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New Website - Information on the Launch of the New On-line Teaching Facility

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the Toltec Teachings who are working alone and without guidance, the opportunity of being able to receive guidance for a fee that is affordable to everyone.

A Brief History of how this new website came into being

Towards the end of 1999 Théun made a decision that was to bring about a radical change in his way of interacting with and teaching, not only his personal apprentices, but also students of the Toltec Teachings seeking Théun’s guidance. This decision, which is more fully explained in a letter written by Neil Mason-Jones, Succeeding nagal to Théun,, results from Théun’s belief that humanity is today ready to start working towards a far more inclusive approach towards all of life, as opposed to just seeking clarity on issues that pertain to their personal lives alone.

In order to promote this new approach in terms of his life’s work, Théun started to work towards assembling a group of students who are indeed ready and willing to manifest true inclusiveness in their lives, as living examples of apprentices to the Warrior’s Path. Even more importantly, though, has been the ability of this group to demonstrate upon the physical plane what it means to apply the teachings fully in working together, in unison, as a group of individuals, each and every one of whom demonstrates the one objective and the one purpose; namely, group endeavour leading to group-consciousness - the ultimate and definitive journey of the true warrior. This was the start of the retreats run by Théun.

Théun, assisted by his Man of Action, Russell Braithwaite, started running these retreats in 2000. At the beginning, there were four retreats per year, in March and September, held in two centres, England and the United States. In order to support the students in the periods between retreats, Théun also developed an e-forum in which he has always given on-going guidance to those who are sincere in wanting to learn to become warriors. Initially, because of the practicalities involved, as well as the restraints on Théun’s time, there were three groups belonging to this e-forum: the UK group, the North American group and the Russian group. However, as the students started to gain a greater understanding of the teachings, Théun amalgamated the three groups into one.

In order to accelerate the students’ progress in learning to work together in an inclusive, rather than in an isolated, manner, Théun started to encourage students from the three groups to attend retreats on a student-exchange basis. This proved so successful that Théun was very soon able to stop the retreats in North America, and hold only two retreats per year in England, which meant that all his students now travelled to the same retreats. The consequences of this were not only that the students benefitted enormously from collectively calling forth far more in-depth guidance from Théun, but also that they started to foster amongst themselves the very real feeling of being, and working together as, one group of apprentices.

Today the group consists of members from the UK, the USA, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Russia, Bulgaria, Greece and Ireland.

The Results Achieved by the formation of the Group

In the eight years that Théun has been running these retreats, he has consistently increased the level of self-discipline and has ruthlessly instilled in his apprentices a very deep-seated and real sense of impeccability and integrity. Needless to say, these have fostered in the apprentices a much deeper understanding of the teachings and, as a result, have inspired in them a genuine love of living the Warrior’s Path, the effects of which have resulted in that sense of camaraderie and closeness which comes from sharing in each other’s battles and challenges. Today the apprentices working within this group regard themselves as much more of a family in nature, rather than just another group of apprentices.

Content of the New Website Archive

An inevitable result of such a big group of people calling forth guidance on a daily basis, is that the e-forum Théun formed for this group now holds a vast amount of Toltec material that is of an individually-tailored nature, and which does not appear in the books written by Théun. Examples of such material not in the books are detailed teachings on concepts such as how to work with one’s Direction (Easterly Dreamer, Man of Action etc.), how to work with one’s Predilection (Stalker or Dreamer), as well as how to work with one’s Shortcoming and the expression of that shortcoming. But by far the most valuable aspects of the teachings contained in this archive are the examples of dedicated apprentices calling forth the guidance they need in learning to live the impeccable and power-filled life of the true warrior. Therefore contained in this archive are the many examples of apprentices calling forth guidance on particular challenges they have faced in their lives, the on-going guidance they were given throughout the time they faced this challenge, the apprentice’s understanding of the guidance, how the apprentice applied the guidance, what results he or she achieved and what the apprentice learned as a result of all this.

In addition the archive will also contain the substantial volume of teachings from the courses that Théun wrote for the Institute for the Study of Man, headed by Elizabeth Schnugh, as well as all the teachings he imparted to Elizabeth personally in teaching these courses to her.

This new website contains all of the above-mentioned material and much more. Where it is necessary, this material is augmented by relevant texts taken from the books written by Théun. Although the books remain an extremely valuable source of the Toltec Teachings as presented by Théun, the material contained in this new website forms the most valuable tool possible for the sincere student of the Toltec Teachings who wishes to understand how to apply the teachings in a truly meaningful and practical way to his or her everyday life.

What the New Website Will Offer Students

This new teaching facility is unique, in that it will enable students to find the answers they are seeking through working with the vast amount of teaching material contained in the database of this new website. Should students using this database not find the answers they are seeking, they will also be able to call forth guidance from the Group working under Théun’s guidance or, if need be, from Théun himself. Also, since the Group working under Théun’s guidance is continuing to call forth new guidance from Théun on a daily basis, this new guidance, together with the guidance that will be called forth from the students working on the website, will be added to the database on a regular basis, meaning that the teachings and guidance contained in the database will grow continuously.

What adds even more to the unique nature, as well as the practical value of this new teaching facility, is the fact that the Group working under Théun’s guidance is comprised of professionals from all walks of life. There are lawyers, accountants, medical doctors, alternative healers, psychologists, psychiatrists, physicists, chemists, engineers, computer programmers, computer technicians, musicians, artists, businessmen and many other different professionals who make up the body of the Group. All these members of the Group are experienced enough in the Toltec Teachings to be able to offer students using the new teaching facility expert guidance in any of these professional areas should they need it.

Another feature of the new teaching facility is that Théun will run a one hour teleconference on a quarterly basis for students working with the database.

In addition to all of the above, it is Théun’s intention eventually to add all the content of the books written by him as a further feature of the new website. This will enable students to access any of the material contained in the books simply by typing a key word or phrase into a comprehensive search facility, which will result in the student being able to view and read the relevant compilation of the chosen subject from all the books, as well as related articles and examples contained in the database. Such a facility will greatly expedite and enhance the student’s ability quickly and easily to assimilate the clarity he or she is seeking.

How the New Website Will Work

Anyone who is interested in the Toltec Teachings can choose to subscribe to this new website on an annual basis, but with a 30-day evaluation period. During this time they will have the right to evaluate the teaching facility and to pay only for the initial 30 days if they do not find it beneficial. Students will be given a choice in how they will pay for their subscriptions; that is, either by using Paypal, Credit Cards, or direct bank debit orders. The cost of subscription is 300 euro per annum, meaning 25 euro per month. The cost of the evaluation period is 50 euro. If after 30 days the student does not unsubscribe from the website he or she will automatically be billed for a year’s subscription and the 50 euro evaluation fee will be deducted from the annual subscription.


Théun’s approach in presenting the Toltec Teachings is intensely practical, and bears no relationship to shamanism, practices surrounding phenomena, or any other flights of delusional escapism. Furthermore, the accent throughout the teachings as presented by Théun is always on claiming one’s power for oneself and by oneself. Therefore Théun demands from his apprentices that they find within themselves their own true value as units of the One Life.

New Website Feedback

In order to help us facilitate the smooth launching of this new teaching facility could you please answer the following and give us your feedback if you wish. The information requested below will be treated as being strictly confidential and will not be used in any form of outside marketing.



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