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Help Activate Earth's CRYSTAL ENERGY

By Clayton Hanna

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eady formed, to follow this meditation which will immensely amplify the Light in, on and around our entire planet.

This process is brought to humanity from Ishielia, a cosmic Being who is a fully-integrated Co-Creator with Source who accepted this assignment from Source to assist humanity to shift from the old paradigm of consciousness to one of unconditional Love, acceptance and support one-of-the-other, all in the universal Omnipresent, Unconditional Love and Light of the Source-Of-All-That-IS. The purpose of this is to accellerate the clearing of mass consciousness of humanity and all other kingdoms to enable the transition of mankind into a spiritual focus. It is seen this will enormously accellerate the mitigation and disollution of negative consciousness and bring mankind closer to a universal brotherhood of love, respect, acceptance and engender world-wide healing of anything not in harmony and alignment with unconditional Love, benevolance, compassion, abundance, such that each member of mankind will let go of everything that Love-IS-Not and embrace All-That-Love-Can-Be.

A week ago, 2 men in Utah were in a rural area south of Salt Lake, Utah and saw a column of Mother-of-Pearl White Light descend from the sky down into the ground near the edge of the farm they were on. This astounded them both! The column was estimated to be about 400 yards wide, and was very bright, opalescent and irridescent. One of these men is a bit psychic. He called the other man, who is not spiritually aware whatsoever to come to his place and see this, which he did. They both saw this for over 1 hour!

Ishiela said the activation of the Quartz and other crystals of the crystal kingdom by our little group is producing this effect, and if many others will agree to join in, this effect will be seen everywhere around the world soon. So I am sending this to you to ask if you will post it to your group, and to ask them all to participate and also to send it to as many others who have large web newsletters or ezines as possible, to ask them to also post it and invite everyone to follow the meditation.

This will immensely increase the flow of Light to the crystal kingdom, which will, according to Ishielia and Nufoni, amplify the Light received 10 times, and reflect this increased Light back up through the surface of the world everuywhere, such that everyone on the planet will be walking, working and living in this amplified Light 24/7 which will almost comletely cover the entire surface of the planet.

This all started last Boxing Day, 2003. The channeling was initially focused on bringing in 3 different rays of Light from Source to anchor this Light into the hearts of quartz crystals in a cavern containing millions of crystals that was located about a mile down below our farm in central Alberta. The next morning, my partner saw beams of these rays coming UP out of the ground all over the farm where the cavern was located!

Since then I have channeled this with a small group of 4 people by conference call once a week to assist in increasing the Light to activate our own personal etheric grids first, then the etheric grid of the entire planet, then to beam the Light to troubled areas and areas of darkness upon and within Planet Earth.

A few days later I was guided to determine the location of other caverns all over the world, as the great Beings that helped with anchoring this Light into the crystals were extatic over how well the experiment worked. So I spent a day with a very old and very small Atlas, and determined where some of these caverns were around the world. It turns out there are caverns in the "bedrock" mantle of our planet all over the world. They asked me to categorize the caverns into the physical sizes of the quartz crystals in these caverns. I was astounded at the enormous size of them! In any case, I am pleased to list them for you now, as I received the categories:

1. Largest - There are 6 caverns around the world that contain quartz crystal clusters from 65 ft. tall to over 100 ft. tall. They are located in:


The country of Niger (NE corner area)


The north Island of Novaya Zemlya, north of Russia. These are the biggest quartz crystals in the world

Under the North Pole - these are the second biggest crystals in the world

Under the South Pole - equal in size to those under the North Pole.

2. Second category - 21 caverns around the world - crystals are 45 ft to 65 ft tall:

a. Svalbard Islands - in the North Atlantic, administered by Norway

b. Severnaya Island group - also known as the October Revolution Islands - above central Siberia

c. Northern Ellesmere Island, in the northern Canadian archipelago of Islands

d. Prince Patrick Island - in the northern Canadian archipelago of islands

e. Under a huge mountain in the Yukon Territory, northern Canada

f. Under a partof northern Ungava Peninsula, northern Quebec, Canada

g. Newfoundland, island, Canada

h. Northt western British Columbia, Canada

j. Central Mexico

k. Under a mountain in El Salvador

l. Under a huge mountain in Peru

m. Under a huge mountain in Chile

n. Brasil - Roraima Province

o. Egypt

p. Botswana

q. Zaire

r. Central, southern Siberia

s. Central Tibet

t. West central Afganistan

u. Australia

v. Austria

3. Third category - 7,000 caverns - 25 ft. to 45 ft.

Located all over the world, under the oceans and seas, lakes, glaciers, prairies, steppes, islands, mountains, etc.

4. Forth category - 21,000 caverns - 10 ft. to 25 ft.

Located all over the world as above

5. Fifth category - 64,000 caverns - 4 ft. to 10 ft.

Located all over the world as above

6. Sixth category - well over 100,000 caverns - a few millimetres to about 4 ft.

Located all over the world as above.

