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The Great Dragon Can Be Slain by the Power of Love

Gary McDaniel

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the fulfillment of the Armageddon scenario?

Many fundamental evangelical ministers such as John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, are downright gleeful that Israel is bombing Lebanon into oblivion and have petitioned the Bush administration and the US congress to support Israel and attack Iran in order to jumpstart Armageddon! It is estimated that Hagee has about 40 million devout followers around the world who have bought into his end day scenario as symbolized in the Book of Revelation and the Battle of Armageddon.

The Spirit told me that the spiritual energy of these 40 million plus Christians who believe that the 2nd return of Jesus MUST be preceded by catastrophic destruction and annihilation of unbelievers can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Spirit reminded me that these fanatical Christians are creating their reality just as I AM.

The disconcerting aspect of what the Spirit showed me is that these individuals really truly believe in what they have been brainwashed to believe HAS TO HAPPEN before the Golden Age can come about. The energy they are creating is profoundly negative and appears to be having more of an effect in shaping our corporate reality than the relatively few Lightworkers who are attempting to transmute this negative energy by the use of the Violet Ray and other spiritual means.

Please don’t misunderstand me here and think that I have backpedaled in my belief that the positive changes are imminent. On the contrary I FEEL that they are imminent and recent channeled messages from the AM & GF continue to support my belief.

What I believe the Spirit is showing me is that the battle is not over till it is over. The “Great Dragon” continues to wreak havoc around the world. The reason I used the term Great Dragon is that recently the Spirit gave me a vision of what is unfolding in the world and used the symbol of a Great Dragon.

The vision was quite real. I could FEEL the negative energy of this immense dark hate filled power as it thrashed around the earth attempting to devour all of Mother Earth and her human family. The appointed time had come for the total annihilation of this dark force symbolized as the Great Dragon. It knows its time is very short and it has marshaled its forces for the taking down of as much goodness and Light as it possibly can in the time yet remaining. This Great Dragon appeared as a slippery cunning spiritual creature whose ability to deceive knows no equal in this Universe of Nebadon.

When first exposed to this monstrous evil I felt a great fear and then revulsion of this force, which spared neither women nor children nor infant in it insatiable thirst for the blood of mankind. The Spirit then showed me that my fear and revulsion was feeding the Dragon, for fear was its life blood. I cried out to the Spirit to help me as I felt helpless in the face of this seething evil. What could possibly stop its final rampage much less defeat it totally.

The Spirit said LOVE AND FORGIVENESS my Son, LOVE AND FORGIVENESS. I said how could I possibly forgive much less love this unfathomable evil force? The Spirit said with your ego self you cannot, but within your Christ Self you can. As I looked at this vile force with its foul breath I could not find the wherewithal to even contemplate a positive thought about it much less project love to it.

The Spirit then said to me, Son don’t look at it look at me. I tore my gaze away from the darkness and looked toward the Voice. Suddenly I was enveloped in the most loving presence I have ever experienced. I was consumed by the LOVE OF THE LIGHT that knows only compassion and forgiveness.

As I felt myself being filled to overflowing with this DIVINE LOVE I looked around me and the Great Dragon’s place was not to be found anywhere. Only LIGHT as far as I could see was visible. It was an awesome exhilarating experience. I said to the Spirit where has the Great Dragon gone? Has it been defeated? Then the Spirit said the strangest thing to me. It said it was only a paper dragon, and it only existed in my earthbound ego’s world. The Great Dragon existed because I believed it existed.

I rushed to the TV and turned on the news to see if peace now filled my world. No! There was war and rumors of more war and bigger wars. I turned back to the Spirit and said the fighting goes on in the world. The Spirit said you are looking at the Great Dragon again, and you are breathing life blood back into it.

Look at me said the Spirit. Again I looked at the Spirit and again I was filled with the PEACE and LOVE of my Creator Source and I could feel the LIGHT envelope me. The Spirit said learn from this experience, and apply what you have learned and tell my children what you have learned. Now go in PEACE.

I believe what I have learned again from this experience is self evident to those of you who have read my previous writings, and now experienced with me the above vision. For I feel you did experience the vision with me and you know what the Spirit is telling us. Keep our focus on the things that are above in the Lighted Realms of Peace and Love.

The Great Dragon appears to be running around this earth realm in it final death throes trying to devour all who will pay attention to it. There are multiplied millions who are paying attention to it and adding their energy to it to keep it alive and breathing. The news media eagerly creates the fuel that feeds the masses insatiable desire for more news of doom and gloom. It is a self-perpetuating feeding frenzy of the Great Dragon of fear.

NOW is the time more than ever for all for the millions of Lightworkers to stay focused and centered on the LIGHT and send it wherever the Spirit directs. If we keep sending the Light and Love out to consume the negative energy that is being generated by those that are rushing to Armageddon we will manifest the Golden Age in short order. If you slacken the pace it is liable to prolong the 3D experience of lack and want.

Remember that total victory of the LIGHT is assured and predestined.


I love you all!

May manifold blessings of Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Abundance and Wisdom be yours in this auspicious moment of NOW!

Gary McDaniel

Permission is given to post this message far and wide.