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Relay Relay Relay December 7, 2006

Spijrit Eagle

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by destructive human practices which you call "Progress," she is still a Great Jewel of our Galaxy. She is small compared to some but she is Mighty in her beautiful Soul! We find it sad that so few Humans really SEE her beauty. Some are in cities and unable to even ride to less populated areas and to walk in the grass or beside the sea or to hike a majestic forest. These are a banquet for the soul.

Humans are meant to be an integral part of Nature and yet the vast majority of your Planetary residents cannot even relate to Her! That will change My Dears. You will not be living such an artificial life in near future! Your communities will be designed within a close interaction with your Earth Mother. Your lives will be clean and peaceful and you will live in harmony upon, and with your Planet.

We, on the Rainbow Light are Painters, Dancers, Singers, Sculptors, Carvers, Architects, Musicians, Holographic Filmmakers and Photographers, Gardeners, and Designers of all sorts within the Arts! Yes, our ship is a very happy, and harmonious place! We look forward to helping you to restore your Beloved Earth to her Pristine Condition and we will help you to design buildings that truly blend with the surrounding landscape!

There is much color and beauty of sight and sound to be added to your lives. We are here to help! We, as you are looking forward to our happy reunion in the near future. We will come with songs and dancing and lightness of heart and will help you to bring Joy back to Mother Earth and All who live upon Her! We leave you now with Joy, Love, Beauty and a song echoing in your nights and days until we meet (Again)

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle Thursday December 7, 2006 8:36 pm