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What's Up On Planet Earth: "Heaven And Earth United"

Karen Bishop

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it was as if we were admiring a glorious sunset from afar. We saw the new energies, and welcomed them. We were dilated to 10 and thrilled to see the new arrival. The baby was birthed and arrived in the delivery room after much anticipation, excitement and preparation. Now the baby is HOME. Just as with a new family member filling our household, the energies of the New World are creating great change. We are no longer viewing them from afar. They have joined with us here. Heaven and Earth have connected.

This is manifesting on Earth in many different ways.....inwardly AND outwardly. One of the ways I am experiencing it, is through an unusually tender spot inside my left foot where acupuncture points at the top and bottom of my foot are joining, representing areas that have been coming into balance for me, and now have actually "joined". The energies have come powerfully together at a "meeting place" and it has caused a great disruption. Ouch!

The energy of the New World has also brought with it incredible feminine energy. This feminine energy is ever-present, filling our souls, joining us for balancing. We are bursting with creativity. Many are redecorating their homes, writing, painting and moved to create, create, create. Desires for self-nurturing, feeling "lazy", basking and loving are the earmark of the feminine. It has arrived in a beautiful, blossoming, flowering burst and I am loving it. I have found that if I let go and surrender, I am filled with a divine elixir of love, tenderness, creativity, joy and just beingness that is continuously at my disposal. This is the energy of the New World. I don't think the Old World energy knows what to do with it!

The New energies of the New Planet Earth are now the dominant, ever- present and all-encompassing energies. The Old ways, Old patterns and Old energies are confused, lost, have no place, and are "homeless". Systems of the Old Earth don't know how to operate and survive now. Individuals holding onto the Old ways don't know how to operate and survive now. All this is resulting in "confusion" and "disruption" energy.

Just as with my foot, areas within us and without us are receiving this energy according to how "clear" we are. Previously, we experienced occurrences of substantial bursts of energy (especially in the last year and a half) which served as a purification, cleansing and vibrational raising process. When these energy bursts occurred, the areas within us that contained blocked energy (due to injuries, illness or other imbalanced energy patterns) were most affected. This was an on-going process of preparation. The current situation, and one that will continue, is quite different.

We are now surrounded by higher vibrational energies of light. They don't come in big "bursts" now (as the labor pains). They are here in one on-going energetic pulse. (This does not mean we will not be experiencing future "energy shake-ups", as we likely may, but this is different). One year as a substitute teacher in a small town in the wine country, I had a very special sixth grade class for two weeks. They were an unusual group of kind, loving, cooperative and energetic beings. Oh, how we had fun and bonded as a family. One day, a new student from another town transferred to our class. He believed himself to be a "bad boy" and a mischief maker (as did many of our youth), and went right to work in his role of disrespectful, lost, and false power energy. This was the standard in most classrooms. This is what he expected and knew. Very sure of himself, he was in for a big surprise. His energy only lasted a few hours. He became consumed by the loving energy of the new students. It was all around him, ever-present, and absolutely swept him up. As his confusion dissipated, he was literally transformed into a different person. He could be different in this class. It was OK. It was safe. He was in another world. He could let go. This will be the effect of the New World energy. It is all around us. It will sweep us up. It will entice us. We will be transformed. All we need do is to let go and surrender to it. We are just in the "confusion" stage right now, as we are blending with the New.

Another exciting phenomenon is occurring. We are coming into our power as creators. With the ability to create with a thought, and at rapid speed, many of our outer systems and structures will eventually become obsolete. As this process progresses, and more become aware of their own power, watch for interesting changes. Our current systems will no longer make sense. Why would we need to vote for a governing body to represent our needs when we could individually create whatever we needed? Why go to a bank and borrow money? Anything representing turning our power over to another would have no place. WE ARE THE POWER. WE ARE THE CREATORS. WE ARE THE MASTERS. I believe we will begin creating what we currently have in existence and through those channels, but eventually move into the next phase of creating from thin air. Initially, when this creative power becomes evident, I believe we may experience some cocky, ego centered behavior resulting from this new "freedom". I have seen some of it already, but believe it will quickly cycle through. "Why did I go through all of THAT, when I could have had THIS?" we may ask ourselves. I believe this only to be human nature, but hopefully we will be mindful as well, and retain the love and caring in our hearts that we have always had. We will also be remembering much during the times to come, and fully come to remember the creator gods that we are and how we began creating at the beginning of time, to find an outlet for source energy to entertain itself. After all, don't you remember creating THIS?

With all this new "power" and "freedom" in our hands, the dark agenda has brought out the big guns around the time of the Concordance. I have never seen so many chemtrails! This is simply a last ditch effort due to a severe loss of control. Can you imagine how it must feel to not be in control? Looking at it energetically, it is a reassuring and beautiful sight. It looks like a small ant trying to bring down Goliath. I laughed out loud when I viewed this scenario, as it appears as though nothing was paying ANY attention to the darkness and their tactics. I almost felt embarrassed for them. There was absolutely NO connection possible between their vibration and our current vibration. No one was hearing them, seeing them, or aware that they were there. Yes, we are finally FREE (energetically, that is!). Now let's watch it manifest on the outside.....

Our evolutionary process is becoming clear in other ways. Many, many of the readings I have done for individuals have indicated a non- physical being, or soul family around an individual in a protective or "parental" mode. These higher beings of light were making absolutely sure that these individuals were safe. Never have I seen so much love, caring and concern for another. Some were literally keeping alive their soul family member who had become severely physically challenged through this Earth experience, while others were making sure things didn't go "too far". I have never seen anything quite like this phenomenon. As light beings ourselves, in the physical, we are experiencing and will continue to experience the same phenomenon. We have made commitments to support and assist others in our soul families. Have you had the experience of "being there" in some capacity for another in your soul group, even when it didn't quite make sense? As we continue to evolve, and as we shed our density more and more, we will become the same as these non-physical supportive, loving beings of light that are around us now. As we progress and evolve, we will remain to assist all those who need assistance while in the physical. We are evolving back to source.....we will begin again and begin anew as angels of light in service to others.

As this planetary evolutionary process continues, there will be much change, confusion, chaos and falling away. There will be falling away of Old ways and systems and falling away of many individuals who prefer and choose to leave. Some days I feel overflowing with love, while other days I feel weepy, and some days discouraged. If we surrender and let go to embrace the all-encompassing light, won't that make things a little easier?

Which world will you choose to be in? Which world will you create?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the new evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). There is no charge (if you've benefited from What's Up On Planet Earth? and are inspired to make a contribution, see link below). And know that although many of us are having similar experiences, I believe we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through this energy alert, giving soul readings, and as a custom design fabric artist for home interiors.

To make an electronic contribution click here Or send your contribution to: Karen Bishop, P.O. Box 19612, Asheville, NC 28815

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