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A Thanksgiving Message by Dariel

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a Christmas album, and it is excellent!

Here are some of the lyrics to their opening song

Do you remember long ago?

And how we loved when we were children?

Let's be like children

This Christmas time

And if you say that you'll be mine,

Then all the stars will shine around us

Love will surround us

This Christmas time

I don't need a reindeer, I don't need the snow

Tell me you love me, and I'm ready to go

Out of the darkness, into the light

This is the Christmas where we make it all right!

I hear you talking in my dreams

Of nights of love and days of wonder

I still remember

Each Christmas time

So if you see me on the street

No need to ask me what would please me

It's your love, believe me

This Christmas time

This is the season of beauty and light

Love, love, we can make it all right

Out of the darkness, into the light

This is the Christmas where we make it all right!

Now I ask you, dear family, do they know something that we don't? Is this truly THE Christmas where we make it all right? I suggest to you that it truly is.

The Magic of Believing

Does anyone recall what the physic children told us to do? They told us to imagine! Now here are the Moody Blues telling us to be like children. Did not Esu Immanuel tell us to become like little children? Why?

It is simply that children do not question when they are told something. They believe everything - until the negative programming comes along and destroys their beliefs. As adults, we filter everything through our years of wisdom and learning. We analyze everything to the point of disbelief. It seems the more educated we become, the less likely we are to believe.

I recall a book I read many years ago called "The Magic of Believing". It may still be available. The author traveled all over the globe

seeking anomalies in different culture's belief systems. One example that stood out was a group of South Pacific islanders. The parents

taught their children that one should not get married until they found the right one. They were encouraged to freely engage in sexual

intercourse and were told that they would not get pregnant until they got married. There were zero unwed pregnancies in that population because they simply believed - and it worked!

Contrast that to how we were taught in the U.S. We were told that if we engaged in unprotected sex, that a pregnancy definitely would occur. And that belief system worked equally well. How many other false belief systems were instilled in us? Here are a few of them:

Johnny, don't go out into the cold without your jacket. If you do, you'll catch a cold.

Nothing is certain in life, except death and taxes.

You have to work hard to make a living.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

All these are examples of negative programming, designed to kill the

seeds of believing in something outside the matrix.

Here are the words to another song on the Moody Blues album:

The Spirit of Christmas is the Spirit of Love

Still there when the innocence has gone

But we have each other, we laugh and we cry

The cares of the world still carry on

Yes, I believe in a better world

And like the rest of us, I pray

For peace on this earth and a better life

With every beautiful day

I once met a Holy Man who showed me the way

The road to Tranquility at last

He said..

Yes, I believe in a better world

And like the rest of us, I try

To hold on to hope for a better life

With every day that goes by

And if we dare to dream of paradise unseen

It might come true!

Yes, I believe in a better world

A world where my sisters can be free

And I have a place in my brother's heart

where everybody is the same

Do you dare to dream of a better day? Magic is happening all around us. Catch the vision and hold on.

How big can you dream? Who says everyone cannot be rich? Who says NESARA is not real? If you believe that big lie, you are simply in service to the dark side. (Don't shoot me.I didn't say that.St. Germain did.I'm just the messenger)

The constructs of the old reality are fading rapidly. My flame had a vivid dream a few nights ago. She was inside a Mormon church, and

everything was totally different from the past meetings she recalled. Hearts had changed, love abounded, no talk of judgment or damnation for sin. Joy reigned supreme and ecstasy was prevalent. A sense of universal love prevailed, not just for Mormons, but for everyone.

Many are having such dreams. A friend in Utah told of an intense open vision she had last week where she saw humans walking with ferocious wild animals side by side. Do you recall the prophecy of the lion and the lamb? Each passing day brings in higher consciousness, more awareness, and less fear.

Line upon line, precept upon a little, there a little. Change is imminent. Don't get all caught up with firm dates and

deadlines. This is a complex undertaking, so massive it is requiring the assistance of all of Heaven. Just know in your heart of hearts that it will occur.

We are choosing to hold the energy in our minds that NESARA will manifest before year's end. It is constantly in our hearts, our

thoughts, our prayers, our meditations, our ceremonies. Every breath we take, every step we take brings us closer to our goal of a better world.

Every child that is born is bringing in new hope and is rebuilding the world. Our children must be taught to love, not hate. We have a

tremendous responsibility to our children's children children. We are the generation that must put an end to war, for their sakes.

Remember, also, to give thanks for everything that we have. There is so much to be thankful for. The awareness that is bursting forth everywhere is simply amazing! The musical artists like the Moody Blues and screen actors like Mel Gibson are coming forth and inspiring us with hope. By the way, have you ever seen the young men who formed the rock group, Rage Against the Machine? They, too, are raising awareness in a different way. They are reaching the younger generation with songs about social injustice. We are thankful for their efforts as well.

Have you seen the final Matrix movie? The theme is the end of duality. A lot of critics didn't like it because of that very theme. We loved it, as it foretells of a time when there is neither light nor dark, only peace and balance within each of us. No more war, no more contention, no more competition for natural resources. In the end, the humans realized that they too were truly dependent on the machines.

Can we learn to embrace our own dark side? You don't have one, you say? Not possible, I say. Yes, we Lightworkers have learned to highly favor the light, for instinctively we know that light is all there is. However, every time we doubt, every time we judge, every time we

criticize - we are operating on our dark side. When we are in service to self, we are walking in our dark side.

Neo also found out another great truth from the Oracle - Agent Smith was his own dark side! Wow! Does that mean that we may each have physical counterparts that play opposite roles? St. Germain says that we do. This is our play - we carefully crafted it for our soul's growth. When we finally come to the realization that our enemies are our greatest teachers, and we learn to love those enemies unconditionally, we will have mastered ourselves. Allow them the opportunity to come to the light, for we are all one.

Let us walk in total love, without fear, and boldly declare to our peers that a better world is coming. We hold the keys of the kingdom in our hearts and minds and nothing can stop the forthcoming kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Yes, I believe in a better world! Will you join with me in holding that vision until the darkness steps into the light?

And if we dare to dream of paradise unseen - It might come true!


I Am Dariel
