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God as the Monster in Your Wallet

John Kaminski

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one God can have the effect of a tourniquet on thought.

— R.D. Willing, The Twelfth and Final Religion

You may not know it, but you are hemmed in from all sides. That is why your head is about to explode.

The banks change the rules every day and our responsible thriftiness is made worthless by demonic derivative deceptions and other respectable shell games that inflate the rich and exterminate the poor, except where the latter are used as props for devious social programs.

Doctors now give the cervical cancer virus to all American little girls.

And your attention is diverted by suddenly popular candidates to whom it always comes as a surprise when they discover their ancestors were Jewish.

Every particle of information you have ingested in this lifetime has been screened by someone you'd rather not know, for purposes that are not necessarily beneficial to your own life (to put it mildly). What we see in the world is simply the cancer that has expanded from these scams that control us, which have now been made manifest in the needlessly expended blood of history.

There is no way to go out and change something to ease this pressure that threatens to make your head explode. The change must take place entirely within your own perceptual attitude, your own mind. Because what you believe is what you do.

It is the way you see things that has created this malignant morass we find ourselves in. Trapped here by the mindlock we ourselves have created.

Somewhere in our memories lurks a boogeyman. Whether it first appeared at eight days during circumcision, or perhaps later with a nun's rap on the knuckles in catechism class, or even in the deliberate splitting of your personality in a government mind-control scheme (which is now being conducted openly on TV), it is the shadow of death made visible, and we are definitely walking through that valley right now.


Across America these days, many shadows loom. Foremost in the minds of many — to those it has already happened to as well as those to whom it is about to happen — is the prospect of having no money. In this culture, that means no life.

When you open your wallet and see only a dark, gaping chasm with no bills, then you go to the ATM machine and your plastic money card suddenly doesn’t work ... exactly then is when you confront the face of the demon, which leers out at you from that desperate place in your own heart.

One of two things then happens. Either you make up your mind that you’ll do anything — even prostitute yourself — to survive; or you’ll get really pissed and vow that even if it takes you the rest of your life, you’ll get the bastards who did this.

When enough people choose the latter course, exactly then is when the American — and worldwide — revolution will begin in earnest.

Of course, trendsetter that I am, I’ve beaten the rush to this universal bankruptcy that is about to engulf the whole of human society. My formula for financial failure was based mostly on a refusal to play the game plus a huge dose of saying what I really believed in imprudent places, among people who refuse to entertain the notion that human society is pretty much a pre-planned fraud, designed by a small group of clever predators to fleece the semiconscious lemmings we so proudly call humans.

From Constantine to Greenspan, we have been controlled by memes designed to make us passive, orderly consumers. The dreams we have for ourselves play no part in the plans of the patrician predators who carve up our world and divide it among themselves.


Nature and the human condition, as spoken to in the Bible story of creation, is best understood when viewed through the prism of exchange and commerce, driven by the dogma of god Moloch. Scripture, in its creation story, appears to have been unaware of the contrary powers of god Moloch when the stewardship covenant was concluded. The stewardship covenant is a deal that says nature will provide sustenance if the humans in their enterprise “become vice regents for God” and perform as keepers of the created paradise. This premier biblical contract between God and mankind predates all religions. There is no mention of chosen people or a place called Israel or a preferential dogma in this deal with God. The ideal of the universal covenant obligation of stewardship is ... a call from the cosmos. The expectation in the stewardship contract is for commercial enterprise to prosper in harmony with nature.

— R. D. Willing, The Twelfth Religion, AD 2006

The first holy men we know of from tangible history were accountants, keeping records of commerce on cuneiform tablets in ancient citadels, principally Babylon. So the money mindset was embedded from the outset of civilization and controlled by the keepers of temples.

Exchangeable currency was once seeds, later cattle, before coinage seems to have been invented, in where else, Babylon, at the very same moment Judaism came into being, somewhere in time between the Assyrian empire and the arrival of Cyrus, the first Persian emperor who famously liberated our friends the Jews from their much-celebrated Babylonian Captivity.

