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From Matthew Ward: Very Important Channeled Message About The War

About The War

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"Mother, I wish to reply to Jean's request for my take on this potential war situation. Jean, I shall address you personally now, and ask that you honor my request that you NOT publish my message until a time later when you will know it is appropriate to do so. My mother is thinking that what I am about to say is not what you would like to hear as I have told her there will be the war that President Bush is determined to wage with Iraq. It will not be a protracted war as were World Wars I and II, nor will it be as short as the so-called Desert Storm. And it will NOT be a nuclear war! You already know this cannot be as Creator has decreed it cannot, and the technologies of civilizations far advanced of yours are at the ready with power to prevent nuclear detonations should any be attempted.

Why cannot the sustained light on Earth prevent a war that most people on Earth do not want? Because individuals' free will still reigns, and those who are determined to start a war are exercising their free will to do so. It is not that there is insufficient light being directed toward peace, but rather that the determination of the few with positions powerful enough to initiate a war, as well as troops and weaponry to proceed, is within their free will choices. These souls operating in total darkness are either members of the non-human civilization incarnated into human bodies or those humans captivated by the power they believe that dark force has given them. They are in total refusal of the light continuously being beamed at them and thus are proceeding without conscience to further their control of the planet.

"How I wish that I could tell you otherwise! But I am telling you what cannot be prevented, and it is for that reason -- it *can't* be prevented -- that I wish you not to release this message. It is gratifying, of course, that many people you reach with your illuminating reports believe my words. Always my messages are in truth from my vantage point, and I don't wish ever to discourage ones from feeling hope and love and sending forth those vibrations to the universe. This must continue even after war is started as those vibrations will assist in bringing in the era of peace that will follow.

"That is all I have to say unless my mother has questions. I can't tell -- do you, Mother?"

S: Give me a minute, please, Matthew. OK, thank you. Will biological or chemical weapons be employed? I mean, will God or Creator allow that?

MATTHEW: That kind of warfare is not *intended* by God or Creator, certainly! But there is this free will determination that must be recognized and honored, so I must tell you that the warmongers' intention is to wage this kind of unholy war themselves but officially ascribe it to the defenders. If this happens, the "silver lining" is that the same benevolent civilizations whose technologies can prevent nuclear detonations also have the technology to counteract the worst effects of the toxin- and virus-laden weapons.

S: Do you see many deaths?

MATTHEW: Here again I wish I didn't have to tell you. Yes, but that's what we see at this juncture in the field of potential.

S: Is all of this karmic? Are the "dark minds" determined for war only playing out the karmic roles they agreed to, and are all the "innocents" who will die or be wounded only playing out their roles?

MATTHEW: Now I can say, No, but again I wish my reply could be different because then it would follow what you have heard from other sources and find more acceptable -- that everything is in divine order, and everything that is happening is what all souls on Earth agreed to eons ago. This is not necessarily so, Mother. While it definitely is so that ULTIMATELY in the universal continuum divine order *is* prevailing, the universe itself is in enormous upheaval, and translated into your linear time, "divine order" is not prevailing. While it definitely also is true that the souls who have embodied on Earth during this unprecedented time of planetary changes willingly did so, their soul level agreements have been severely compromised by the "dark minds'" relentless tyranny and deception that is in far more dire measure than these "innocents" agreed to experience.

Millions have made new soul-level agreements after being born into their agreed-upon families and experiences because the circumstances went so far beyond the provisions of their original agreements. These souls have left or will be leaving their physical lifetimes via the obvious means of disease and starvation and slaughter in wars, but it is actually renegotiated soul-level contracts that is the reason. Their misery was only adding negativity on your planet, which was the opposite of their purpose for embodiment in this time of great transition -- their purpose was to achieve balance for themselves and Earth -- and by dying physically these souls now are reducing that negativity by joining the ranks of countless other lightworkers off-planet who are serving to bring about the new era of peace, love and harmony on Earth.

