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Jesus and the Physician

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re.... He.. -tells the story... that he wasn't a believer... a very pragmatic man but good in skills helping people with his talent.... some day this physician had a trouble in the operating room... as usual he was taking a video of the procedure.... in case of study he will get in to it, in this procedure everything was getting worse and he was loosing his patient, in a moment of total desperation, and uncertainty he did something that he has never done before and ask Jesus for help... Jesus help me please! I'm loosing this patient, please dear God Help me! were his words.... After the operation, saying thanks for the outcome of the operation he went to his office and examined the video, -what I did wrong ? It cannot be I'm an excellent surgeon... I will examine the video and take care next time!. when he was playing the video in the crucial moment he only saw a flashing in the image.... in that moment he was losing the patient oh! what is this? I will look again but in slow motion and looked with astonishment the help he asked for....

well I tried to find the picture in a lot of places but I couldn't find it... so I took a picture with my cell phone at this image that I have in my house...sorry for the resolution the picture I have is big! anyhow, I do not know if this history is true... but this image is inspiring, I know by personal experience the restrictions in the operating room about dressing and sepsis, in this image the surgeon has help of Jesus guiding his hand and by imaging and perspective size, etc, everything matches! the picture at least for me is perfect!

Well take care!
