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Testimonry: Healed Of Choriocarcinoma!

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) and had to go to hospital to have a curette done. I was told it was going to be a routine thing and the resulting bleeding should only last for about five days. After nearly three weeks I was still bleeding and in fact it was getting worse every day. I was taken back to hospital where they presumed I had an infection and gave me antibiotics to clear it up. Instead it grew worse still, and after substantial blood loss over nearly two weeks it all ended up with me being admitted to hospital for a second curettage. This time however, they were suspicious about the whole thing and did further tests. Two days later the obstetrician phoned us with the test results and told me very bluntly that I had developed a very rare and aggressive cancer called ‘choriocarcinoma’. The next morning we went straight to his office where he painted a very grim picture. They had removed 390 milliliters of tumor mass from my uterus, which had grown from nothing to the size of a twelve week old baby in just three to four weeks!

After further tests at the hospital we went home and asked everybody in our Assembly to pray. As for me, after the initial shock had settled, I was in sheer panic. Right at the time when the message reached everybody and the prayer began the panic left and I just knew the Lord was going to deal with this whole nightmare for me and cause it to turn out for the best. The doctors said my condition was critical and wanted me to start chemotherapy within two days, but after much advice and prayer we decided to refuse chemotherapy and instead embark on a special natural diet. When the oncology specialist in Newcastle (who was given my case) heard this, he phoned me when I was home alone and told me that I was definitely going to die of this cancer within a very short time and that nothing short of chemotherapy could help. He gave me a 70% chance to survive if I agreed to start chemical treatment straight away.

More prayer revealed that I was to go to Britain for treatment at a private clinic that was implementing the vital vitamin B17 with large volumes of Vitamin C. Miraculously our bank granted us an extension on our home loan (by then I had lost my job) without asking any further questions!

By that time my health had already started improving a bit, because as soon as I was diagnosed we put into practice what we had learned from Phillip Day and other health books. I started to live by a strictly vegetarian diet (no meat or dairy) and worked my way up to a dose of 30 apricot kernels (a good source of B17) per day to aid the healing process that the Lord had started initiating.

Before leaving for Britain I had another blood test done (one and a half weeks after my release from hospital). The doctors were pretty much expecting the result to be as bad as at the time of my release, if not worse. However, due to everybody joining in with prayer, the second blood test revealed that the pregnancy hormone count, which is a first quantitative indication for this cancer, went down from 19,400 units/liter (four days after the operation) to 521 units/liter within just two weeks. The doctors did not have an explanation for this as the minimum time for it to regulate (if you do not have cancer) is set at about 12 to 16 weeks! This really boosted our faith and we knew that the Lord had started working a miracle before I even set out for the trip to Britain.

Blood through microscope after prayer, at the beginning of treatment

I arrived at the “Dove Clinic” in Winchester, England, and I met other patients there that had been shown by the Lord to take this kind of treatment. There were many that had been told they were hopeless cases, yet had improved dramatically. There I received three weeks of intravenous treatment (vitamin C and B17), with my recovery regularly being monitored.

Dr. Julian Kenyon, the leading doctor there, was impressed with my recovery and even remarked that without faith the treatment could not have worked that well. Later he acknowledged that the prayer I received during our Annual General Meeting in Cornwall - right after the three weeks of IV treatment - actually worked a miracle that could not be explained by the treatment alone.

After being diagnosed and the decision made for me to go to England, I was talking to Pastor Scott about the whole thing. He told me to make contact with God and to get to our AGM to receive prayer there. I received prayer three times before the whole assembly. One night, everybody was to link hands for the prayer so that there was a connection between every single person in the hall as we all prayed. It was a very stirring experience. After the prayer I had quite a few people come to me who told me that they virtually saw the cancer leave my body during the prayer!!

Dr. Kenyon in England is convinced that I would not have survived the first lot of chemotherapy, as my immune system was virtually non-existent at that time.

Now – through faith with works and a lot of grace, my immune system is more than half way back to full strength, and is steadily improving. On a check up visit after our AGM in Cornwall my doctor confirmed with a blood test that the cancer is now out of the invasive state and this is the stage where conventional hospitals discharge their patients as clear of cancer. After less than three months!!!! Incredibly however, this happened over just a few weeks, whereas chemotherapy is usually administered in several sessions over the course of one or two years!!

I had no side effects during the treatment, except that my health improved and my faith was nourished by God’s precious Word. Today I know that He does not want us to be sick and suffer. He has given us powerful promises in His Word and will reward every little bit of faith that we put in Him one hundredfold!

I can only praise God for leading us so graciously all along the way, and for His perfect timing in showing us a natural cure for cancer just about a year before I was diagnosed, when some people in our assembly ‘tripped’ over a guy called Phillip Day. Faith with works as described in the Bible has a very specific meaning for me now – through the decision to trust foremost in God rather than man-made medicine He turned the situation into victory through His healing power.

Thank you everyone so very much for your prayer support and all the love you showed before, during and after the AGM!!! This truly is a great family.

Sincere love in Christ

