serve the needs of my fellow human beings There are many and varied ways to receive and communicate with the heavens ie. Visions, dreams, voice, written communications, floodings of the spirit, tinglings, tongues, interpretation of tongues, channeling, healing etc.; your uniqueness and gifts, if not known already, shall be manifest as you begin to exercise them within the gathering and group meetings. Sharing of your talents appropriately will bless all, especially yourself by giving gifts and blessings to others.

THE PRINCIPLE OF GIVING AND RECEIVING: The Universe operates through dynamic exchange, nothing is static. Every relationship is one of give and take. Giving engenders receiving, and receiving engenders giving. In reality, receiving is the same thing as giving, because giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. The more you give, the more you will receive, because you will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life. Therefore, whatever you choose for yourself, give to another. If you choose to be happy, cause another to be happy. If you choose to be prosperous, cause another to prosper. If you choose more love in your life, cause another to have love in theirs. It is universal principle that as you give out gifts and blessings you receive more than you give. All have experienced that the teacher gets more out of a lesson than the students do. It is the first step to abundance, for as you give good gifts by the spirit, greater receiving will manifest. Yet if we hold on to what we have we will find that blocks the receiving department. We need to discover proper balance in both giving and receiving in order to have spiritual integrity and mastered. For when you give something to another with purity of heart, because you see that they want it, need it, and should have it, then you will discover that you have it to give. Also in a group relationship, there needs to be proper Giving and Receiving to avoid the problems of those who give, give, and give or those who just take, take and take. Balance and moderation prevents problems from becoming too much for individuals to handle. So when you want something, give it away. You will then no longer be ³wanting² it. You will immediately experience ³having² it. It could be said that this principle is about taking responsibility and not becoming a burden upon others by becoming unbalanced in living this principle of giving and receiving.

THE PRINCIPLE OF CHOICE: The manifestation of the eternal principle of agency is evident in the choices we make. Living this principle one knows that anotherıs free will is never to be tampered with, and that anotherıs thoughts are never to be invaded, and that anotherıs psychic space is never to be violated. The Creator will never interfere with your choice; it is Godıs job to ensure that your choices are granted. Our life experiences are reflected in the small choices made moment to moment in our lives. If the choices are made in harmony with the heavens then we receive the blessings from obedience. The Creator gives us the choice that we may make all our choices based upon our beliefs. If we feast upon the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil², we see all things as virtue or vice, light or darkness duality rules. If we feast upon the fruit of the ³Tree of Life² We see all things as good and choices are seen in Love and not judgment. Our lives do reflect the sum total of all our decisions made. The Creator Godıs holds inviolate our freedom of choice through the law of our agency. We rise or fall according to our choices, God will not intervene unless we ask for counsel and advice and understanding. When you make any choice at all ask yourself two things: First of all, ³What are the consequences of this choice that Iım making?² In your heart you will immediately know what these are. Secondly: ³Will this choice that Iım making now bring happiness to me and those around me?² If the answer is yes, then go ahead with that choice. If the answer is no, if that choice brings distress either to you or to those around you, then donıt make that choice. Only the heart knows the correct answer. Consciously put your attention in the heart and ask your heart what to do. Then wait for the response, a physical response in the form of a sensation. We must allow all individuals to make their own choices and allow the consequences without judgment, with love. For every decision you make, and every decision others make, is not a decision about what to do. Itıs a choice about Who You Are.

THE PRINCIPLE OF DIFFERENCES: When groups of people gather together there will be differences. This principle addresses the fact that differences do occur, and are to be respected. We may have a different point of view, a different way of looking at things, a different way of receiving and a different way of acting out our uniqueness. Accepting and respecting these differences brings an accumulation of knowledge and understanding that can come in no other way. Differences confirm, and make possible, your experiences of Who You Are. Divisions confuse, and render impossible that experience. Without the differences between here and there, up and down, fast and slow, hot and cold, none of these things could be experienced. When you see this, then you will have made the shift. You will have become part of the New Society, in which you honor diversity, but not division. Each part of the Body of the community is necessary to make the body whole and function properly. Without each unique part, the body is not whole. The greater the differences, the greater the blessings that will come because of them. For differences are to be considered blessings and are to be treated with honor and respect. Celebrate your differences, yet end your divisions, and join in the unified expression of the one truth. I Am all There Is. This principle helps us to see the divine in everyone, and to stop our judgment of others based on them being different and allowing all their own beliefs until we begin to love all unconditionally till we come into the unity of faith. Yet we shall all be different even when we are all One.

