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A Gift From The Shift Center

By Beca Lewis

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ghts, or how I have been behaving. It happens anyway.

Every night the stars shine. Every spring the flowers bloom. Every day the birds sing. All day breath sustains me, atoms whirl, clouds float, mountains stand, and trees grow - without fail. Without me doing anything at all.

But I might not notice. I might be so busy doing other things, worrying or caught up in problems, that I miss all the Life that happens without me.

Or I might forget to glance out the window; or where I am standing in the room blocks my view, or the mist may obscure the sun and the stars. But it doesn't matter whether I notice or not. It happens anyway.

I don't have to create, invent, change or manipulate anyone or anything for all of this to happen.

If I want to see, participate, receive, or revel in all the Life that happens without me, all I have to do is change where I am standing, change my point of view; shift my perception - to see what already exists.

I was standing in the bathroom looking up at the skylight. I thought that a leaf that had been on the skylight for days had blown away. But when I leaned forward, I could see - by changing my point of view - that the leaf was still there.

I had lost my keys. For days I looked for them. My thoughts were on how forgetful I could be, how unconscious I was about simple things like keys. Finally one day I simply sat down on the couch and changed my point of view. I said to myself, ' I am not forgetful or unconscious because there is only one Mind and Intelligence and I reflect that Mind. And since it is omnipresent it 'knows' where the keys are.'

As I was thinking along these lines I got up from the couch and walked to our front porch and stuck my hand in the watering can. Yes, my keys were in there, probably dropped by my youngest daughter in play.

Like the sun rising, the trees growing, the stars shinning, all aspects of Life are always present, whether we notice it or not. Life shines through all that we see, feel, hear, taste, smell and know through our real sense of inner awareness. It doesn't matter if we can see all aspects of Life all the time, we can know that It is always there. And we don't have to do anything for this to be true.

As we shift our point of view to one that knows Life as eternal, more of Life will become visible until one day the mist fully rises and we know Life as It really is.

In the mean time we can celebrate, be grateful for, become more aware of, all that Life has provided without limit and without effort, for everyone. Seeing with and acting from this spiritual perception is all that we are responsible for. Imagine that!

Life and Love to you, Beca


You might enjoy reading this article online where it is accompanied by other people's quotes:

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