So you can see that the karmic roles of souls who agreed to be "oppressor" have extended way beyond those agreements as well, and they do not intend to aid the light in any way! And of course, the darkness that exists as a force field in the universe does not agree to anything responsive to the light and is fighting more fiercely than ever in its desperate attempts to not let the light extinguish it.

S: Are souls still willingly embodying in areas where many souls are opting to leave?

MATTHEW: Yes, and their soul-level agreements call for only enough experiencing to complete karmic lessons before they leave. And please understand that many souls living in those areas where disease, starvation and wars are rampant are living out their chosen karma.

S: I see. Will the imminent war be the turnaround for us, the last major hurdle before the era of peace, love and harmony?

MATTHEW: YES! The combat of the war and its life and land destruction will so profoundly affect your world that souls who have been thinking war will lead to peace or "fence-straddling" will be forced to clearly see that only peaceful means of settling any dispute will ever result in peace on Earth. And feeling love is the way to peace. Those who resist this will not continue in positions of power and their physical lives will end as the ascension of the planet and her light-filled life forms hastens into the higher frequencies of fourth density.

S: Will that process definitely be completed by 2012? If the war will have those profound effects, can't that decade between now and then be reduced?

MATTHEW: As I explained before about that year, which I know has been heralded as having great significance for Earth, aside from being a part of your linear time in third density and thus not applicable elsewhere in the universe, it is not a firm date even for Earth. Free will shall continue to determine individuals' energy direction in thoughts, words, actions and motives, and 2012 as a pivotal date can be speeded or deterred by the amount of "new" light added as people consciously connect with their souls. What IS a constant is the continuing ascension of the planet and her light-filled beings, so evidence of the results of efforts toward peace and harmony among peoples of all nations will be growing.

S: Matthew, do you know if God wishes He could throw out some peoples' free will and prevent the war and suddenly change Earth into the paradise it once was?

MATTHEW: Mother, you amuse me, and this bit of light-heartedness uplifts my spirits at having had to tell you what I did. You know I'm not ever intending to be God's spokes-soul and further, you know you can ask Him yourself. But since I'm into your thoughts and know you're not going to do that, and since you think I have a vantage point of talking with God that is more "normal" than you consider yours -- never mind that that is NOT the case! -- I will tell you that God weeps for every one of His creations who suffers as well as for those who cause the suffering.

S: Thank you, Matthew.

(End of Matthew's message)


Jean, I'm not going to tell anyone (except Bob) what Matthew has said for the same reason he asked you not to pass on his message. When he first told me, shortly before the sitting, I felt terribly downhearted. I've wanted to believe that all of us who have been thinking, feeling, talking about peace and notifying our congressional representatives to vote against Bush's war plan would make the difference. I need to get back into that positive feeling of love and light so I can be "part of the solution instead of part of the problem."

Love as always,



Thanks immensely Suzy and Matthew. This is precious foresight and will help guide me in drafting the Meditation Focus I'm preparing right now - and many more to come undoubtedly... I know it feels disheartening Suzy to be aware of such dire news and of the fact that so many people will experience traumatic death in this imminent war. But Matthew is right that those who now have the power to cause such a war and the free will to go ahead with their plans and goals cannot be stopped. They are about to teach the world - and billions of souls - yet another important lesson.

The fact is that aside from a limited number of awakening souls, most humans are still passively accepting whatever the political authorities - however questionable their legitimacy may be - are deciding to do and thus need to be shaken out of their indolent numbness.

It is probably fair to think that Matthew has not even given us the full picture of what is to unfold -- and that he could not anyway because the freewilled decisions still to be made by many can still tip the balance one way or another in the coming years, hence the fact that the year 2012 may not be the absolute turning point we all hope it will be. So I will hold the guiding vision of a world of peace, sanity and radiant love for and from all, yet knowing that what is to happen is ultimately going to turn into divine order and is the process inherent in the evolution of such a complex and prodigiously marvelous universe and evidently a mere reflection of what is transpiring at higher levels and vaster scales in the grand sphere of divine Beingness.

