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Ray Of Hope from the Galactic Federaion, March 20, 2003

Nancy Tate

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>There is a shift taking place that will seem to leave the world upside down, but only for a short period; and then the turn of events will bring the stature of the world to an understanding that will clear up all misinformation and misunderstanding for once and for all.

My friends, this is the final hour of your darkness before you step out into the Light. There is much to be done in the light of day that will serve to bring your beautiful planet back to the pristine beauty that it once enjoyed. You will be given new ways of cleaning up your atmosphere. You will be shown how you can better communicate on a community level to bring about the changes that you desire in a swift, and complete manner. This is the final outcome that will come from this last burp of acid from your experience.

My dears, think of the times when there was no commerce on the planet, you were here and you experienced that. Think of the historical records of the antiquated ideas of modern marvels, and realize that those were the beginnings of the wonders that you will be seeing in a very short time. There is no greater experience than to go forward and realize that you are stepping on Holy ground and that all you do will reflect the Divinity within you.

There is no turning back from the events that are taking place. Would you want to turn back the clock and relive these last few days? There is coming a solution that will surprise some, and cause others to thank God for the wisdom and guidance to know that to keep their peace is to live to see the fruition from that peacefulness. We speak now of the outcome that is soon to prevail, and that will be to bring to the world a new feeling of togetherness and co-operation between all the people of the world, in harmony and in forthrightness.

Now we speak to you of another matter that is related. There is coming a visitation by members of your cosmic family that will ring around the world in a ring of pure love and power. This will be a visit that will show the world that there is a family out there who is ready and eager to come to the assistance of the rise of the new family of man. You are all members of that family, and we are going to come and start a reunion that will echo through the corridors of time. Once that reunion has been celebrated and the dishes are all done, then it will be down to business. That will be the cleanup of your backyards and the renewal of your natural resources so that Mother Earth may enjoy her natural state of being once more. She too is evolving right along with you, and she is one of the family, in love and compassion for her family of man.

We speak with you now of the events that are taking place on your battlefields right now. They are not as they seem. They are being played out in an energy of trust and benevolence that is not observable to the human eye. This is an energy of karma giving its last breathes of survival and renewal to the earth, for Gaia underwent karma too. Great nations are relieving themselves of the last particles of the karmic energy, and without this playout as it has been accomplished and is continuing to be, there would not be the completion of the old age to make way for the propulsion of the new age off the launch pad as is being accomplished right now. My dears, weep for the lives lost, assign guilt to the parties of lost dreams, and then awaken and realize that there is no guilt, there are no lives lost without intent. There is only a winding down of the energies of transformation and renewal that capture the hearts and souls of all of you in the wonderful emergence of the new way of being.

We love you with an energy that is unbounded. We revel in the lights that we see turned on all over the globe, and they are not only shining in the windows, but in the hearts of so many this day. The candle that illuminates the way for your salvation is the one that we see from our place in Heaven, and it is the one giant candle that you all hold in unison for the triumph of mankind.

Hold your heads high, my dears, and see the rainbow that reaches from each of you to the other, for it is a sight to us from here. Have you ever seen a web of rainbow? That is what we see as we gaze upon your world right now. We see no ugliness, even in that strip of land that you are all fixing your attention upon this day. See it in your mind as we do, and know that you see the truth. For you are the chosen ones, and you shall reign in peace and love for evermore.

We shower blessings upon your tears and watch as they fall to the ground and sprout forth in beautiful flowers of love.

Thank you dear Galactic Federation,

Nancy Tate