The three Rays are a special dispensation of Light from the Heart of the Source of All That Is, sent to our Planet, and are:

a. The Rose-Pink Ray of Divine, Omnipresent, Unconditional Love

b. The Mother-of Pearl White Light - the Omnscience of the All-That-Is that is the precursor to the ray of the Christ Consciousness many members of humanity will embrace as Who-They-Are by Dec. 31, 2012.

c. The Violet Ray - the cleansing and healing ray

We began focusing these rays in the manner were guided to, to all the quartx crystals in the single cavern under our farm, and achieved incredible results. We were then asked to focus the Light of these Rays into the 6 largest caverns, then the third, fourth fifth and sxth categories as above, one category at a time.

Then we were asked to focus a rainbow bridge of the Light arching from each and every one of these caverns to all the other caverns all over the world, for each of the above categories of caverns, one at a time. Then we were asked to link all of them together.

We were amazed at the increase of Light everywhere! This activation has already created a noticeable shift in mass consciousness. It is hoped this process and the many who will agree to assist this process will significantly amplify these effects in mass consciousness.

What has happened exceeded their hopes and expectations. Nufoni has now directed these Rays to every single type of crystal everywhere in the world. Each of these caverns and caves of quartz crystals contains from several hundreds of thousands to many millions of quartz crystals. So the amplification of Light is amplifying. However, we need to significantly increase this now.

Over time, Ishielia has added other levels to this transmission, and we are asked to follow the meditation as below. All who chose to participate are asked to follow the process as closely as possible, and to do this at least once a week. The entire process is:

Begin - take 3 to 5 slow, deep, breaths and give permission to all levels and parts of the body to relax.

Ask the Soul and the I AM PRESENCE (spirit) to bring down a column of Light from Source to entirely surround your body and your complete aura, and to extend this column down to the center of the Planet, to the Heart of Mother Earth.

Ask the Golden Angels and the Angels of Light to anchor this column of Light surrounding you to the Heart of Mother Earth.

Then call upon Nufoni and Ishielia to align with you in the Light and Love of the Source for the highest good of all concerned.

Call upon the Soul and the I AM PRESENCE to bring down the Rose-pink RaY from the Heart of Source and direct it to the center of all the quartz crystals in the caverns all over the world.

Call upon the Soul and the I AM PRESENCE to bring down the Mother-Of -Pearl White Light and send it to the center of all the crystals in the caverns all over the world.

Call upon the soul and the I AM PRESENCE to bring down the Violet Ray and send it to the center of the crystals in the caaverns all over the world.

Then ask Nufoni to ensure these Rays are properly directed to the quartz crystals in all the caverns all over the world.

Then ask that each of the clusters of crystals in every cavern in the world send the Light of these Rays out with rainbow bridges of Light to every other cavern all over the world.

Then ask that these Rays be directed to all the quartz crystals and all other crystals in all the granite rock all over the world.

Then ask that the Rays be directed to the silica crystals in our physical body's skeletal structure.

Then ask that the Rays be directed to the crystaline structure of all the mitochondria in our bodies.

Then ask that the Rays be directed to the crystaline structures in each of the 7 Levels of Silica far below the lowest level of the sub-atomic in our bodies.

Then ask that the Rays be sent to the crystaline structure of the organic water in our bodies.

Then ask that the Rays be directed to the quartz crystal fragments of all the sand on all the beashes and in and around all the streams, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans of the world.

Then ask that the Rays be sent to the crystaline structure of the fresh water and salt water of every stream, river, lake, seas and oceans of our world.Thenask that these Rays be sent to the crystaline structure in every single window, water glass, table ware, TV's and co puter monitors everywhere.

Then ask that the Rays be sent to the silicone dioxide (quartz) in every single semiconductor and computer chip in every radio, TV, computer or any other electronic or other device everywhere in the world.

Then ask that the Rays be sent to the crystaline structure every single micro-droplet of water or moisture in every single cloud all over the world.

Then ask that these Rays be sent to every single piece of ice and snow everywhere in the world.

Then call for the assistance of the 40+ Billion members of the Intergallactic Brotherhood in their ships surrounding this Planet and ask them to help and amplify the Light of these three Rays to all these levels in and around our planet now.

BE still, breathing deeply, smoothly and peacefully, becoming the essence and energy of these Rays.

Allow yourself to BE these Rays.

Allow yourself to add your own Heart esence to these Rays.

Just quiet the Mind, and BE-That-Which-IS with these Rays for a time.

And, after a time, when you are ready, allow yourself to return your awareness to your surroundings.

Make sure you are fully grounded before you get up to go anywhere, even if it means you will simply just sit for over 1/2 hour before you move around.

That is the entire posting. Please post this to your group. I know it is a long posting, but this is what I was guided to offer to the world to assist mankind at this time.

I AM Clayton Hanna