I will respectfully honor Matthew's request for confidentiality on this matter - as I know you also will - understanding that in the karmic plays of this living experience, it is better to have a fresh unbiased outlook so as to retain the optimistic motivation/momentum necessary to keep forging ahead in response to the guiding impulses of our awakening divine selves and thus realize all that is to be realized -- without losing sight of the magnificent Light at the nearing end of the evolutionary continuum of this planet.

In love and peaceful harmony,


P.S. You and I should both keep a copy of Matthew latest message and this reply for future use at the appropriate time as he suggested. I'm sure this information will prove very useful to many in due time, perhaps when the going will get really though and everything will seem to hang by a thinning thread...


"The combat of the war and its life and land destruction will so profoundly affect your world that souls who have been thinking war will lead to peace or "fence-straddling" will be forced to clearly see that only peaceful means of settling any dispute will ever result in peace on Earth. And feeling love is the way to peace. Those who resist this will not continue in positions of power and their physical lives will end as the ascension of the planet and her light-filled life forms hastens into the higher frequencies of fourth density."

- Matthew Ward - Taken from his message above.



Now I have another special and I feel rather important request for a sitting with Matthew. Despite the sobering tone of his last channeling on the issue of a war with Iraq, I still truly believe the world community of Light workers - if properly united in harmonious, synchronous and repeated spiritual work can make a huge difference and perhaps make it so that the worst anticipated consequences of these war plans will be significantly toned down or even perhaps avoided altogether.

One point of understanding and hope I have on this issue is that a few weeks ago, during a global Meditation Focus, I consciously connected with the High Council of Elders overseeing the karmic evolution of souls on this planet and ask them if it could be in any way possible for them to take appropriate measures to cleanse and cancel the extremely dangerous long term radiations emitted in the South of Iraq as well as in Kosovo, Serbia and Afghanistan as a result of the use of depleted uranium ammunition in the recent wars there. I was told - I distincly heard - that they would consent to this extraordinary assistance provided that the spiritual community on Earth succeeded through its concerted healing and peace-making efforts in averting a new war in Iraq.

So now it appears that powerful Forces of Goodwill are being gathered for just such a purpose and I felt the need yesterday to make a call to you and Matthew to confirm - and firmly encourage if such is the case - that the spoonbending technique suggested by a young paralyzed boy named Koya (which means "I am Light") that James met in a recent journey to Japan and who has helped him develop "a powerful healing technique designed to bend the whole world toward peace" (there is a picture of Koya and I on is something that receives the blessings of the spiritual community in Nirvana and is indeed an event - the GREAT EXPERIMENT III on February 9, at noon New York time - to which there will be massive participation on the part of our beloved kin souls in the afterworld.

With such a cohesive - as in a cohesive laser beam of Light - aggregation of hyper amplification of the Will for Peace on Earth and in the hearts and minds of every sentient being on Earth and Beyond, I truly believe we can tip the balance away from dark evil deeds, short-circuit and disengage all war plans and set our beloved planet onto the path of sustainable, permament Peace, Love and Harnony.

I wait in earnest for your reply

With infinite Love


AND MATTHEW'S REPLY WAS (on Dec 18, 2002):

Dear soul Jean. I read with great interest and total sensitivity to your fervent hope -- PLEA! -- that the world situation be 'bent' toward averting the intended war and alleviating horrendous situations, such as the effects of the depleted uranium from previously fired weaponry. Yes, I know that my prior message stating that war is inevitable was dire indeed, and so it must be again. It is intended that free will be continued on Earth, and despite all the light being poured forth to cleanse all areas of human despotism and the situations these forces have created, it is not the will of Creator to withdraw individual free will choices EXCEPT in the case of nuclear detonations.

The mindset for war, which is within the free will of those few who are determined to proceed with their plans there, cannot be bent. But with more and more souls focusing FOR peace, love, alleviation of suffering and pain, the war's consequences will be reduced in corresponding response to this focus. That is why I requested in my previous message that you not release it -- the continued intense fervor focused for peace is imperative! If you knew that averting war could not happen, that optimistic fervor of focus could be turned into the negativity of fear and despair, and that must NOT happen! When it is finally seen that war is unavoidable, that same positive focus for peace STILL must be continued so the aftermath of the war's onset is lessened in duration, death, destruction and misery!