THE PRINCIPLE OF STEWARDSHIP AND CONSECRATION: This principle gives the format for sharing or giving of ones time, talents, advice, council, and/or instructions to others. Stewardship denotes responsibility and accountability for persons, places, or things created by you or delegated by higher authority to your charge and control for personal growth and development. They include property, talents and assignments given to your charge to take care of. We are all stewards over our own lives and of this planet, and its resources. We are made responsible by the Creator to take care of all living things in wisdom. Consecration is a higher form of this covenant of stewardship, giving your time, talents, counsel and advice to others within the Group for the building of Unity and Oneness. Consecration is given voluntarily and with love by covenant when combining with others of like mind. Consecration is the binding element that brings heaven on earth; it is the contract of fellowship that brings the Beloved Community into Oneness. Both, the accepting and creation of stewardships and the consecrating of created gifts and things are received and given in harmony with the Creators plan to bring forth the Peace and Oneness by becoming the Beloved Community upon the earth.

THE PRINCIPLE OF DESCENDANTS: This principle deals with those within the Community who have offspring and/or children. Each individual is given the blessings of belonging to a family with loving parents, and also a community of a larger spiritual family. In highly evolved cultures, children donıt raise children. Offspring are given the blessing of being raised by the elders. The raising of children in the hands of your respected Old Ones is a blessing. Parents see the children whenever they wish, live with them if they choose, but are not solely responsible for their care and upbringing. The entire community, with education and values offered by the elders, meets the physical, social, and spiritual needs of the children. This does not mean that new offspring are torn from those who gave them life, taken from their arms and given to virtual strangers to be raised. Elders live closely with the young ones. They are not shuffled off to live by themselves. They are not ignored, and left to work out their own final destinies. They are honored, revered, and held close, as part of a loving, caring, vibrant community. Children are given the blessing of receiving support first by their family and then included in the larger family support system of the community. Until such time as he or she is ready to stand on their own in the Beloved Community and walks their own path in understanding. All the children are raised in an environment of wisdom and love, great patience, and deep understanding for their personal growth, and education. The support system will give them a safe environment to learn and grow, at their own pace without harsh rules and expectations, allowing them the freedom to make as many choices as possible as early as practical. Allowing the child to develop their own uniqueness and talents, supported at all times in walking the path of their own journey. Giving opportunity for their relationship to the community to develop until they are consecrated unto adulthood and of proper development stage to be able to stand as a full member of the community when they are able to live the principles within the community. This Principle gives the guidelines for counseling and advising the children within the community, and includes either natural, or adopted children. The purpose of this Principle is to ensure all children are given an opportunity to make choices and develop their own unique gifts and talents that will be a blessing to the larger community.

