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Message From Valerie Donner - "Return To Straight From The Heart"

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ouls are stepping forward with important information. Praise God for the Internet and for our opening hearts that lead us to expanded truth and consciousness. We need it.

There are physicians coming out with truth about vaccinations, the pharmaceutical industry, allopathic medicine and how the huge trillion dollar a year pharmaceutical industry has done more harm than good. If you want an eye opener check out Dr. Matthias Rath (www.dr-rath-health-foundation-org), or Dr. Leonard Horowitz ( There is even a group that is moving forward to hold the media accountable for their reporting. I feel the age of empowerment is upon us.

What are you doing in your lives to be more empowered? Do you take everything at face value or do you look deeper? Do you stand up for yourself to be more empowered, to feel better about your choices in your life? I hope you are consciously doing this on a daily basis.

How are you fairing on shifting out of victim consciousness? This is a major undertaking for Lightworkers. We are the ones who carry the vibratory frequencies to create the critical mass of new thinkers. Through the chaos we ride the waves of change. We actually co-create the change with our hearts, souls and our thoughts. I hope you are stepping out of the confines of the boxed in victim hood. Maybe you are beginning to see and feel the Light of your most Divine Self. Maybe you are beginning to feel the freedom of your soul and your purpose as a way shower for the New Earth.

Hold this new vision within your hearts as these turbulent and confusing times begin to blast us through to the higher dimensions. We are assisted with this trajectory of truth by the photon energies that are coming directly from Prime Creator. I understand that the energies of June and July of this year will be profoundly affecting all of life on Earth. Meditate and begin to feel these energies that will impact us in a most unusual way. It could feel like an explosion within. It could be the zero point energies where we will be in oneness with God. Feel the energies and prepare for a deepening that you have been long awaiting. It is no longer time to wait and see but to meditate and be. Bring in these energies and you will assist the Earth and humanity to integrate them when they arrive.

I feel that after this big upwelling of Light our lives will be different. It will be an awakening of consciousness. Humanity will begin to look around for Lightworkers to show them the way, to teach them about the spiritual events that are now forthcoming. You will be much more on your pathways, dear ground crew. This is the time of the great quickening.

Please check at the end of this update for a special retreat that I will be doing here at Mt. Shasta with a friend, Nan Olson, the weekend of July 18-20. We are doing this “Heart of the Mountain Retreat” on the mountain. It is with joy in our hearts that we bring forth this gathering for expanding consciousness with the Masters, the Earth, Mt. Shasta, the mineral kingdom and the fairy kingdom. I hope you will consider coming if your heart feels guided. The timing could not be better and I feel we were divinely guided to do this at this time on the planet.
