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Beautiful Sayings From Ammachi

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and compassion for everyone, with the understanding that we are all part of a greater reality, is the core of spirituality.

A Master is like a radiant sun that makes the lotus of our heart blossom.

Behind all great and unforgettable events is the heart. Love and a selfless attitude underlie all truly great deeds.

The real change must happen within us. For only when conflict and negativity are removed from within can we play a truly constructive role in establishing peace.

God Realization is nothing but the ability and expansiveness of the heart to love everything equally.

Satsang (spiritual company) can be a close association or companionship with a Self-realized soul. It can also be discussing or listening to spiritual truths expressed by them.

Self-effort and Grace are interdependent. Without one, the other is impossible.

Selfless service, even mindedness, seeing good even in the mistakes of others, these are things which Amma likes.

We must remember that everything is sentient, that everything is full of consciousness and life. Everything exists in God.

We must not live for ourselves alone. We should also serve others, never forgetting the children, the aged, the poor, the suffering, the disabled, the refuge-seeker, and the lonely.

No work is insignificant or meaningless. The amount of love, the amount of heart which you pour into your work, makes it significant and beautiful.

Only when we pray for the upliftment of the entire society will we also be fully benefited.

If you children love Amma, you should love and serve all these living beings that are seen. Then only can it be said that you children love Amma.

Meditation is not just sitting with eyes closed. We should feel every action to be worship. We should be able to experience His presence everywhere.

To be really focused on God is to be fully and absolutely in the present moment, forgetting the past and the future. That alone is real prayer.

Our hearts are the shrine where God should be installed. Our good thoughts are the flowers with which He is worshiped.

There is a child within everyone. The innocence and playfulness of a child exists in all human beings.

Consider life and everything that happens in life as a gift from God. All true devotees have this attitude.

There is one Truth that shines through all of creation. Rivers and mountains, plants and animals, the sun, the moon and the stars, you and I - - all are expressions of this one Reality. It is by assimilating this truth in our lives, and thus gaining a deeper understanding, that we can discover the inherent beauty in this diversity.


Ammachi is currently touring America and Europe, and you can meet Her in person, for free. For Her tour schedule, see