The mindset for war does not end with invasion of Iraq -- it is a mindset for complete control of the Mideast because of its oil resources. The intention of the darkness is to establish puppet regimes controlled by the cabal, only a few of whose members are publicly acting, so clearly, the conquest of one country is not their intended end but rather another step toward that further aim, which would require more invasions, more death, more suffering. And the mindset doesn't stop there. Total domination of all the planet's peoples either as willing or slave labor after the populations are 'adequately thinned' is the furthest goal. That is, until Earth herself is so devastated that she cannot live with the intense negativity, and then the on- and off-planet dark forces will simply abandon the dead planet along with their human puppets. That is their plan -- but it will not happen! Except for the invasion of Iraq, all of that intended conquest is what will be thwarted by continued intense focus FOR peace, love, harmony, justice, fairness, equity of resources allocation, and the like. THAT is what your collective focusing will manifest on Earth!

As for the words you heard, and I can indeed believe that you were connected with high sources, I am thinking that perhaps there were some words out of order or omitted -- this is not unusual at all in telepathic communication. That is, that the originating thought is not received totally as the inherent filtering systems can tumble or omit words. That is why some messages received through our various channels are in agreement and other messages are at variation in some aspects.

But as for what you received, it is as many channels have been relaying -- the light forces are defusing situations of their negativity and have been doing so for several decades. Ameliorating the effects of depleted uranium is one such situation -- one of the most vital because it's one of the most destructive -- wherein the light forces are and have been assisting. So it is not that this is a bargaining chip: Have no war and we'll clean up the uranium. It is rather that the mission of focusing on peace, love and so forth will have the same imperative need after the war begins that it has at this moment, and the effects of that hazardous situation will be eliminated as a result of your collective focusing and manifestations.

My message today, like the one before it regarding war, may be released at the appropriate time, and as always, I thank you for your cooperation, dear Jean. I give you my wishes -- my assurance! -- for your strong spirit to prevail in the continuance of your invaluable light service. This is Matthew."

AND MY REPLY WAS (on December 20, 2002):

Thank you so much once again Suzy *and Matthew* for your diligent service and assistance towards clearing up these questions.

The path seems well laid down ahead of us, all of us, as we enter the last stretch of this long "battle" - very long indeed, as in tens of thousands of years - between those serving (or learning to serve) the Light of God and those trying - vainly in the end - to oppose it.

I must say that I'm not really surprised by the nature of Matthew's reply regarding the vain hopes of some of actually preventing this war with Iraq, but he gave here a much better description of the final aim of the Dark Ones - killing this planet and rendering this cosmic gem useless for the furtherance of spiritual evolution and awakening. It makes perfect sense when you consider the obsession of the cabal with having us all burn as much oil as possible and preventing any new cleaner means of transportation to become widely available thus ensuring a continuous descent into the environmental hell of global warming and extreme weather phenomenons. Similarly the bioengineering and global spread of the AIDS virus is obviously part of their plan for "thinning" the human population, just as the enslavement of humans through the economic subjugation system and the plan for a mass implantation of a chip for global monitoring purpose of their human "livestock" show their true dark colors.

With all the tribulations ahead of us, it is indeed vital to somehow, by way of encouragement and a positive, sustained focus on the Golden Pot of hope - the new global Golden Era of peace, harmony and spiritual enlightenment - at the end of the Tunnel of Karmic Litmus Test and soul-forming and proofing trials, foster an ever greater sense of spiritual empowerment that will enable the sleeper souls to accomplish their cosmic duties in earnest and manifest through our "continued intense focus FOR peace, love, harmony, justice, fairness, equity of resources allocation, and the like" the Grand Spiritual Awakening that will transform our struggling world and dimmed existence into a colossal explosion of joy and restore global harmony everywhere.

