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Phoenix Ascended Christmas Message

By Jim Langman

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collective level but also on an individual level. Due to the new energies entering our realm, we have had to deal with many issues like never before. What we all must remember with each situation that comes our way is the fact that we will never be given a problem that is too big for us to handle. Every situation is within our means to over come. If you remember this, you will always come out a winner.

One of the things we also must remember is that we are all going through these changes together. "We are not doing this alone". When you are faced with speaking your truth, it is a very important lessen to remember to treat and speak to people in the same manner that you would wish to be treated and spoken to yourself. Self empowerment is a very important thing for us to achieve at this time as long as it is not at the expense of others.

Allow yourselves the space to be who you are and serve as a Light to another. Let us make the world a more positive place by working on a new world free of hatred, violence, strife, prejudices and dissatisfaction. The law of Plenty states that we will always have enough, provided that we create this for ourselves. We create our own world with our thoughts! By attuning our thoughts and actions to each other in a positive and Loving manner, we will be able to create a positive atmosphere. In this way everything we need will come our way and any lacking will become a thing of the past.

Soon we will be welcoming in the year 2004. As with myself and for many of you around the world, you already will have gained an inner knowing that the coming year 2004 is one that is going to be a powerful year filled with events never thought possible. 2004 will be the year of full disclosure. Many truths that have been hidden from us all will be finally revealed. I for one have this inner knowing that in the coming year, we will have greater evidence of our star brothers and sisters. I know that many of you feel the same as I do, that it is time for our friends to make their presence known on a greater scale than we have seen up till now.

As this will be the last Phoenix Ascended Newsletter of 2003. I would like to thank everyone that has supported the Phoenix Ascended website. I also specially wish to thank all those who came to my aid to assist me with the enormous amount of pain in my right knee. I hold the vision that I will not need major surgery early next year. To all of you that held me in your prayers and sent me your love, I thank you all so very much. I know that it has been you through your prayers and your love that I have gotten this far.

To all the members that have been with me for years and to all the ones that have recently joined the Phoenix Ascended Newsletter. From my wife Denise, and I also my two sons Jason & Reece, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and an exciting and abundant New Year.

