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A Message From the Hathors

Through Tom Kenyon

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subtlest realms to positively affect the destiny of humanity and this Earth. From the deepest space of our hearts, we thank you.

Know that through your participation, you have earned great spiritual merit and such merit will serve you in the coming years. Now that you know how to create the Holon of Balance and how to create ecstasy through the heart, we encourage you to practice these often, for they shall be great allies to you as you navigate the chaos of the coming decade.

Many beings from different realms of consciousness joined you in the Planetary Creatrix. It was their honor to be of service to you and this Earth, and they also extend to you their deepest appreciation for your efforts. A page has turned in the history of this planet. Although the forces that would contain consciousness will continue their efforts, it is clear that their efforts are futile. The light of a new age has clearly dawned.

A Brief Comment from Tom

I thought you might like to know a bit about a subsequent conversation we had with the Hathors after they gave the above "official" message.

Essentially, the many beings who joined us and the Hathors were able to generate massive waves of spiritual-light and evolutionary-energy due to a co-creation between the human and spiritual worlds. This action was extraordinarily complex in its effects.

The Hathors were very clear that the Planetary Creatrix was successful in many dimensions of being. They also said that it would take time for the more direct consequences of the action to manifest in our world. But essentially, the forces of spiritual- light have vanquished the darkness. They were also clear that there would be more difficult times ahead in the coming years. The forces that would contain the human spirit will try to manipulate situations in their favor, but fundamentally and ultimately their efforts will be in vain.

The Hathors reaffirmed their position that it would be advantageous for us all to continue practicing the Holon of Balance and ecstasy through the heart. These skills will allow us to be more effective with the inevitable disruptions that will only increase as the "old world" gives way to the "new world of being." In other words, we are not out of the woods yet, at least as it involves each of us individually, but the light of a new day has definitely dawned. The only thing I would like to add here—in keeping with the metaphor of the woods—is that when you are deep in a forest and dawn has appeared, it can take awhile for the light to filter down to the campground.

The Hathors were also very clear that the positive effects and benefits of the Creatrix have been "sealed and protected." Extraordinary means were taken in multiple dimensions to insure this type of protection. In a dualistic universe, positive actions are sometimes turned into negative consequences, even in the face of good intentions. The Hathors wanted me to clearly understand that the effects of the Planetary Creatrix are immune to interference from any source.

In closing, I would like to thank you, my fellow servants of the Sacred Mystery (called life). I wish to say that it has been an honor and a privilege to join with you in this co-creation between the worlds. It has been gratifying to see the worldwide response to the Call. And although our paths may not cross in this lifetime, I salute you for your efforts.

May all beings be happy. May all beings be free.

Tom Kenyon

© 2007 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved. You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address.