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What's Up On Planet Earth? - Walking Between The Worlds

By Karen Bishop

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a new level, and we are in the process of sifting, sorting, aligning and integrating with this new higher vibration. This situation is resulting in a lot of mis-matching, or what feels like things not connecting. Some things are in the New World and others are in the Old.

Several years ago I lived in small town in Southwest Colorado called Pagosa Springs. For me it was the most beautiful place on earth, with majestic peaks, wild flowers, hot springs and an incredible connection to other worlds. I felt like I was in heaven. In addition, Pagosa Springs was a large portal.....a place wide open to other dimensions. In this unusual place, one could manifest their dreams in an instant, or their worst nightmares (however one was vibrating). But what was most prevalent was the instability. Businesses opened and closed and then re-opened under new names across the street on a regular basis. Jobs and relationships came and went with rapid speed. Nothing seemed to ever "take hold" and stick. Plans continually had to be revised and another idea tried. Although it remains my favorite place, it was not a place that I was able to live in on a regular basis. The energy we are currently in is very similar. We are in between dimensions, as well as going back to the lower and forward to the higher, and all at the same time!

This week-end I turned on my cell phone and there was a message from my daughter. It was a message she had left for her sister-in-law to another phone number two weeks ago! Last week I experienced a long delay in receiving a shipping order. Upon inquiring, I was told it would arrive in two days. Never arriving, I inquired again and after a thorough search, was told I did not exist anywhere in their system! In addition, the gentleman I spoke to said he was the only one who processed orders and had had no experience of any of our conversations! A friend of mine recently had an even stranger experience. He and his wife were coming home one evening from a trip. While chatting in the car, they realized they had somehow "missed" their home. They had seen a bluish "glow" ahead while they were approaching and then suddenly realized their neighborhood had disappeared. "Where are we anyway?" they wondered. As they turned around and drove some five miles back, they found their home intact. Thinking perhaps the electricity had gone out in the area, they checked for that and found it not to be the case. Another friend of mine who is a real estate agent and very sensitive to energy, has mentioned many closings recently that to the dismay of the buyers and sellers, just suddenly fell apart at the last minute, even when weeks ago everything was in perfect alignment. Some are reporting losses of jobs. Energetically, we are in between the worlds and it is just a part of the process of acceleration.

It appears that this rather tumultuous energy will prevail through December. And know that it is just the sifting, sorting and acclimating process of creating the New World. How can we continue to feel good and stay in alignment with the new, higher vibrations? Remembering who we are at the highest we came to vibrate, what our passion is, how we came to express it, and what brings us joy will always keep us at the highest level. This is why taking our "work", passion or joy to a higher level will keep us in perfect alignment. Or even finally defining our joy and deciding to follow it now. This new higher vibrational energy is here to support us in every way.

It seems that much depends simply upon our choice. If we choose what brings us joy, if we choose and believe it is right there for us (as it is), and willingly let go of old patterns, old ways and the Old World, that alone can help to integrate us into this New World on the other side. Energetically, it appears that it is right there, ready for us to enter. All we need do is to cross over and KNOW we can create whatever we want. The veil is practically non-existent at this point. No more need to "clear issues", look at our patterns, or release negativity. This space seems to really bring us "down" into the denser vibrations and out of the space of the New. What if we just "stepped" across?

If we choose to create and be in the New World, the disintegration of the Old will not be our reality. Recently, many kind and concerned friends called or e-mailed to inquire about Isabel (as I live in NC). "What hurricane?" seemed to be my only response. It was if it had happened in another world. As we integrate these higher vibrations, we will begin to notice that we are not connecting to people and things not matching our own particular vibration and frequency. People and situations will soon begin to vibrate right out of our lives. Have you ever driven down a familiar and regularly traveled road, only to notice an establishment you had never noticed was there before? As the higher vibrational frequencies we carry begin to be the dominant and more prevalent of our beingness, we will begin to connect to similar frequencies, and we will not be noticed by mismatched frequencies (that was along sentence!). Eventually, we will literally become invisible to lower frequencies. We will be in the New World.....this is beginning NOW.

As mentioned in past issues, as we increase in frequency, we will begin to connect with our own particular families of vibration. One day I was at the library with my three year old granddaughter Amayah and my daughter Ari. As Ari was at the circulation desk, I was holding Amayah and hiding behind a pillar, trying to get Ari's attention. We did this several times while changing our location around the library. Each time that Ari caught Amayah's gaze and they connected, Amayah squeeled with joy. Each time, Amayah let out the most incredible sounds of joy and delight at the sight of her mother as they connected their gaze. The pure, positive energy that poured forth was a sight to see. As this continued, the library patrons began to take notice. But instead of becoming annoyed with all the commotion, they all raised up to match this vibration, smiling, enjoying and entering in the fun. This is how we will feel when we connect with our families of vibration. Some of us are meeting up now, and will continue to meet. This cannot not happen. What exhilaration and unity we will feel when we begin to come together geographically! Wow! It will be incredibly spectacular, as will our new communities (hint, hint)..... This current energy is supporting and assisting us now. All we need do is let go and ride the wave!

Which world will you choose to be in? Which world will you create?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the new evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). There is no charge (if you've benefited from What's Up On Planet Earth? and are inspired to make a contribution, see link below). And know that although many of us are having similar experiences, I believe we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

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About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through this energy alert, giving soul readings, and as a custom design fabric artist for home interiors.

Karen Bishop, P.O. Box 19612, Asheville, NC 28815

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