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Message From Ramanathan

Ramanathan Lyer

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" They have

failed. Planet Earth as an evolutionary machine is finished with these people. They have earned little to nothing compared with people like

you who have continued the fight till the end.

With them out of the way, the wait, the baking time, is much more oriented on frequency adaptation and preparing the emotional bodies of

those who are keepers for a sudden transition in their life, including the children.

Evolution on this planet pre-First Contact is ended. That necessitates the event, as evolution is the pulse of Creation.

The line has been drawn, all Souls have been ordered to declare allegiance, the motley crew failed entirely, some other groups of

persons swayed, and now the decisions are made.

Line drawn means the Segregation can begin shortly. Those not ready go elsewhere, those ready go to Inner earth while she transforms her

surface, your loving presence supports her and to have everyone leave just might make her shatter for lack of the harmony and love you

vibrate within Her.

This planet is now owned by Lord Hatonn and Sananda. We have Her DNA, we have her guardian ground crew savely hooked up in case of emergency evacuation, and the proceeding toward annoucement is to be given a chance. Owning this planet's evolution means we own Her events, we call the shots, there is no delay-factor, only adaptation and implementation factors.

Watch for unexpected imbalances and correct them, as a lot needs tocome out of a lot of people's emotional bodies and mental bodies. The

people you will be meeting soon have had a long time to grow in perfect harmonious situations, and the grace of their presence will

engender such joy that you must be ready to receive it.

Ideas are welcomed at all times, you are part of the Crew, and any information or creative ideas to hasten the integration with people at much higher frequencies, or to hasten the world transition, will only assist us all. The emotional bodies and mental bodies of the Fleet are here, so easy communication is beginning.