Or so the story goes. It’s just that archeologists (even Jewish ones) have proven that the civilization described in the Hebrew bible that featured Solomon, David, Joshua and Moses never really existed in an archeological reality, or hence, any other reality at all except in the twisted minds of holy men recently released from Babylon who claimed to be the tribe of Judah, separate from and hateful of all other humans on this planet.

A curse and a wraith, in fact, that were later expropriated by Mongol invaders, who made the doctrine their own, and posing as Hebrews, wound up creating the nation of Israel based on the bogus information that the original Sephardic Jews had concocted as their own doctrine. In other words, a race of thieves and homeless plunderers took over a doctrine that justified the rape and murder of all others. Truly a match made in hell, and, in case you haven’t noticed (if you’ve been out playing cricket or something), is exactly the way the world is right now.

You have lost your country, you have lost your community, most of you have lost your children to the lies they tell us to make us go to war.

In the last days, our children will turn on us for what we have done to the world. In a final fit of decapitating madness.

Richard Willing, in his underground classic The Twelfth Religion, wrote:

I  would suggest that much of the Bible story commonly thought of as Judeo-Christian is actually about God Moloch. The Bible story involves a cipher that marks the introduction of the economic spirit of modern money into the human condition. It seems that the idea of the economic spirit facilitates a certain intellect that when shared by a group can be called a cult. This cult intellect, coming from a spiritual dimension, takes the form of money, and the cult organizes to achieve the benefits of this insight. Consequently, money-decision protocols begin to subvert religious thought.

(pp. 12-13)


Our very own consciousness of very own our planet has been altered by those who seek to profit from the interaction. This is precisely why when we translate our work into profit, we lose at least half of it to the moneyhandlers, to the bureaucratic institutions that control the reality we are compelled to live out.

Monotheism was the first corporatization, the first exercise in mass mind control. Was Akhenaton a Jew?

Monotheism put a tourniquet on thought. Consider any other options and you were consigned to hell.

Moloch, the god of perpetual debt, masquerades as Yahweh, the father of the Christian, Muslim and Judaic traditions.

The big difference is that Christianity and Islam revere an exemplary savior. Why would the Judaics so despise him? Is it because they give everyone hope, whereas the Jews must live without hope, and as a result act accordingly?


If you crossbreed Moloch, the child killing deity of the Ammonites, with the Persian worship of Ahura Mazda, the wise lord who contained both elements of good and evil, you get a pretty good picture of Yahweh, supposed deity of the tribe of Judah, upon whom three major modern religions — Christianity, Islam and Judaism — base their alleged legitimacy.

Don't be alarmed if all this is not on the tip of your tongue. It all happened 2500 years ago. Yet these tentacles of control arc across time, from the temple to Moloch that the fictional King Solomon ordered built to appease one of his 700 wives, down to the huge and ominous effigy of a monster owl with a fire inside that towers over the annual Bohemian Grove celebration which is faithfully attended by the perverted architects of the U.S. war machine, including some U.S. presidents, to watch a supposedly simulated child sacrifice.

Take a look at our world, brothers and sisters! Is this not what we see is happening?

It is the mythological madness that is Moloch come to drag us to our graves!

Moloch was an evil child consuming monster. The rabbis who invented Solomon still insist we worship him, which is why we are still slaughtering children, In Iraq, and elsewhere.

From Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal: Moloch was the god of the Ammonites, portrayed as a bronze statue with a calf's head adorned with a royal crown and seated on a throne. His arms were extended to retrieve the child victims sacrificed to him. John Milton (in the novel Paradise Lost) wrote that Moloch was a frightening and terrible demon covered with mother's tears and children's blood.


When you become a Jew, you become a member of an exclusive club that believes it's OK to kill nonmembers and steal their property. Because the Jewish holy book, The Talmud, says so.

You become a member of a group that observes holidays that celebrate slaughter, and every year renews its pledge to lie to everyone.

The current priests of Moloch demand children be murdered as sick sacrifices to their own guilt, the guilt of men who profit from the blood and misery of others. From the Bush family on down.

The lie of the church is that it is really the bank, meant only for the few and not us cannon fodder candidates.


