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2 Scorpio, The Angels Of Electricity

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fire, or electricity.

Pure Will in its highest form is the divine virtue of the first letter, Sch, of our name ‘Schaluah’.

In the deepest states of trance, we initiate the Children of Light into ‘the non-manifestable omnipotence which is the virtue by which Divine Providence creates the first outpouring of divine creation. It is regarded as the highest virtue.’

Electricity and fire is embodied WILL.

When a Child of Light becomes one with the ORIGINAL WILL OF GOD, all that is not of the highest good of all is naturally released, and in the releasing of it, it is transformed.

The power of transformation, freedom from clinging to old outworn values and possessions, control over passion and negative beings is the second letter of our name, umlaut A.

Everything is transformed into the splendor and majesty of the Divine.

"I and the Father are One."

"All that I do, ye shall do and more."

The sum total of all the divine virtues taken together, the splendor and majesty of The Divine Creator, and the source of vitality and eternal youth is the divine virtue of letter L.

The act of creation with its ongoing effects is the divine virtue of letter U. With this virtue a Child of Light changes their own karma, receives the highest form of intuition, and enters the deepest state of trance at will.In the deepest state of trance, a Child of Light changes their own karma to that of heaven on earth, and changes the karma of the web of light to reflect the original purity of all ideas about creation.

Enlightenment and Wisdom, the understanding of the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind is the virtue of letter A. With this virtue a Child of Light gains clairvoyance, clairaudience, eloquence, artistic talent and control over beings of the air element.

In possession of all of these virtues, a Child of Light then creates according to the highest will through the Power of the Word.

The last letter, letter H, is the divine virtue of the Power of the Word. All of the divine virtues in our name ,‘Schaluah’ , lead up to the dynamic use of this virtue to manifest new realities in will, thought, feeling and form for all.

With these divine virtues a Child of God masters the use of WILL so completely, that a decree of any letter and its divine virtue through the Power of the Word shoots out like a bolt of lightening and stays in manifestation like a current of electricity.

A Child of Light actually creates lightening and electricity this way, resulting in Divine Power and Will running through creation.

"And to the Children of God is given dominion over all."

‘We specialize in the manifestation of divine will and spirit that manifests in form as electricity.'

Electo-magnetic energy is in direct relationship as OMNIPOTENT WILL and FLOWING DIVINE LOVE.

‘Electrical inventions are inspired by us’.

As loving harmlessness to all life, to every animal and all of nature, is integrated as the absolute scientific standard, we reveal through the divine virtues of our name ever more secrets about electricity that are astounding and fantastic.

The time of Heaven on Earth is here.

ALL OF A SUDDEN, like a lightening bolt, a great work is earnestly embraced by ever increasing numbers of people, until finally all governments, corporations, and peoples of the world join together to love, heal and perfect all life, the environment and the economy.

This group WILL to lovingly manifest heaven on earth grows ever stronger, like an increasingly strong electrical current, and takes priority over all else and is guided by the indwelling Holy Spirit and the heavenly hosts.

Electronic communications and advanced computers and electrical systems are a physical part of this manifestation.

We inspire the Children of Light to imbue all physical electricity with divine virtues through the Power of the Word.

A Child of Light utilizes the loving feeling of the fire of will through the Power of the Word for the manifestation of the Highest Good of All Concerned and electrical impulses of pure fire light up the web of life.


Sch…’The "S" oscillation is the original fire [all penetrating will]. The "K" oscillation is the original light [omnipotence]. The virtue of "Sch" connects both original light and original fire, and thus indicates the non-manifestable omnipotence. The "Sch" therefore represents the original principle superior to the "K" and "S". This is the virtue by which Divine Providence creates the first outpouring of divine creation. It is regarded as the highest virtue.’

This is the original masculine force.

Electricity begins as pure omnipotent will power.

umlaut A, AE,… 'The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue.'

The sound of this letter, the long "A", {AE}, in the cosmic language 'is the virtue of the origin and mystery of life and death regarding their transformation. By meditating on this virtue, a Child of Light becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death is only a transformation from one state into another'.

'Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. With this comes the ability to master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes with regard to their scope of action'.

' The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear. Since, in the original principle all beings are alike, each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point of view everything is pure. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If there were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if there were no passions, there would also be no virtues'.

' This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", the deep symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.'

In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see through all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning matter, and of becoming their absolute master'.

'In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction etc. A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all desires and passions. Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues and objects.'

' This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind yourself and you will be free".

'On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. No matter whether you evoke it in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a larger extent. The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.'

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

L… The sound of this letter is the sound of the Divine Virtues all taken together.

This letter represents the highest divine virtues that may be described by words, irrespective of whatever sort they may be. This letter oscillation is used to comprehend the Divine Majesty and the greatness of God in the form of the purest virtues’.

From this virtue comes the faculty of comprehending true morality as seen from the highest point of view. This will lead you to the borders of saintliness. On the feeling level true equilibrium of character occurs and mastery of flooding the emotions with the highest light is attained’.

‘ On the physical level you gain perfect health, beauty and harmony and you become absolute master of your own vitality.’

‘It is to be imagined as the color of olive green. The musical note is F, the element is air, so it has the sensation of ease. The spleen is formed from this virtue.’

