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A Message From Mira, From the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner

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s as part of your origination. You will feel the stream of love coming from us. You will know the appropriateness of the moment and how the pieces fit together to make you.

What makes us happy here is to be of service. We are pleased to assist other planets with their ascension. We made ours a long time ago. We are of a higher frequency than the Earth but little does that matter when it comes to our work. We can work at whatever level is appropriate. All that has to happen is for the receivers to be open much like your phone lines. The channels get cleared and here we are having a conversation.

What we want to tell you today is how we view the current events on the Earth. We want you to be optimistic about things even though at times the events surrounding you might appear bleak. We can see what the future portends while you get yourselves immersed in the density. We see what is occurring from a Light perspective so that is how we want you to see it as much as possible.

There are new and necessary gateways that have opened and are continuing to open on your planet. These gateways let in energies directly from the Creator. There has been a powerful influx of these energies in the past two months with more on the way. Because these energies are of the ascension quality they feel different. There is an inner knowingness that things are not the way they used to be. This is certainly part of the ascension. Filtering through these gateways are patterns for removal of the old force energies of fear and control. These are the frequencies of freedom. They allow the soul to draw from the pure Source energy so the soul's evolution can be expressed. This is one explanation for why you have been feeling off balance. It also explains the push for the soul's purpose and destiny.

Pure Source energies are powerful and invigorating. They take a balancing effect as they ebb and flow to new heights. The physical body remains a conduit for these energies so when they are coming and the resistance is there rest is a necessary part of it. Your physical side effects are constantly being observed because of the nature of this process. It is a new one for us, as most of you know. Your situation is complex for usually when a planet ascends life is not on the planet. The better you care for the physical vehicle the more energies can be sent to you and the Earth. This will hasten the ascension process.

The placement of the particles of Light that are coming do best when they can find receptive cells. The intelligence of your cells is smarter than your mental intelligence, at least your cells know what is better for them than your mind, at times. You get your emotional bodies in the way and this can cloud the new cellular patterns, particularly if you continue to consume foods and substances that interfere with the Light absorption process.

We recommend you become more discriminating about what you put into your bodies. They are sensitive and responsive to everything now. The frequencies are slowed down when the cells are faced with toxin removal and Light influx simultaneously. Let your consciousness and your body be your guide not your mind and your emotions. They have led you astray in the past. Become aware of how you feel when you fiddle around with things you know are not good for you.

To best absorb the Light particles find time to connect with the Creator so you have direct contact. Get it straight from the Source and stay attuned as much as possible throughout the day. This will help keep the emotions on even keel and so you can stay focused. It is all about staying focused on the Light anyway, isn't it?

>From our perspective you are progressing well. The wheel keeps turning and so do you. There are starts and stoppage points so you can feel jagged at times. Know the wheel will keep turning from the largest to the smallest, as above and so below. Resistance will make you feel flat, as if you are falling on your face. When you embrace the Light in every way possible you are making way for the ascension process.

The Earth is the big wheel with directions from the Source of all. It is a privilege to be a part of the evolution from here and everywhere. We applaud you for your perseverance and forbearance, for indeed your circumstances can be challenging. You are the catalysts and transducers of the Light. Embrace your jobs and let your expertise shine. We are with you and love you in the oneness.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
