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The End of the Line... ... And The Start Of Another...

David Icke

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er and over for more than a week. The clear out and clean up were outer expressions of what was - and still is - happening within me. I am sifting out the irrelevant from the profound and unloading the surplus thought patterns and emotional debris of the last ten years and beyond.

I have kept only that which I physically need to take with me on the next stage in this incredible journey and I am in the process of taking only what I mentally and emotionally need. The former, it has to be said, is easier to achieve that the latter, as everyone can appreciate, but I am getting there.

In the weeks since I wrote those newsletters in the summer, the transformation within has continued apace and my new book to be published next month marks the end of an era for me that started in the mid-1990s and gathered momentum over the last ten years.

It began with And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Robots Rebellion in 1993/94 and really took off with The Biggest Secret in 1998. This has been the era of uncovering the global conspiracy on many levels, but primarily the way it daily affects us in five-sense reality.

The new book, The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it), is the completion of that cycle for me. This is why the book is so substantial, 28 chapters, or 'dots' as I call them, over more than 600 pages with nearly 300 illustrations.

It pulls together all the most relevant knowledge I have accrued since this period of my life began and includes a great deal of new information and dot-connections that make the picture of human control ever clearer. This is the eighth book I have produced on these subjects and that's enough, I need to move on.

That doesn't mean that I won't continue to talk about these issues in the media or track them on the website. None of that will change, at least for now, but my focus is moving elsewhere in terms of my direction, research and future books, and, more than that, my passion for knowledge.

It is vital that we know how we are daily manipulated, but without the greater understanding of life itself and the reality we are experiencing it can merely become a quest to know more about your prison cell.

There are multi-levels to the conspiracy and they need to be explored to fully understand what is going on

We surely need to change our experience by understanding how we create it and not just focus on our current experience and how bad it is. I am beginning to see what you might call the 'conspiracy research movement' going around and around in a circular motion and it needs to move on, too.

Once again, I am not saying that such research and communication should stop, no, no, of course not. But if it does not begin to encompass other levels of what is happening it will become an irrelevance, just as the 'New Age movement' became an irrelevance because it stood still and froze into rigid belief, ritual and dogma.

Events are moving very quickly and that speed will increase. We need to be light of foot and open of mind.

Unfortunately, great swathes of conspiracy research are dominated by Christian belief which resists all information and concepts of reality that don't include the idea of Armageddon with Jesus appearing on a cloud to do battle with Lucifer, or words to that effect.

I am constantly amazed at how the Christian-conspiracy cabal dismisses, condemns and ridicules those who explore the illusory nature of reality when the Christian story demands that its advocates suspend all incredulity if they are to believe what it says.

It is such monumental doublethink to say that the Christian story is true, but what others say about extraterrestrial-interdimensional entities and illusory reality is nonsense because it is too far fetched.

They'll break into applause if you say that Jesus was born to a virgin mother, demanifested in a tomb, remanifested to his disciples and floated up to Heaven with the promise of returning on a cloud; but talk about reptilian entities or say that we are all one consciousness and they'll call you either crazy or a son of Satan.

I was on an American radio show with a Christian presenter the other week and I did him the courtesy of getting up at 2.30 in the morning to talk with him. But all he wanted to do was seek to undermine what I was saying about reality, reptilians and other subjects. The truth, he said, was that 'Lucifer' was the one behind the conspiracy.

If anyone was not saying that the villain was Lucifer, his mind-processes concluded, they must be wrong or just trying to discredit 'credible' researchers like him. There was one memorable moment when he dismissed the reptilian information because 'you don't have pictures of them'.

'Show me a picture of Lucifer', I said.

Silence followed until he spluttered 'what was that?'

'Show me a picture of Lucifer', I repeated.

This was met with an even longer silence that was only broken when he said: 'Oh, that was slick'. But, of course, it was nothing to do with being slick, it was the natural follow-on from what he said to me.

It was a telling moment because it was such an example of how a belief demands far less 'evidence' for its own position than for those with a different view. You see this with the Skeptics Society all the time.

These religious and 'Land of the Free' belief systems are a massive barrier to uncovering the other forces and realities that are behind human control and if the 'conventional' conspiracy movement isn't careful it will become just another record stuck in the groove, repeating the same thing over and over indefinitely and people will swap one box for another.