U… The letter "U" in the cosmic language represents ‘the faculty of comprehending the creative act and it’s relationship to karma. It evokes the highest form of intuition and inspiration and makes possible the understanding of one’s own karma and it’s modification. It also makes possible the transfer of consciousness to any state imaginable and this results in states of highest trance.’

This virtue reveals the ongoing effects of the use of pure will.

This letter is imagined as shining velvet black and is practiced in the solar plexus and then in the legs and feet. This letter enlivens the pancreas. The musical note is B, and it is the element of Akasha, which has the sensation of God-penetrating-all in meditation.

A… ‘Divine Providence has created the original principle of the elements by the three virtues represented by "A", "Sch", and "M". "A" is the air principle of intellect and wisdom. "M" is the original water element of love, the original feminine force. For reasons of balance the "A" has a mediating role between the original fire and the original water.’ This is to say that intellect mediates between will and feeling.

This sound, the soft ahhhh of a sigh, is the sound of wisdom and enlightenment in its highest form. This virtue gives clairvoyance, clairaudience, eloquence and musical and artistic gifts and control over the beings of the air.

Mastering this virtue gives the mind access to the purity of all ideas in their original form. The beauty and perfection of all original ideas arouses the desire, or will, to manifest these on earth.

"On earth as it is in heaven."

The color is light blue, the sensation is ease, the musical note is G, and the part of the body that is formed by this virtue is the lungs.

H… This letter symbolizes the Power of the Word.

This virtue gives the knowledge on how to create whatever is willed.

In fourfold whole brain thinking, the WILL of a divine virtue is held in the pure being of Delta brainwaves, the CONCEPT AND MEANING of a divine virtue is held in the deep inward thought of Theta brainwaves, the FEELING of a divine virtue is held in emotion of Alpha brainwaves, and the SENSATION, COLOR, MUSICAL NOTE, SOUND, AND RELEVANT BODY PART is held in the five senses, memory, and logic of Beta brainwaves.

By using this technique to utter words, each one of which is made up of letters that have divine virtues associated with them, creativity of the highest order occurs. The letter H has a silvery violet color, is the fire element of will and has the sensation of warmth and fire, it has the musical note of A, and is the virtue by which the right arm of every child of God is created.

This is the 236th degree of the zodiac. 2+3+6=11. 1+1=2.

‘NUMBER TWO is the number of duality, of polarity, of the positive and the negative principle. In the material world, the two indicates electricity and magnetism, love and hate, light and shadow. It is always a pole and its anti-pole, of which one could not exist without the other. It is God and man. It appertains to those religions which regard God as something separate, whereby the dualistic principle is to be found in all forms of existence. Two can be represented by a horizontal line’.


Note: The meditation for using shapes to travel to the dimensional realm of the angel groups is found in the 20 Libra message.


What the Angel messages are all about:

The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host and the angels who work with him or her. The being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers and influence.

Each letter of the name represents a particular divine virtue, and each virtue has a meaning, a sound, a musical note, a color, a sensation, a part of the body that is formed by the virtue. SPEAKING THIS LANGUAGE IS DONE INWARDLY in meditation.

Be aware of the virtues of each letter using all of these aspects of meaning, color, sound, tone, feeling, and sensation. This requires wholebrain thinking that uses all four brainwaves at the same time: Delta-pure being, Theta-deep inward thought, Alpha-feeling and emotion, and Beta-the five senses, logic, and memory.

[Email for a copy of the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox to facilitate skill in doing four things at once.]

When a human being uses the ancient language in this way, a sine wave is created in consciousness and sound that strikes a sympathetic resonance with the sine waves of the larger universe. The smaller sine wave nests in a larger one and this virtue manifests both in the person doing the meditation and in the outer world.



We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all there is; with all beings, with all creatures, with the masters, and with Divine Providence,


happen here.

I give thanks that this is done.


These messages build on each other. The previous angel messages and instructions on the ancient language are found at the following sites: LANGUAGE OF COSMIC LOVE ~~~ A TO Z This site has the current updated messages archived according to Zodiac Groups, online community and email, and other features, including a Creations Gallery to showcase your creative talents.

This site also has the 28 days Angel Messages.

* Click on OTHER ARTISTS., Angel Music and prints are available at this site. [The angel messages are listed in alphabetical order according to purpose here. This site is due to be upgraded to the edited and expanded version of the angel messages soon.]

It is suggested that each person consider seriously the purchase of the original reference books for this series of angel messages due to the large amount of information available within them that is helpful.

These are the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN 3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany. [His first book, Initiation into Hermetics, is a preparatory book for this information.]

Some of these books may be purchased at or or hopefully,

Note: Concerning the recommended site , Polly wrote, " I couldn't discover that Rexresearch is selling Franz Bardon books, although it looks as if he has posted the whole contents of The Key to the True Quabbalah & Initiation Into Hermetics . What a fantastic find. The site is quite amazing."

*Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN 3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany. These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac. For serious study of the ancient language and easy reference, you can purchase these books online at :


Franz Bardon's first book, "Frabato the Magician", gives background information to some of today's political and economic situations. Be sure to read the additional material at the very back of the book. It will help explain why it is such a miracle of Divine Providence that we have this material available now.

For a copy of the TIBETAN EXERCISE OF PARADOX, which stimulates wholebrain functioning, and information on emotional processing, please email Or go to

At you will find "The Twenty Eight Days",


copyright: Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser

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