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Creating With Thought Energy

By Janet D. Swerdlow

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know how to do, and are already doing quite well.

Now, learn to redirect that thought to create whatever you want. Become focused and goal-oriented. Feel the driving force behind your thoughts, then use the force to drive home whatever it is that you want to create. Keep in mind that you can create through building or destroying.

If you do not like what you see, create something else. Build strong mind-patterns to hold your own reality. Pull your energy out of what you do not want. Put your energy into what you do want.

Begin with your body. Whatever it is, it is a product of your thoughts. Remember, you are not the body. You only occupy the body. The cellular structure that houses your soul-personality was built with your thoughts, most of them on a subconscious level. You can consciously create whatever kind of body that you would like, depending upon the force of your thoughts.

Every time you look in the mirror and think negative thoughts about your physical body, you create in a negative way - by destroying. Whenever you denigrate any part of your body, you pull the life force energy away from that body part. The parts that you dislike the most are the ones that need the most positive reinforcement.

Often very beautiful people spend a lot of time in the mirror admiring their looks. The result is that they maintain their beautiful looks. They take the time to create a beautiful body. Look at yourself in the mirror and think, "My body is magnificently beautiful." Hold that thought every time you look in the mirror, because that thought today is creating your body of tomorrow.

If your body is holding too much weight, think, "I weigh (goal weight) pounds." Then, stop getting on the scales and feeling defeated every time you read the numbers. Add, "I release the need for insulation." Why are you insulating against life? Who and what are you insulating against?

Do not diet. Do clean your physical body out. The cleaner it becomes, the more soul energy it can contain; the lighter your cellular structure becomes; the freer you are to traverse other realities. The side effect is that the excess weight drops off because you no longer create your body with negative energy, and you have released the thought energy that held the excess cellular structure onto you. That energy simply no longer exists.

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Know that to become strong, you must develop an iron will. Facing anything that you are avoiding only makes you stronger. It can be scary, because positive changes are equally as frightening as negative changes. Change is movement, growth, letting go of old ideas and concepts with which you previously identified.

This timeline can only hold a given number of experiences. If you want something different, then finish up the old experiences. You must get rid of the old couch to make room for the new one. Any old hurts, angers, frustrations, etc., no matter how justified, are history. They may have defined your life for a period of time, but if you are still holding onto any thoughts about anything, positive or negative, a psychic cord from you to it exists, keeping the experience in your life.

Release the experience. Watch the psychic cord drop out of yourself, and the thought energy that created it return to its rightful owners through the involved Oversouls. If you try to rebuild the cord with your thoughts, repeat the exercise. If the other person, place, or thing, tries to rebuild the cord, tell your Oversoul to return the energy from whence it came via the involved Oversouls.

Refuse to partake in the experience except to acknowledge the lessons that the experience brought. Any time you have a feeling toward anything, either positive or negative, the feelings create thought energy that ties the experience to you. Only when you feel neutral toward the experience is the experience able to move out of your life. This does not mean to suppress your feelings. This means looking at all sides of the same coin until you totally understand it from every possible angle. Only then is it completely released, making room for new experiences.

You want to know your purpose in this reality? You already know. Now, acknowledge it, "I know and accomplish my purpose in this reality." Keep that thought energy direct and focused. Create that into reality every second of every day. Drive the thought energy deep into your subconscious and superconscious minds, right into your Oversoul and God-Mind.

Whenever you feel like your world is controlling you, then it is time to stand in your center, breathe yourself in, and think, "Wait a minute! I am in control! I have the power to create!" Then, gain control only long enough to give it to your Oversoul and God-Mind, thinking "Thy will be done, not mine." Create in conjunction with the higher parts of your soul-personality that can see and know things that you do not yet recognize.

You are not the ocean, but you are a wave upon the ocean of creation. You are infinitely connected, but amidst the chaos, you are just not stopping to acknowledge this. You are a powerful, strong, dynamic creative force that sometimes forgets this through the purposefully created distractions of the outer world.

Recognize that each thought that you think methodically creates, either through building or destroying. Make conscious choices about what you want to build, and what you want to destroy. Do not get pulled into the group-mind way of thinking. Do not hand over your power simply because you know how and it is easy. It is your life and your lessons. Create them in the least uncomfortable, most growth-oriented way that you can. Begin right now, with one simple thought:

"I create my own reality in accordance with the wishes of Myself, my Oversoul, and God-Mind."

[ Webmaster's NOTE: This article was reprinted with permission from the author. Janet Swerdlow can be reached by email at or you can visit her website at ]
