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Take Heart. Take Command.

By Kathryn Weldon

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l of thoughts and feelings but instead I stopped and made a decision. I decided to stay the course of the real TRUTH and my TRUE heritage so I said out loud to myself over and over, “I AM that I AM. I AM the open door which no man can shut!” I took a stand and refused then and now to veil my own door with thoughts and feelings that are not the TRUTH.

Clearly there is more going on here than meets the eye and the TRUTH is that we are not powerless or hopeless in this situation! As above, so below, my dear brothers. All is God. The TRUTH is that just as God is in nonphysical form, we are God in manifestation in physical form. We are magnificent suns, sons, children who have inadvertently forgotten aspects of our heritage out of confusion and misunderstanding. Let us live into our heritage and proclaim our TRUTH and Victory! Let us take action regarding the latest NESARA message!

The TRUTH is that we are Divine Commanders of the energy on the physical plane! We command the energy that we generate out and that we draw in to us. Thoughts, words, and emotions are our tools of our command! These tools make up an energy that emanates out and attracts to like energy that then comprises the composite amounts of light and darkness; and every energy is amplified by great emotion. Likewise the tools at our command summon energy to us that match the frequency of the energy we emanated. Thus when we don't like the energy we're getting and how it manifests, then we have to upgrade the output that we are generating.

What would symphonies sound like if there were no directors? What is the end result of a moving train without a conductor or brakes? What are children like who have no care, boundaries and little food? Our thoughts and feelings need our Divine attention, direction and nourishment! They are our energy children, offspring; our manifestation. We bring into creation, manifestation that which we think and feel!

Since we are Divine Commanders (and thus Co-Creators) whether we acknowledge it or not, the question is what part are we going to play? Which end of the spectrum are we going to fuel? Do we want to change the balance of Light sooner or later? Are we going to step up and take charge of our Command, our Divine heritage and live as True sons?

Beloved Christ Michael is telling us that whatever we choose to entertain as truth, and whether we step up and actively direct our Command of Light is up to us. This is our part in the project and our decision to step up, or not, is completely of our free will. Free will is never to be violated and so this is entirely our matter to tend to, not his.

Imagine a movie with a group of knights who face seemingly impossible odds in a battle. As the scene progresses, the knights remain ever faithful to their king and continue to persevere even when it looks utterly hopeless. These knights have an unshakable determination to fight for a victorious outcome no matter what the circumstances look like! Let us be knights like these! Let us be knights who discern and persevere through our own thoughts and emotions that seem so real and true; and see Victory no matter the appearances!

Let us step up as Divine Commanders of energy! Let us put on our Divine clothing of Truth and Love and go forth as Knights of Light! Let us take up our power and cut through our veil of misqualified thoughts and feelings in the name of Christ Michael of Nebadon! Many of us have stood together before in his name. Let us do so again today!

The more that we stand for Christ in our thoughts the more the energy of Christ comes within. The more we are emanating Christ the faster it manifests in all! Also, let us remember the accelerator tool, emotion, that we can use with our thoughts to greatly speed the process (in this case, Love, Will, Determination, etc.).

Let us ask for assistance to stand for TRUTH and to see Victory! Rest assured that Divine assistance will come! CHRIST MICHAEL AND ALL THE LEGIONS OF LIGHT ARE AWAITING OUR CALL. THEY WANT TO ASSIST US IN OUR PERSONAL ENDEAVOR TO BE WHO WE TRULY ARE!

Let us be ever vigilant of the energy at our command and take charge over that which we call in and send out! Let us actively direct the energy so that we serve the Light much more than the other way around! Remember daily that words, thoughts and feelings have power! Consciously call forth anything that is needed for the moment. Call in the decrees that Patrick just gave us repeatedly! Call in Peace! Call in Truth! Call in Divine Will and Determination! Call in Love! Call in Light, Alignment and Healing! Call in Help for removing obstacles or blind spots regarding your True sonship! Take the steps you are drawn to take as a Knight of Light who is determined to be victorious!

As Monjoronson says, "Let us be about our Father's business!" Let us proclaim our TRUTH! Let us rise in this moment of trial and actively take our place as our Father's child. Let us take dominion over our thoughts and feelings and fuel the Light! Let us go forth as sons of Light in the name of Christ Michael our beloved Creator Son!

“And on this day you will know I am in my Father, you in me, and I in you.”

Thank you for your kinship and this opportunity to speak.

Much Love and JOY. We are One!