Every government in the world must be overthrown simultaneously if we are to make any progress toward our true humanity.

The way to do this is by identifying financial areas of Jewish control over the world’s financial system, point out the obvious robbery that has been going on for over a hundred years, and starting busting people for treason.

Then, RICO-act their property — hey, let’s RICO act all the assets of the entire Bush family — that would balance the federal budget in a heartbeat! (This is a good meme to start spreading.)

Have you noticed that the Bush family’s Carlyle group has bought up all the bullet manufacturers in the U.S., making it almost impossible for the cops, soldiers, and most importantly our private citizens from getting the ammunition they need? As the Blackwater mercenaries have now built air bases in both the U.S. east and west coasts, I’d say we’re traveling down the road of private mercenary tyranny about to descend on these previously free United States.

We’re not free anymore. Why? Everything, and I mean everything, is now owned by the Jews.

First, the money systems, all the layers.

Second, the media outlets, virtually all of them, and the independents at this point remain insignificant, especially with Jewish control of Google and Wikipedia.

Third, the educational system, a dumbed-down suicidal fantasy that venerates the lie of the Holocaust and excludes Thomas Jefferson, who still best articulates what a free America was really about.

This list goes as deep as you want to take it.

Get hip to the Jews, all jews, even the seemingly nice ones. Sure there are philanthropists and selfless workers in the ghetto, but examine closely what they do. They are abetting the destruction of society through programs that weaken the fiber of nations.

Now you see it all around the world, in the calculated mayhem and coercion that exploits less powerful nations. It is an organization that even floods our streets with drugs so it can spend lots of money to fight them.

Who will save the Jews from themselves? They turned down Jesus (because, really, they invented him to deceive others), and berated a civilized Muhammad (pbuh) as a savage, an archetypal white supremacist, when by all accounts he was a very profound guy.

Why is that the Jewish Talmud insists that Jesus hangs forever upside down in a dung-filled hell?

Forget about these goddamned religions. Look through the eyes of Jesus. See, he’s the character they created to supposedly delude us while pretending to save us. Only the redactions of ancient legends they chose — principally the precepts of ancient Egypt mixed with the wisdom of the Hindu legends — were so good that the message overcame the corruption of those who wielded it for their own personal gain. His message, fictional character or not, is so powerful that it overcame the very deception that invented it with its truth. Pray that this will be the history of our time.

I’d gamble the lives of everyone on this planet that it’s all about love. Sure, we have to ensure our survival, and calculate threats to our well-being, doublechecking that we have not deliberately created them ourselves. This is the attitude we must take out into the universe. Anything else and we will sooner or later be incinerated.

If we want to create true profit for ourselves, we will mine the universe with a respectful care that we have not exhibited on Earth. Whether we can change is a very long shot, I know, but we must, or we won’t survive our own demons.

So remember to remember. When you whip that wallet out of your pocket or your purse and peer down into the black chasm that contains the paper currency, the only two things you could possibly see are both the same thing?

If the wallet is empty, you see the shadow of death, of imminent starvation and ruin, and panic at this profound foreshadowing of the possible end of your life.

If the wallet is full, however, that is where the real problem festers like a fatal boil on the skin of our lives. What your dollars do ... to the world ... right now ... is the very thing responsible for the current and perpetual chaos that now threatens to destroy our very lives.

And in either case you will see the God you really worship. Remember to thank him.

My friend Mike says that the most important event in human history occurred when Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple. The way to fix the world, right now, can be planned precisely and effectively along these lines. This is an effort which everybody can get behind, except for that one tribe that created the problem in the first place.

Next: Éscape from Jerusalem chapter 3:

When the Mongols rule the world

Previous: The black cloud chapter 1


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida who used to have a website until he ran out of money. Undecided about what to say about 9/11 — except that the official story is a lie, something millions now realize — aghast at the continuing wars for lies that most people just ignore, and terrified of the imminent prospects for irreversible environmental degradation, he has remained silent for three months. Having been banned from PayPal for his “goyim” story, the only way remaining to underwrite his work (which he desperately needs) is by e-mail and snail mail.