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Love, Harmony, And Peace On Earth

Kent Starchild

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r into the minds and bodies of the ones who killed them if they want to, and they can even drive them mad or crazy from their take-overs/hauntings of the physical bodies of their enemy soldiers.

In otherwords, they can forever haunt the enemy soldiers who killed them in battle if they want to. To have mental pains from the hauntings of the spirits/ghosts of enemy dead soldiers is far worse than to have a physical war injur! y that will eventually heal in time. However, enemy soldiers can never escape the hauntings of the spirits of the angry spirits of dead soldiers.

If some soldiers can never sleep or rest in peace, then it is sometimes because of them being haunted by the angry spirits/ghosts of their enemy soldiers that they have killed in combat.

As you can see, nothing is accomplished when enemy soldiers kill each other in wars, especially since spirit bodies that used to live inside the bodies of soldiers can and will never die. If anything, those spirits will become more powerful and worse of a threat to their enemy soldiers than when they were living inside their physical bodies as soldiers.

However, all spirits of dead soldiers do not remain bitter and angry after their physical bodies die. Some of them are very happy to once again be in the spirit world where all of that hatred, fighting, and killing on the hellish battl! e-fields of Earth don't exist.

The spirits of most dead soldiers no longer care who wins or loses in wars on the hellish battle-fields of Earth because it is very peaceful to live inside the spirit world where the hellish problems of Earth don't exist.

Some of those spirits of dead soldiers will be reborn via reincarnation as anti-war demonstrators. Furthermore, some of those spirits of dead soldiers will do their best to do things to try to cause the wars to end while they now reside inside the spirit world. They can do that by appearing in spirit form or as ghostly looking soldiers to the remaining soldiers of both armies so that they can talk to them to let them know that it is very futile and useless to fight in wars.

They can also just enter into the minds of soldiers of both sides of the war so that they can physically and mentally influence the actions of the soldiers on both sides of the war. The bes! t and most powerful thing that the spirits of dead soldiers can do to help end the wars is to appear in their spirit world forms to a lot of the soldiers who are still fighting on both sides of the war so that they can give those soldiers very moving and inspirational talks about the futility of war.

Just imagine if the ghosts or spirits of hundreds of dead soldiers appeared in the very middle of some intense fighting areas of a war. Soldiers of both opposing armies would see the hundreds of spirits of dead soldiers standing in between them, and the opposing enemy soldiers would then be at a loss as to what to do. Some of those soldiers would then realize just how useless and futile it is to continue their hellish and unnecessary fighting in wars.

Wars would soon end if the spirits of dead soldiers would do things like that in order to discourage soldiers from continuing in their hellish, unnecessary, futile war ! efforts on the battle-fields.

Once again, it is very useless and futile to kill the physical body of someone that you hate or dislike because that spirit of that dead body is much more powerful without a physical body than when it lives inside a physical body as a human. I know for sure that I will be much more powerful as a spirit world being of pure energy than I now am inside this physical body.

I am a very powerful force for any evil being to reckon with. However, I am not seeking hate and battles. I want to settle all hatreds and wars via love and understandings. However, if someone wants to try to do hurt and harm to me via evil thoughts and actions, then they will be up against a very powerful being of goodness and light. They will be defeated and converted into gentle, angelic beings after I finish with them.

The forces of evil can never defeat the forces of goodness and light of God and angels.

By! the way, why can't we all just get along in love and peace? Why must there always be so much hate and fighting everywhere among Earthlings? It is much better for all Earthlings to get along in love and peace than it is for them to get along in hatreds and wars.

