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Important! August 8, 2003 -- The Sun Chakra

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s imagine the power and light of the Great Central Sun opening it's heart centre to the planet, and imagine your heart centre opening to receive this light which will move through your heart and directly to your Sun Chakra. Please read further for more in depth information regarding the Sun Chakra.

I know many of you are unable to join myself, Gail Kleinschmidt and a group of people on the 8th physically, but we can all connect on the inner planes and allow ourselves to welcome this awesome and sacred blessing. Kuthumi will be channeling through me at that time and all of you will receive a copy of the transcript.

The Sun Chakra These are notes taken by Chris Stormer and Anita Degenaar at the Monthly channelling given by Lord Kuthumi through Michelle Eloff on 7/6/03.

The tape unfortunately did not record but thanks to Anita Degenaar & Chris Stormer we got most of it.

Kuthumi ...."There is a chakra called the Sun Chakra which has been dormant for 26000 years. Its contribution is to the evolutionary process of the human soul. There are various types of nature: soul nature, animal nature / human nature etc. Sun Chakra = the spiritual nature. It is the source of energy and light that feeds the earth. It has been dormant for about 26,000 years because human consciousness was not in position to understand and comprehend this activation. This is being activated at present because you are ready to hold this responsibilty. There is a connection between the Sun Chakra and the Lions, especially the Golden Lions who are the one of the 3 Sun Chakra Guardians and help support humanity. These animals are here to assist with the teachings of Truth, they also support the 8th chakra, throat and sacral chakras, as well as the activation of the Sun Chakra. The Lions teache one how to roar your truth and stand in your truth. They teach how to respect truth. They work with 26 Masters of Light and together they form a grid of Light which will be fully grounded and activated on the 8th of August 2003.

There are 26 Masters of Light who assist these animals, - Lord Sian, Lord Ra, Lord Soltec, Lord Maitreya and I, Lord Kuthumi, to name but a few. We form a grid to support this activation process which began in June 2003. This process will give rise to deep introspection and you will have to look at what motivates both your thoughts and actions, so that you can understand what motivates you and what the source of life is inside you. This process helps you build your own identity and helps you understand what roots you to the earth - recognise your purpose on earth, even if it is only a little. Forgive yourself for the past and others too. Leave the past behind, taking the wisdom, leaving the pain. Carrying past pain into the present limits your journey and creates spiritual paralysis and earth- ego procrastination. So, if you find yourself procrastinating, know it indicates fear, fear of making the same mistakes perhaps. Rather learn from your mistakes and move on, this brings you the opportunities to know the lessons and when you do your journey will improve.

There is an exercise you can do: Write about your past - the good things and the challenges. The challenges are where you learnt your lessons and are not to be considered mistakes. The Sun Chakra is a catalyst and will be working with this.

Once you have written this then read it through. Feel the shame, the anger, guilt etc and highlight these in red.

Now feel the joy, happiness, excitement etc and highlight this in green.

Begin with the content in red.

Call the 5 Masters mentioned earlier and imagine these Beings forming a circle around you.

Imagine yourself in the centre of the circle and on either side of you is a Lion; on the left a male and your right a female. Lay your hands on them... feel their fur and connect with the rhythm of their breathing.

Then say out loud or in your mind " It is my conscious choice to willingly release the pain of (and state all the red highlighted issues) and then ask that the warmth and light of the Sun Chakra become active in your body. This will create a Sun Aura around your body.

In your mind's eye draw this energy toward your body, visualizing yourself held in this warmth.

Imagine your body going soft, all your cells are open and release the pain.... acknowledge that you are letting go of old patterns and beliefs.

Stay in this light until you feel the process is complete...

Ask the Lions to bless you with a message....

Again affirm what it is you are releasing and this time also affirm what qualities it is you are replacing the old with....

Give thanks to the Beings present, including your Lion helpers and draw your consciousness back into your physical body.

For 7 - 14 days you may feel emotional, not every day, but during that period. Go with the flow.

Go through the red highlighted topics and tick off all the ones you have worked through and redo the exercise if necessary to release anyremaining issues.

Take time to focus on the qualities of self - your uniqueness, your strengths. Give thanks for what it is you have achieved. The attitude of Gratitude keeps one open to manifestation and abundance. Challenges help one learn and go (grow)further

Working with the Lions is about connecting with the Truth of these creatures as well as the truth of self and seeing the light reflected back to you. Animals do not put on a mask, as do people, they show you the truth of your heart.

The Sun Chakra burns through the veils of illusion between your present self and your Mastered Self and supports you in making peace with your past. This assists in merging your energy with your Soul's Ego, not earth -ego, which works with your Divine Plan, bringing trust. The Sun Chakra breaks down the walls of defence and gives birth to the creative force inside of you that you to date have not ever experienced, therefore you are unable to truly even fathom it's potential.

Awaken to the power of these creatures (Lions, Elephants & Dolphins) for guidance of your Divine Plan.

Everybody is a catalyst, you are now ready. You are all Leaders of Light, and through awakening to more of your truth you can help others move beyond fear. You are the key catalyst for your children and grandchildren in keeping the Sun Chakra fully open and making the way clear for them to come into their full power and take Mother earth fully into the Golden Age.

The Sun Chakra is situated between the base chakra and the sacral chakra. Physically, the activation of this chakra in a woman may feel the same as the movement of an unborn child (everyone will experience it differently though) In men, it could feel like an itchiness, heat or butterflies in the lower abdominal area.

The crystal Sun Stone will be useful to help this chakra stay balanced during this time.

This process will continue for the next 18 months, beginning in the month of June 2003 and you may find that it takes you this long to settle into the new energy, remember, you have not experienced this energy in 26,000 years.

Some of you have asked when the Christ will be coming. With the activation of the Sun Chakra, Christ is closer than ever before. Each of you is a Christed Being opening to this life giving energy. The Christ within will become more authentic to you as more of your authentic self emerges.

You will come to understand what it means to spread the Word of God through action, because actions speak louder than words.

The Sun Chakra has also been activated for the Planet and too will take 18 months to complete the process. The major grounding process takes place on the 8th of August 2003 at 12 pm. The areas in Africa that are holding this energy are Johannesburg, Kwa Zulu Natal, Cape, Botswana, Namibia. The main holding point is in the Drakensburg area in Kwa Zulu Natal.

The people of Africa are to lead the world in finding the light in their hearts and being. The disruptions you see in Africa is the throwing off of the old. As Mother Africa detoxifies, so are all of your purging. Conflict - purges the self of all that no longer supports the blue print.

Cataclysmic events are already happening, not that the world is coming to an end, but rather that a New World is being born and the Old World is dying. Gaia has chosen to transform. Because you live on her body, what you do to self affects her and affects God. You are Earth & Spirit. This is the matter of who you are. Educate humanity to honour every aspect of life.........."

Much love, Michelle

In the Name of ONE , Sandy