I can't be doing with that when there is so much more to know and so I'm out of here, as they say. Standing still has never been an option for me and that will continue to be so.

As this transformation unfolds, I am having some strange, powerful and wonderful experiences. I am having vivid dreams almost every night, so vivid that often it is hard to distinguish between the information I see and hear in these dreams and what I have gleaned in this 'real' world, which is, itself, just another dream.

Then there are my 'comas'. I have been having these sporadically ever since my massive awakening experience in Peru in 1991, but now I am having them at least once a day, sometimes more.

I call them my 'comas' because they are way beyond sleep. I feel them coming on and I have to find a bed or chair pretty quickly. It's like my body systems shut down and I go quickly into an incredibly deep 'sleep'.

They may last for ten minutes, more often an hour or more, and when I wake I can lie there for another half an hour with not a muscle moving. During that time, it's almost like I can feel my consciousness coming back into my body in waves.

Increasingly, when I wake I have a feeling like someone is squeezing the top of my head and that can take ten minutes or more to slowly subside. Another feeling that comes with the comas is of leaving my body and going into far off dimensions gathering information of some sort that will eventually filter down to my conscious mind.

Inner exploration = 'outer' understanding

The other day I was with an old friend of mine, a wonderful lady called Yeva, an incredible soul who has not allowed even a stroke to stop her pursuit of knowledge or her gift for bringing people together to share information with each other.

She came into my life soon after my head exploded in the early 1990s and it was her experience of such things that helped me so much to understand something of what was happening to me. She may be British, but she looks every bit the Native American grandmother and by the time we first met she had been on her own journey for decades. What a gift she was to me and still is.

I find I am reconnecting with many people I knew in the early days after my conscious awakening and I am returning to the themes of those times - reality, energy and the transformation of consciousness. But now I am meeting these subjects at a much higher level of understanding thanks to the nearly 20 years in between.

I was with Yeva this week for only 24 hours, but I had two long 'comas' and two unforgettable experiences when the most extraordinarily powerful energy poured first from my hands and heart chakra and then the next morning from the top of my head. It wasn't a fleeting experience either, it went on for ages, almost as long as I wanted.

If anyone doesn't believe that chakra vortices or 'hands-on' healing exist they should have experienced that. Wow, my goodness. It was so tangible, so undeniable.

I have felt energy come through me many times before, but nothing on that scale except for the occasion I was having an experience with the psychoactive plant called ayahuasca in the Brazilian rainforest in 2003.

I drank the 'tea' made from the plant twice in Brazil and the experience was, for me, incredible, although everyone has a different journey in these ayahuasca states. I decided afterwards that I would not take it again because I wanted to explore the unseen realms without the need to take a drug to get there and that would appear to be happening to me now.

'All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream' - Edgar Allan Poe

In tandem with these gathering changes within me, I am 'coincidentally' meeting many interesting people working in the field of 'reality research' and I am going ever deeper into how we create our daily experience. I have written about this a great deal over the years, but where I am going now is way beyond what has gone before.

When we look at our lives we are looking ourselves in the face on many levels and for many reasons. We don't even begin to appreciate the depths and detail to which we create our own reality and how we magnetically attract people, places and experiences that reflect parts of ourselves, lead us to information that will give us greater understanding and even tune us into energetic fields that we need to interact with and therefore understand.

Often these energy fields are people who represent a microcosm of the bigger picture. For example, the energy of deceit and manipulation that is used by the Illuminati to control and enslave humanity is the same vibration employed by 'individuals' who do the same in your life. By experiencing this at close quarters you can understand the collective use of that energy, and what it is, to a level that goes beyond research, thought and intellect and into the depths of knowing. Experiencing the vibe is far more powerful than reading the book.

Excuse me if I am waffling on, but I am in the middle of something and I don't know where exactly it's going. I just know that I'm going with it. As the song goes:

I'm heading for something

Somewhere I've never been

Sometimes I am frightened

But I'm ready to learn

Of the power of love

Except that I am not frightened at all. I can't wait to go where this is taking me. No seat belt necessary, no need to strap in. Just pass me those wings, it's time to fly.