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~ Mayan Calendar ~ The Next Nine Years- Part 1 of 5 Parts A thought-provoking analysis of the Mayan Calendar according to Ian Lungold

A thought-provoking analysis of the Mayan Calendar according to Ian Lungold

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The Mayan calendar is NOT an instrument for tracking the procession of time as previously thought, but as a meter and measure of the evolution of human consciousness.

Carl J. Calleman Ph.D., is a biochemical scientist from Sweden. For 30 years he has worked in labs performing microbiology experiments. Most of his work was investigating how pollution causes disease to proliferate. Eight years ago he trained his attention on the Mayan calendar to see what correlations or sets of facts could be proven not just "studied" as the archeologists have done. What he uncovered with his newfound "hobby" is quickly changing the world and the way we live with it. Dr. Calleman has scientifically proven the Schedule of Creation and Evolution over the last 16.4 billion years (from the Big Bang forward).

Dr. Calleman has lectured about the Mayan calendar in nine different countries and was one of the main speakers at the conference about the Mayan calendar organized by the Indigenous Council of the Americas in Merida, Yucatan, 1998. He is the author of Maya-hypotesen (in Swedish, 1994), Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar (Garev, Coral Springs and London, 2001)from which interested readers may gain a more extended background to the ideas presented in this article, and a forthcoming book in English, Enlightenment: The Mayan Calendar as Our Guide to the Future (Acalan, Albuquerque, 2003).

Mr. Ian Lungold entered the scene for his discovery of a simple formula to find any day on the Mayan calendar from the Gregorian calendar thereby providing access to the Mayan calendar for every man, woman and child on Earth. Dr. Calleman and Lungold are working together to expose this vital information. Dr. Calleman is in Europe and Asia and Lungold has the American continents as his responsibility.

Why the Mayan Calendar?

Why should anyone be interested in the Mayan calendar? We have the Gregorian calendar? Isn't one calendar enough? Perhaps not.

Our culture, as opposed to indigenous cultures, is cut off from our natural surroundings and to the "Natural Cycles" of life. One could say we are fixated or even addicted to convenience and glitz. Probably less than 5% of the people you know could tell you what phase the moon is in. Our mental disconnection from the underlying patterns of our evolvement as the human race has caused an increasing unbalance of emotion. We exhibit this with crime, pollution and wars. As a result, Mother Earth's upset is expressed in "weird weather" such as earthquakes and volcanoes, simply because we are not paying attention anymore!

If we seriously want to heal our relationship with Mother Earth, we must spend some "quality time" paying attention to these natural cycles. Doing things like watching a moonrise, sitting through a sunset, or finding North, South, East and West from where you are now. These are natural cycles.

Anyone who takes an interest in the ancient culture of the Maya will soon realize that this people had an understanding of time which was vastly different from our own, and many have come to use it for their own spiritual evolution.

The Gregorian calendar (and many calendars from other cultures) is basically tied to agriculture, i.e., helping people to keep track of the agricultural year. For agricultural reasons, it has been necessary to arrive at a very exact estimate of the astronomical year and to keep each day of the year frozen with regard to the position the earth is in during its orbit around the sun. Such a calendar is useful for telling us when to sow and harvest, etc.

The ancient peoples of this planet, however, also had a divine calendar which was founded on the 360 day year. The Maya totally ignored the solar cycle as the center of their consciousness All Mayan calendar dates, including personal birthdays, dedications, and most sacred ceremonial events were measured in 360 day periods called tuns (pronounced "tunes.")

According to the Maya, each day in Creation has its own sacred energy and purpose. There are 260 different combinations of 20 different Day Lord Energies or "Sacred Sun Signs" (light energy sent by the Sun), and 13 different Galactic Energies or "Tones" sent as light frequencies from the Central Sun of our galaxy. The Central Sun of our galaxy is The One Giver of Movement and Measure.

Each of the Day Lords - or "Sacred Sun Signs" - has a personality and each of the Galactic Energies - or "tones" - have a purpose or intent. This combination gives each day a "personality" and "intent." By following the days on the Mayan calendar, you become entrained or synchronized with the natural cycles that are timed by this calendar. Thus your time becomes more natural and less mechanical. No sweat, no strain, just flow of attention on what day it is.

But the Mayan calendar has even broader and more profound implications.

As the true meaning of the calendar is solved, it becomes clear that we are living in a creation that evolves according to a pre-set schedule, i.e., the Maya were keeping track of the flow, rate, and intent of Creation itself or the evolution of consciousness throughout Creation.

You have heard that history repeats itself. This is now proven fact.

There is a repeating pattern to all of Creation. Quantum physics has proven this over and over in the organization of matter. There is a pattern of intentions and events, as well. We - or rather Consciousness - have been down this same road seven times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of Creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of Creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but Creation itself that is accelerating.

There are scheduled impulses on the part of Creation that are affecting global events today, and during the next nine years until the Mayan calendar ends near 2012.

What Does the Mayan Calendar Mean to Us?

It means that we will have the capability to see the patterns and flow of interest and action across humanity. Consciousness is becoming more aware of who and what it is. Consciousness is opening the door to see how we all work together - AS ONE - to manifest or create our own reality.

If you are able to pay attention to the unfolding pattern of Creation, this is what you will be conscious of. The speed of change and the continued disclosure of the nature of Creation will become a stabilizing force in your existence - not a confusing tumble of cause and effect, accident and loss.

There is a formula that goes like this: "Peace of Mind" comes when persons or a society are "centered." Centered-ness comes from certainty. Certainty comes from only one place: the recognition of patterns. So when a person or society has recognized a pattern as great as all of Creation, there is great certainty and centered-ness - and there is great Peace of Mind.

This is our challenge: to educate humanity that the changes scheduled as per the Mayan calendar are for the uplifting of all. They are the sure steps of the continued evolution of Consciousness and the increase in personal choice of experience.

(part 2 of 5 - next edition)