As requested and in perfect understanding of why it MUST be so, I'm keeping this new message on file until a time comes when it will be necessary and appropriate to release it so as to help our brothers and sisters to better make sense of what will have transpired and what still will lie ahead... until complete Victory is assured and the divine Plan of Life, Light and Love is fully manifested.

In service for the One

Jean (Amanumenoum)



FEBRUARY 22, 2003.

S: Is this missile disclosure thing going to be Bush's trump card?

M: We think so, but even without that, he has been pressing ahead with war readiness all along. What it does mean is that the "fence-straddlers" re: war vs. no war may be swayed into believing that this story is true. It is NOT! The missiles are within the distance specifications if warheads are mounted and the inspectors were instructed not to do simulation testing with that extra weight. The truth is not part of the US administration's strategy in this, you know.

S: Do you know if the invasion or first strike will be on 03/03/03, as someone suggested, due to the symbology in the numbers?

M: We believe so, but this is not certain as Mother Nature's weather could move that a day later or so. That is the date intended for the reason you mentioned, but there is no weather technology advanced enough to assure the best conditions will occur then so plans cannot be absolute as to date. However, that is the only key ingredient missing - this war plan is years old.

S: Will there be any "fake terror attacks" that will disrupt airline travel?

M: The field of potential is rife with ideas on this but none are concrete that we can see. None are needed at the moment with all minds focused on war or not. That, plus possible discovery of the real perpetrators and interference by the light forces are the deterring factors in any of the various ideas at this point.

Also, with the tragedies in the nightclubs and the South Korean train, the fear factor is sky high again, and this negates any immediate need to launch another "fake terror attack." No, there was no political skullduggery in those truly tragic situations unless you consider that the deception behind "orange alerts" created the atmosphere as ripe for the intense fear that permeated those happenings.

S: Were all the deaths and injuries in pre-birth agreements?

M: No, and that is why I said "truly tragic." Fear took over the nightclub crowds -- due to the constant media focus on fear, that instantly beset the minds of all rather than a more orderly evacuation led by more reasonable heads prevailing, so many lives other than those with agreements with that longevity clause were ended. The same was true of the train fire to a smaller extent in the numbers of ended physical lives according to soul contracts, not by that means, but the timing. Again, more reasonable heads could have prevailed and prevented many of the deaths and injuries.

S: Do you know if the Patriot Acts I and II will be set in motion on the grand scale intended?

M: Nothing as intended by the dark forces is going to go the way of their intentions. Remember, these are steps on their way to global domination and if necessary, total global ruin. There will be only small victories for the dark side for a while longer, then only defeat of their intentions until no longer is that energy present on Earth. That's not to say that there won't be some casualties of those insidious regulations, but definitely not to the extent intended by the minds that devised them.

S: Are "sparks" still flying to designate conscious connections with souls, or have the recent events halted that?

M: There was a brief lessening due to the shock and sadness of the tragic events, but definitely the sparks are still flying in response to the ever increasing light being beamed to each and every soul.

S: That is good news! Will the light forces be able to prevent massive deaths in the war or just prevent nuclear detonations and if chemical or biological weapons are used, ameliorate the worst effects?

M: The light forces will be everywhere attempting to shield the people whose soul contracts don't include leaving Earth - just keep in mind that they cannot deny the free will of any minds in this. However, the people's fear will not enter into this - that is, it won't prevent the light from assisting them as the guardian angels will be ever ready to act preemptively within their assigned souls' contracts.

(End of Matthew's message)

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"I don't wish ever to discourage ones from feeling hope and love and sending forth those vibrations to the universe. This must continue even after war is started as those vibrations will assist in bringing in the era of peace that will follow. (...) When it is finally seen that war is unavoidable, that same positive focus for peace STILL must be continued so the aftermath of the war's onset is lessened in duration, death, destruction and misery! (...) Except for the invasion of Iraq, all of that intended conquest is what will be thwarted by continued intense focus FOR peace, love, harmony, justice, fairness, equity of resources allocation, and the like. THAT is what your collective focusing will manifest on Earth!"

- Matthew Ward - Excerpted from his messages above
