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Earthwork Shift Report of August 26, 2003

By Mark Stearn

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but we are moving in great strides. The grid creation is ongoing. This great influx from the great central sun is truly momentous.

There is very important and significant dimensional shifting underway. A lot of new aligning with the higher dimensions as earth releases more of its baggage. Its my feeling that the earth is now moving into a realm where the energies of refined consciousness will be more freely experienced around the planet. I can sense a great wisdom when i stand outside. I can feel our brothers and sisters in the lighted realms getting closer to us in the special way that they do.

Its unusual to describe. My direct experience is that i have reached the end of something very long and arduous. Like we have completed something at a dimensional level. I wonder if things will get easier from here on in. I was very fazed with the negative energies over the past couple of days even though i know i am fully protected, its like i could directly feel the pressure of the process that was underway. I think we have all experienced this but it is at other levels that we might not be used to putting into words.

We are getting closer and closer to that new higher dimensional experience that is our birthright and i feel very glad of this. I feel as though; 'about time.' Everything is happening perfectly. There is a reason that the negativity hasnt abated until now. There is still a lot more but we are weathering the process very well. There are divine energy structures being created all the time by the higher dimensions. These structures manifest through the grace of spirit within the planet, they surround the planet, they are all throughout the solar system. It really is a huge multifaceted process.

I wonder to myself when will all the negativity finally leave the planet. Why is it all necessary? With all the abundance of energy coming from the great central sun why is more not happening, but this is when i understand that the creator knows what it is doing and there is a reason for everything. Today we have created grids that are strong as the fifteenth and eighteenth dimensions. This really sets the planet's energies into a spin. The earth has more pent up pressure than i know about, i believe we can move with the plan from moment to moment and learn to trust in this for there is a good reason for everything.

I feel that we are very close to the new earth now. I can actually sense it. I feel a great sense of relief when i experience its energy. I feel very involved at a multdimensional level in all that is transpiring at energy levels and find it difficult to put into words exactly how i am involved but i know this is true of a lot of us. We vibrate as pure channels doing the will of source and maybe not every detail is necessary to know. I just trust that we are doing a good job and of course doing the best that we can.

There is a reason why all the negativity has not left the planet, there is a reason why the planet is not allready in a higher dimension, these reasons i do not know but i know that it is divine mind that is masterminding this process and i trust in this. I personally cant get over the abundance and generosity of the higher dimensions. It is very true; 'Ask and you shall receive.' Give thanks to the One and All and you complete the cycle and more can be given to you. This is so true as there is a very special energy that comes with giving and receiving gratitude.

I feel now that we are moving into new dimensions. With each day that passes we are moving more into the realms of spirit, we are getting closer to that experience that we all desire to witness. It is getting far more interesting now to experience the earth. I know that this is not the same earth it was a week ago. We are moving so very fast now, moving more into being pure consciousness, moving past the veils once and for all into an experience that is pure truth. What an incredible job we are all doing.

In love and blessings, Mark.

The Earthwork shift reports come directly from the heart of my IAM presence which is the combined presence and energy of all the Ascended Masters and Angels and all aspects of Spirit and the Great Central Sun that are assisting me in the work that i do.