THE PRINCIPLE OF ONENESS AND LOVE: The Law of One was known among the people of Lumeria long before those in Atlantis. This was the original religion of planet earth. It is about the sacredness of the earth, the Creatorıs Love of infinite variety. Individuals who gather together are adopted into the Family of the Beloved Community. Within any gathering of like-minded individuals Oneness is achieved by working together in all aspects of group dynamics. A person will seek to develop at-one-ment with Father/Mother Creator God and receive the divine Unconditional Love of God, within their hearts. For the truth is Love is Unconditional. Love is achieved by understanding the need to love all unconditionally as we come into the unity of Oneness. Love is the only Law on the Tree of Life. Love is who we really are. All you have to do to have love is to be love. While working on their own path, they will help others find the Christ within them, by seeing it in everything and everyone. The group relationship is by way of Peace Love and Light. This Principle teaches us the guidelines of becoming ONE with all things. You do not have to disappear as an individual in order to experience Oneness. That is the great fear, of course. The great fear is that Oneness will mean sameness, and that that which separates you from the Whole will disappear. Thus you will disappear. And so, the struggle against Oneness is a struggle for survival. Yet Oneness will not put an end to your survival as an individual expression of the Whole. Rather, it will allow it. The very nature of the soul is unity and Oneness with All That Is. As your sense of Oneness increases, pain and disappointment will vanish from your life. The Principle of the Law of One is the ultimate truth, which can set free all of humanity. It can raise the collective consciousness of mankind, thereby enabling us to break free from the cycles of our history, thus entering into a new age of enlightenment, of Love and Peace.

THE PRINCIPLE OF ABUNDANCE: The power is within each of the children of God, to claim all the gifts, rights, powers and privileges, which go with who we are. God is abundant, and so are you. If you see people who are hungry, feed them. If you see people who need clothing, clothe them. If you see people who need shelter, give them shelter. You will then experience that you have no insufficiencies at all. However little of anything you have, you can always find someone who has less. Find that someone, and give to them from the abundance that is yours. Seek not to be the recipient of anything but to be the source. That which you wish to have, cause another to experience. In so doing, you will remember that you have had these things in your possession all along. For as we accept and believe it is right there before us, for all things which have been promised will be given unto you. The Creator has given unto us all things, and all we need to do is to claim it as ours. It has been said ³seek and ye shall find and knock and it shall be opened unto you,² Claim it so, but remember is up to the individual to choose even with the agency that has have given unto them. For the Oneness, Unity and the Love even the Principle of Abundance is in our presence. We need to stop all our doubt and fear, for you can have all that that the Creator has to offer. For the light is within us, for as we let your light so shine, even let the light flow out of us, and magnify the light. Abundant light, abundant blessings, abundant wealth is ours for the asking. For as the children see the light which we have, as we emanate the pure white light of the Creator which is within us even to the children, they will begin to vibrate with the love and abundance of the Creator.

THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: This principle is based in the fact that we are, in our essential state, pure consciousness, and pure potentiality, pure energy in motion. Consciousness and energy create reality. For within consciousness are the fields of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence; of being infinite and unbound it is pure joy. Attributes of consciousness and our essential nature are: pure knowledge, infinite silence, perfect balance, invincibility, simplicity, and bliss. It can also be called the Principle of Unity, because underlying the infinite diversity of life is the unity of the one all-pervasive spirit. There is no separation between you and this field of this energy. One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation, and non-judgment. Spending time in nature will give one access to the qualities inherent in the field of infinite creativity, freedom, and bliss. Practicing silence means making a commitment to take a certain amount of time simply to Be. Withdrawing from the activities of speech, watching television, listening to the radio, playing music, or reading a book will allow one to enter into silence and end the internal dialogue and to connect to the higher realms. ³Be still, and know that I am God.² Spiritual practices of prayer and meditation at least twice a day will enable one to enter a silence field of infinite power, the ultimate ground of creation where everything is inseparably connected with everything else. Judgment is the constant evaluation of things as right or wrong, good or bad. When you are constantly evaluating, classifying, labeling, analyzing, you create a lot of turbulence in your internal dialogue. This constricts the flow of energy between you and the field of pure potential. Spending time in direct communion with nature enables you to sense the harmonious interaction of all the elements and forces of life. Grounding oneself in the pure knowledge of your true self, you will never feel guilty, fearful, insecure, alone or separated from source.

