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Universal Order of the Eye Am One

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rit? Spirit is an Energy Source. Can you see Spirit? Not with your Physical or Human Eyes. Spirit is the Essence of God. Can you touch Spirit? Not with your Physical or Flesh hands. Can you smell Spirit? Not with your Physical or Flesh nose. Can you taste Spirit? Not with your Physical or Flesh mouth. Can you hear Spirit? Not with your Physical or Flesh ears. The five senses are of the Physical or Flesh and they belong to the human Vessel. Can the Physical or Human brain understand Spirit? No, it does not have Knowledge of its own. It is simply a receiver and a translator of the mental and physical fields. The same as a radio has no knowledge of its own. It picks up the energy signals from outer space and decodes or translates it to you through your Physical senses on earth.

2. Where is the Kingdom of God? When Christ came or incarnated, became flesh, on this earth he taught the Kingdom of God is within each and every human being walking on this earth. As is Above, So is Below. Every Entity that is above is also below. As Spirit you your Essence covers Galaxies and Universes untold. You are above and you are also below. As is every Entity. If the Kingdom of God is Within Me how do I find it or have access to it? By Simply going within yourself. How you do that is as God said Meditate or clear your Mind from ALL Human Thoughts. A good way to do that is to relax and take some breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and ask to go within as Christ taught. Seek and You Shall Find. Knock and it Shall be Opened, the Kingdom of God is Within You. As you go within you contact your Spirit Self – it is right there within you. God never left or forsook you. Why? God is Your Inner Wisdom, Your Inner Power, Your Inner Strength, Your Inner Knowledge, Your Inner Source of your Human Vessel. See, you are Not the Human with five physical senses. You are the Spirit or God Self within the Vessel or Body. As is Above, So is Below.

3. Who has Access to the Kingdom of God? Any and Every Human Being has the Access. It is Within or you would not be living and breathing on this Planet. Your Spirit is your Breath. When a baby is born it draws its first breath, which is Spirit and becomes alive as we know Humans. The life of the flesh is in the blood, therefore Flesh and Blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom of God. Why? It is a Spiritual Kingdom. Your Spirit is within you. You are not the flesh. You are IN the Flesh.

4. Why do I need to know about the Kingdom of God Within? As you Connect you become aware of Who You Really Are - A Spirit having a Human Experience. You came to earth to experience what it was like to be a Human. You saw humans were wicked and sinful, full of wrath, jealousy, hateful, vengeful, envious, lustful, proud, greedy, malicious, and full of FEAR. Then you Thought those were the Attributes of God. You forgot you are not human you are in a human vessel you are no more those things than God is. Don’t try to make God into sinful flesh, God is Spirit Always has been Always will be, the same as you An Eternal Spirit knowing only Love and Oneness. Being Pure Spirit in a Spiritual Environment in Oneness is quite different. All are ONE and the Same, in Thought, in Word and in Deed. There is no difference ALL have the same Knowledge and are Equal. If ALL are ONE then that eliminates the FEAR etc. ALL are One and of ONE MIND. This is the Kingdom of God you have within you. As is Above, So is Below.

5. When is the Kingdom of God Coming? It has been within you all the time. When you took your first breath you became aware of being Spirit and were Connected to that Spirit Self. God gave you a Third Eye or Spiritual Eye and also a Fourth Eye which is the soft spot on a baby’s head when it is born into this World. There you are always Connected to Your Spirit Self. Even when a baby is crying, playing, sleeping or whatever you see the Serenity, the Connection is there. Then the soft spot closes over and you begin to Think of yourself as a Human - which you Never were - you are just in a human vessel. The Third Eye between your eyebrows can be opened as you begin to see Clearly and Not through a glass darkly as God taught - Which is what Humans Do. As you clear or open your Spiritual Eye you begin to see yourself as Spirit. You are in a Human Vessel looking out on a Physical World where there is hate, jealousy, greed, lust, envy, wrath, judgment and a Lot of FEAR. One of the Greatest Fears is Dying. What is Death? It is simply you returning to Pure Spirit to a Spiritual Kingdom which has been within you all the Time. You Return to who you’ve always been and that’s Pure Spirit or Pure Energy, a Frequency where ALL is ONE. To realize all this is simply to tell your Mind (not your Human Brain) to make you Aware of your Spirit Self and Connect you to your Inner Self. The Kingdom of God is Within. As is Above, So is Below. Always remember the Kingdom of God is Within. As is Above, So is Below. Always realize the Kingdom of God is Within. As is Above, So is Below. It is not this physical world, it is not in some set of man made rules you follow. It is not having Fear of death, which is Impossible because you are An Eternal Spirit knowing ALL. We are ALL ONE. EYE AM ONE DIVINE MIND, the Mind of God, since God is Within You. Eye AM ONE. We Are ALL ONE DIVINE MIND. We Are ALL Equal. We Are All Spirit. We Are ALL ONE.
