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Baggage Handling...Letting Go Of What We don't Need

David Icke

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nd' exploded open and I was never the same again.

It was like a dam bursting in my head and I was on a white-water ride to another reality. When a dam bursts, the once calm water crashes out of control until it finds balance in the new situation and so it was with me.

Information and concepts flooded my consciousness to the point where everything basically froze. It was like tapping too many keys too quickly on a computer and it locks up. I was in that state for about three months, bewildered from what was happening and battered from the media and public reaction. I was now Britain's resident nutter.

I couldn't go down any street in the country without being laughed at; in fact I could hardly go anywhere. Comedians only had to say my name to get a laugh, no joke necessary. It shattered my life as it had been up until then and it shattered my family. Most crucially, however, it shattered my matrix - and that was the main point of it all.

When you experience the level of ridicule and abuse that I did, particularly between 1991 and around '95, you either go under or you come out of it with an immense strength that will not bow to any scale of ridicule or hostility. It is like honing steel in a fire and it was the same with my family.

It is amazing what you can achieve if you keep putting one foot before the other, no matter what may appear to stand in your way. If you keep moving you are bound to get somewhere. It is when you stop and try to defend yourself that the challenge defeats the challenged.

What happened to me in 1991 was essential to all that has followed with the exposure of the global conspiracy and revelations about the nature of reality. We all have layers of dense energy around us that are generated by what we inherit through the DNA 'hard drive' and what we accumulate through our own experience.

These energies, the 'eggshell' as I call them, are expressions of fear in all its forms and rigid thought patterns that hold us in servitude to a tragically limited sense of reality. The DNA, indeed the whole cellular structure, is like a giant crystal receiver/transmitter and what it is tuned to becomes the 'world' that we think we live in.

What we call 'the world' or the 'vastness' of space or the universe is really only a tiny range of frequencies within infinite possibility.

The conspiracy to imprison humanity is actually a conspiracy to tune us to a tiny range of possibility and experience, because the smaller the range of perceived possibility, the smaller the mind that observes it into being.

Humans are like a transistor radio with the dial super-glued in place so it only picks up one station. Imagine what it would do to your sense of possibility if you only ever heard one station all your life. Well, that's basically the situation that humans face when they are born into this manipulated reality.

What happened with my extreme experiences of the early 1990s is that my superglue was washed away and the dial began to move. With that came all the information and concepts about life and reality that poured into my 'this world' mind. It is a process that increasing numbers of people are going through as the unfolding vibrational change frees the receiver from its sticky little 'box'.

The old Dave

In my case, imprisoning states of mind, like the need for 'credibility' and approval ('what will they think of me?') were blasted into the stratosphere by the mass ridicule that I faced every day. This alone opens the mind to a greater reality because when you fear ridicule or hostility for being different to the norm, the mind closes off to anything that is different. It is a protection mechanism created by a desire to be protected from the consequences of being different in a closed-circuit reality.

Once you don't care what people think of you, your mind relaxes with the thought of going anywhere and new possibilities and understandings can be accessed. This is one key reason why the whole system is directed at keeping us in fear, especially the fear of being different to the herd.

Behind all of the system's dynamics is the goal of keeping the dial on one station and this includes the need to focus every day on survival, be it paying the mortgage, keeping your job or having enough to eat. The perceived need to survive at all costs is a powerful dial sticker and a trait of the reptilian brain, through which much of the reality manipulation is routed.

My experiences, horrific in the moment, set me free of so much and I have been able to gather together vast amounts of interconnected information for the books by following the urgings and inspiration of what I was able to access as a result of the dam burst.

But there are many layers still to go if I am to see the biggest picture and I am now at the start of another 'turquoise period' that is going to take me there by removing still more of the eggshell. It won't be anything like the same as 1991, not least because I am now far more aware of the process and what is going on. It will, however, be another white-water ride in the next few months at least.

So many strands from a concluding cycle of my life are being tied together ever more quickly and some challenging times are immediately ahead. It is part of the process of purging the 'past' so a new 'future' can emerge. More to the point, it is the purging of the vibrational fields that those experiences represent so more light can shine through. People also come and go in our lives when cycles start and come to an end. T'was always so.

As I have been saying all these years ... life often brilliantly disguises your greatest gifts as your worst nightmare. I think I am about to be given another gift.

The outer is only the inner made manifest and by observing the outer the inner can be seen. For example, whenever I have met people in homes that are untidy, full of junk and nothing in its place, they have had minds to match. They may have interesting things to say, but their thoughts are scattered and nothing fits with anything else to deliver coherence.

Whenever I sit down to write a book I always have to tidy my little office so everything is in its place. That is an 'outer' expression of my mind preparing to do the same with the information I am communicating.

It is no coincidence, therefore, that at this time when my next great transformation is clearly beginning that I suddenly have this urge to rid myself of everything that is holding me back on the road to what some call 'enlightenment'. These are the energetic fields that we hold on to simply for fear of letting them go.

I have been going through boxes and boxes of accumulated 'possessions' this last ten days that go back 30 years or more. Jeeez, what crap we keep for no reason except that we choose not to let it go.

High baggage ... low vibration

We go through our junk and keep the utterly irrelevant because 'we might need it some day' or 'it could come in handy'. These are physical symbols of the mental and emotional baggage we hold onto because we are frightened to let it go in case 'we might need it some day'. What we think we might need with this energetic junk are survival mechanisms and responses - the eggshell to protect us from 'the world'.

What we forget is that this very energetic baggage is creating the world that we think it can protect us from.

I have had a wonderful time throwing out all the stuff that has been kept for keepings sake and every trip to the recycling centre has felt like great weights falling from my shoulders. Only the absolutely essential has survived because I don't want all that crap anymore.

It represents the mental and emotional crap that is falling from me, the old ways of thinking and being enslaved and manipulated by emotional patterns and responses that are nothing more than electro-chemical processes within the body computer.


The start of a new era

The next few months are going to be deeply challenging on many levels, not least with the legal case to secure control of my books, and as I also experience what has already begun - a switching of realities that will take me to the great beyond where the true nature of life 'here' can be seen and at last understood.

I can feel the shift getting stronger and more tangible by the day. I am increasingly in this world, but not of it in terms of my point of observation. It is like looking through a window into this reality rather than being 'inside' it. It is very strange, but not at all alarming. It is very comforting, in fact, to know that what we think is 'everything' and 'important' is just an illusory nonsense generated to confuse us and hold us in servitude.

No more.

I have completed a new book, which is now at the production stage and will be out in the autumn, and, once again, it fits the pattern of what is happening to me. It is a major work of dot-connecting and I believe the best book I have done so far in terms of linking together the apparently unconnected to show how the puzzle pieces fit. But it is the last of the line, or the last of its kind.

From there on, new levels of understanding must emerge, beyond the 9/11s and the banking and political scams, so that we can truly understand who we are and where we are.

To do that I must get 'out there' beyond the confines of body consciousness. To do that means that more energetic baggage must go. To do that, some shite must strike the fan so the eggshell can further fracture.

It might not be pleasant, but the rewards will be priceless. Chocks away.