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Have a Spiritually Fit New Year!

By Adam Moore

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list of new things to "do" this year, here are 10 ways to "be" to help keep you spiritually healthy and fit throughout the year.

1. Be Open to Change.

Remember the only thing that is constant in this world is change. So often we find ourselves in moments of confusion and even anguish, because we are unwilling to accept a change which is developing. Life changes, but it is always progressive. Life is always moving forward, never retreating. When you can release the fear that what is happening will somehow destroy you, and trust in life's natural progression, you will see that life is just moving you along onto your next big thing. A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.

2. Be of Service.

So much of maintaining a healthy spirit is found in maintaining a sense of purpose. When we are of purpose we are clear in our motivations and actions. We know why we are here and what we are meant to do. When you think about the most purposeful accomplishments in your life, they always include the benefit of at least one other person. That's because service is the most direct way to a sense of purpose. Find some way to give back this year. Volunteer, donate, or even do something anonymously for someone else. The act of giving selflessly will enrich your soul.

3. Be Creative.

Creativity is the best spiritual mirror we have. When we are creative a bit of what exists on the inside suddenly appears on the outside. Don't confuse being creative with being artistic. You don't have to be able to paint, write or play an instrument to be creative. You simply have to be engaged in the process of creation, in any form. Whether it's a bookcase, a new business, or a baby, when we create we demonstrate and reaffirm our own uniqueness. We discover something that could have come only from us.

4. Be Here.

It can be so difficult for us to remain present to the moment at hand. We spend so much of our conscious waking moments living in the future. All our planning and worrying, our dreams and imaginings keep us so dislocated from the present moment that we often forget that the very life we are planning and worrying about is passing us by right here, right now! These are the good old days. Live them fully and cherish every relationship. Remember that everyone you know is only going to be this age once in his or her life. This is your only opportunity to know them as the person they are right now.

5. Be Spontaneous.

We know that the human body can not maintain a proper level of physical fitness if it is subjected to the same physical regiment every day. Lack of physical variety will surely result in chronic ailments. We also know that the mind is subject to the same detriments of habit. Lack of mental stimulation can actually cause parts of the mind to start to close down. Spiritually you work in much of the same manner. If you do not regularly nurture your spirit with variety, life can take on a mundane and rote feel. Keep your life filled with inspiration by constantly exposing yourself to new experiences. If you've been waiting to try that belly dancing class, now's the time. Be spontaneous and go for it! The resulting sense of joy and accomplishment of something new will be an enriching reward sure to last a while.


Stay tuned! The new site is launching this January livemoore . com chock full of new spiritual fitness tips, services and products!


6. Be Self-Centered.

Try this little exercise. Stand with both feet planted firmly on the floor, bend your knees slightly to find your sense of balance. Feel that? That's what it feels like to be centered. Now try taking your left foot and bringing it as far around your right foot as possible. Feel that? That's being off-center. Which way feels more like the way you approach life? Centering yourself can make all the difference in your day-to-day activity. When we are centered we operate from a place of calm, clarity and balance. When we are off-center life feels unbalanced and unsure-we're easily knocked over by any little crisis because we lack a sure footing. Finding your center is easy, just ask yourself "What do I need to become centered right now?" Maybe it's to go for a walk, take some deep breaths, or give or get a hug. It may never be the same thing twice. But the answer is always there.

7. Be Thankful.

When we stop to give thanks, a few things happen: First, we actually have to stop. The act of halting our "doings" for a few moments means slowing down our pace long enough to be truly present to our life. Second, we gain valuable perspective. To be truly thankful we must elicit an internal review; we must take stock of our life and relationships as we acknowledge the things we are grateful for having. And finally, giving thanks is the most direct way to acknowledge our link within the interconnected chain of life. When we are thankful we open to that which is grander than us (whatever you may call it: God, The Universe, Spirit, etc.) and recognize our part in the grand scheme.

8. Be at Peace.

We often confuse being peaceful for being calm. But peace has little to do with appearance. All things that appear still are not necessarily peaceful, and all things peaceful are not necessarily still. Imagine you were set adrift at sea on a life raft. Although the water might take on a beautiful calm glassy appearance, in your mind you might be experiencing a torrent of anxiety and fear over the gravity of your situation. Conversely, people who have been in violent accidents such as car crashes, often talk about how the entire event slowed down to take on a quiet peaceful serene quality; as if everything was suddenly ok. That's because the true meaning of being at peace is being in acceptance. It is only when we not only acknowledge but also accept our circumstances for what and where they are, that we move gracefully into a state of peace. But when we refuse to accept our situation as anything less than how we think it should be, peace is impossible to attain. Strive to be more accepting of the truth of your life circumstances and peace is imminent.

9. Be as a Child.

Not childish, but childlike. Children have an amazingly simple determination. Have you ever tried to give a child a toy when what they really want is candy? They're irrefutable. No amount of coaxing or rationalization will get them to sway their desire. They know what they want, and it is only that one thing in the world, which will satisfy them in that particular moment. Learn to tap into your inner brat. What is the one thing you need right now above all other things? Don't stop at the obvious choices like money or a new car. (What would you do with a new car right now? Drive it around the room?) Really ask yourself what do you need right now? Make it a practice to ask this question as often as possible, and see what steps you can take to fulfilling your own needs. While you may not always be able to reward yourself with the object of your desire, you will reward yourself with a clearer understanding of who you are and what you need day-to-day.

10. Be a Hero.

It takes courage to be human. Every day requires a certain amount of mustering of Spirit just to be willing to step out into the world and face the challenges of life. It's time to acknowledge this. The dictionary describes a hero as "One endowed with strength and ability and admired for their achievements and great courage." Sounds like you! Be your own hero. Acknowledge your own strengths and abilities. Recognize your achievements both great and small as the wonderful acts of courage they truly are. History is filled with people who may have done great things, but there is not, never has been, and never will be anyone created who is greater than you are.

© 2003, Moore Creative Living

I hope you found these fitness tips helpful. Take some time this month and this year to enrich your spirit by putting some (if not all) of these practices to work. The result is sure to be a "Happy New Year!"

Adam Moore,

America's Spiritual Health and Fitness Coach



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Life is 10% of what happens to you,

and 90% how you respond to it.

-Adam Moore