THE PRINCIPLE OF DETACHMENT: This Principle of Detachment says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This does not mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You give up your attachment to the result. Attachment comes from poverty consciousness, because attachment is always to symbols. Detachment is synonymous with abundance, because with detachment there is freedom to create. Without detachment we are prisoners of helplessness, hopelessness, mundane needs, trivial concerns, quiet desperation, and seriousness. Relinquish your attachment to the known, step into the unknown, and you will step into the field of all possibilities. In your willingness to step into the unknown, you will have the wisdom of excitement, adventure, and mystery. Every day you can look for the excitement of what may occur in the field of all possibilities. When you experience uncertainty, you are on the right path; so donıt give up. You donıt need to have a complete and rigid idea of what youıll be doing next week or next year, because if you have a very clear idea of whatıs going to happen and you get rigidly attached to it, then you shut out a whole range of possibilities. You will experience fun in life, the magic, the celebration, the exhilaration, and the exultation of your own spirit. For when you are attached, your intention gets looked into a rigid mindset and you lose the fluidity, the creativity, and the spontaneity inherent in the field. When you get attached, you freeze your desire from the infinite fluidity and flexibility into a rigid framework, which interferes with the whole process of creation. When you understand and live this principle you donıt feel compelled to force solutions. When you force solutions on problems, you create new problems. Every single problem that you have in your life is the seed of an opportunity for some greater benefit. By letting go of attachments to outcomes we can flow with pure spirit and begin to allow others to be without judgments and expectations. Life begins to flow like a river, and the rough seas begin to be calm and smooth.

THE PRINCIPLE AND OF OFFICES, TRIBES, AND PLANETS: Each person has a unique spiritual heritage, which brings forth unique spiritual gifts, and talents. Your spiritual name, spiritual color, vibratory tone, and the family that the individual descends from denote the office that you do hold. We have all come from the stars and are here on a mission, to find out who we truly are, by experiencing ourselves by who we are not. This knowledge will come to the individual as they discover their connection to all that is, and the location of individual family roots all bring forth the uniqueness that is individually has which is, her or his own. Thus the uniqueness of the individualıs own spiritual Father/Mother and their spiritual family or star seed nation will help an individual to manifest their own uniqueness upon this earth. Connection and gifts and blessings given to an individual and expressed in the group will help all to experience growth and have joy in knowing we are all different yet all One. We are coming into a realization that we are not alone in the universe and knowledge that we are becoming a Galactic Human. The foundation of galactic society is Love. Complete Love is based on a profound inner compassion for your soulıs growth and a sincere outer compassion for each other. Learning the laws and principle of Galactic society will aid human society by creating a divinely inspired social structure. A glorious day is dawning for planet Earth and for this global civilization. We are beginning to bring about our ascension/transformation into fully conscious galactic human civilization with full membership in the Galactic Federation.

THE PRINCIPLE OF RECOMMITMENT: Periodically we need to recommit our lives in seeking to become masters. At least once each year it is given to us the opportunity to focus on our blessings and give thanks to the Creator for all that has been given us. In the spring of each year, when the newness of life begins, the Creator has set aside the spring to remind us of new life of renewal. This is the yearly time of renewal even the springtime when the newness and life is springing forth out of the ground and the death of winter. This is when we can celebrate our successes in the many facets of our lives and recommit to even further advancement and growth in the coming year. Ceremony such as Re-baptism, a Native American Sweat lodge, meditations, drum circles and a spring festival or many other such ceremony would be appropriate, as part of this recommitment and celebration; Spiritual meetings and gatherings with a royal feast are also planned and participated by those of like mind. After looking back and giving thanks, we then look forward to the coming year with renewal of our commitment to fulfill our covenants and contracts with greater focus that will bring forth Oneness with all. For this time of renewal and celebration is a time to recommit our lives to spiritual progress. Therefore it is important for us to frequently recommit our lives to spiritual progression, and giving of thanks for all blessings we have received, for as we do so our life is refreshed and our commitment unto seeking truth is renewed. Mother earth has shown us a pattern by giving us the four seasons of the year and also the equinox and solstice cycles as means to see the changes and celebrate in ceremonies and recommitment to life.

Jeremiah Greenwood - Bountiful Utah, 84010 - E-Mail:
