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Message On Harmonic Concordance

By Kara Kincannon

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e of Light is fully activated through us all. Love returns to earth as the foundation of all realities. The heavens and the earth moves (Shift) in consciousness to the 5th dimension for all earth inhabitants. This has been the "Unified Field merger Project." We made it!!

We have for many years been trans-living in and through all karmic illusions. Much inner work has had to be done in a certain time frame, and we did it. This has brought about our collective transformations. Our destinies call on Nov 8th, 2003. We have been traveling back to this future now event - time travelers in and through and beyond time, to the conscious remembering of our oneness with Source Creator. We unite on this day as knowing beings of our God/dess within. The collective power of our unified energies and the recognition of our true source of divinity will unify through our diversity at just this moment in time on Nov 8th. We merge as One. We collectively awaken to our Spirits as we embody into this physical earth to co-create a new earth and to bring our many gifts encoded and activated as One. Our Mission begins in earnest. Heaven returns to earth.

"We" consciousness returns through us - no longer the "I" consciousness of self serving, the lower fear based modalities that have been here for thousands of years . We are the ones that came to change that His-story. The Now Age of We, as One, male and female balanced within us - the sacred marriage within of One Love, One Power and One Kingdom in Earth, as it is in Heaven. We are the collective Messiah here to co-create this Now Age. The Aquarius Age is not fixed, but mobile and fluid. In this beginning shift of the ages on Nov 8th and 9th, 2003, we flow and live in, through and beyond our wildest dreams. We step into the unknown. Our future has arrived.

Peace and Blessings Kara

Kara Kincannon

P.O.Box 830

Aguilar, Co. 81020


Building the Now Age!

Rev. Kara Kincannon ( We are One Now and Building the Now Age!! )

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